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Espaol 1 Seorita Meerdink mircoles, el 20 de noviembre

Los Bellringers ~ Escribe en espaol: 1. Some boys are generous and nice. a. Unos chicos/muchachos son generosos y simpticos. 2. The ugly person is bad. a. La persona fea es malo/mala. 3. The girls are good friends. a. Las chicas/muchachas son amigas buenas. ~ Walk around and using the marker on podium, star completed bellringers. ~ Draw 3 sticks from bellringer cup (bags of sticks for each period in podium), they write bellringers on SMART board, teacher writes any corrections students find. La Leccin ~ Check listas: call grupos up one at a time and check for completion Gradebook: check sign if completed, 0 if not completed, A if absent. May turn it in tomorrow for late credit (then will write L for late) Students will follow the model on SMART board on how to make Connections sheet, show model of how to do it: perezoso (Perry is oh so lazy) and obligatorio (obligated = required) Have students make connections for the following 10 words: la economa domstica, la informtica, el francs, el alemn, pequeo/pequea, fcil, grande, obligatorio/obligatoria, aburrido/aburrida, duro/dura (difcil) NOTE *A good connection is when you can recall the word Work in their grupos for 5 min. then can mingle in new grupos for 2 min. each grupo o Give 20 sec. to find new grupo, work in that grupo for 1-2 min. then switch grupos NOTE *Dont just copy their connection, make sure you understand it! If we do a good job, might be a game to check for long-term understanding to see if your connections worked

~ Connections

~ Use those 10 vocabulary words in matamoscas (flyswatter) game ~~Show SMART page of instructions as teacher reads through them~~

There will be a sheet of paper on the board with the vocabulary words written on it. The class is divided into two teams. The first student in each team is given a flyswatter. They stand up next to a stool in the front of the room, facing away from the board. Teacher calls out a word in English, students turn around and try to find the correct word. Students may not move away from the stool until they locate the correct item, which they then go swat with their flyswatter. The first student to swat the correct picture wins a point for his/her team. NO HELP FROM YOUR TEAM!

If contested, the flyswatter on the bottom wins. Only one swat per player, so if one player hits an incorrect answer, the other player can take his/her time selecting an answer. If neither player knows the answer, the whole class identifies the answer. No point is given and the two students return to the end of their teams line. I subtract five points if a player touches another person with the flyswatter. I also stop the game if the students hit too hard, or if the lines are getting restless. Everyone must go once before anyone can go a second time. Teacher will draw a stick, point to a word on sheet and they give the meaning in English. Then can do it vice versa where teacher says English word, and they give the Spanish.

~ If the game gets too rowdy, teacher will have everyone sit in their desks and do an individual activity.

El consejo del da ~ There will be many chapters in your life. Dont get lost in the one youre in now.

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