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Name: Luciana Marin H. Book title: The Notebook Word 1 2 3 4 Beneath Patte$ Lingering &a$iance 1ttribute ! " # $ 1 % 3ogge$ 5rabbe$ 9anoe 9a#si6ing Pa$$ling Lexicon #: 1.3 Pages: 9 to 1!! Direct Quote (Sentence I found it in) "# an$ #ark beneath% -he ste##e$ out) #atte$% Her *ree han$ lingering% Hi) she sai$) ra$ience% 2ne o* her stronger attributes% 1n$ he 4ogge$% Then he grabbe$ some% The, (alke$ to the conoe% 9anoe *rom ca#si6ing% There *rom #a$$ling% Part of Speech P&'P .B .B N N .B .B N .B N Dictionary Definition belo() es# i* co+ere$) #rotecte$) or obscure$ b, to hit lightl, (ith the #alm o* the han$ or some other *lat sur*ace: to pat a ball to $ela, or #rolong $e#arture the 0ualit, or state o* being ra$iant a #ro#ert,) 0ualit,) or *eature belonging to or re#resentati+e o* a #erson or thing to run or mo+e slo(l, or at a 4og trot) es# *or #h,sical exercise to sei6e hol$ o* 7something8 a light narro( o#en boat) #ro#elle$ b, one or more #a$$les to o+erturn acci$entall,: u#set a short light oar (ith a *lat bla$e at one or both en$s My Original Sentence M, notebook (as beneath m, be$. / get out an$ #atte$ the *loor. / lingering m, he$ u# an$ $o(n. M, room is ra$iant a*ter cleaning it. M, stronger attribute is running. / 4ogge$ in s#orts. / grabbe$ m, #hone. / get in the canoe an go to the lake. / *ell in ca#si6ing. There *rom #a$$ling out.

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