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Fabric Characteristics | Characteristics of Purl Fabric/Plain Single Jersey Knitted Fabric/Interlock Knitted Fabric
By properties or characteristics of any material we can judge a complete concept about those material. It is essential to know f abric characteristics. If we know characteristics of any f abric then we identif y that what kind of f abric, we will also know handle, sof tness, tightness etc. Now I will give some f abric characteristics which are given below: Characteristics of Plain Single Jersey Knitted Fabric 1. Face side and back side of f abric are dif f erent. 2. Curl or roll of f abric occurs at the edges. 3. Wales are clearly visible on the f ace side of the f abric. 4. Extensibility in widthwise is approximately twice than length. 5 .Unraveling of f abric occurs f rom either side is possible. 6. T hickness of fabric is approximately twice the diameter of yarn used. 7. T here is only one series of knitted loop per courses in the f abric. Characteristics of Interlock Knitted Fabric 1. Interlock the technical f ace of plain on both sides so the appearance of f ace and back are same. Sing le je rs e y fab ric 2. T he Wales of each side re exactly apposite to each other and are locked together. 3. Widthwise and length elongations are approximately the same as single jersey . 4. T he f abric does not curl at the edges . 5. T he f abric can be unraveled f rom the knitted last. 6. Two yarn must be removed to unravel a complete repeat of knitted courses. 7. Fabric thickness is approximately twice than that of single jersey . Characteristics of Purl Fabric 1.Purl is reversible structure the both side appearance are same. 2.Extensibility is same as all direction. 3.T here is no curling tendency.(it does not curl at the edges). 4.T he f abric will run in the wale direction starting f rom either end. 5.Unraveling of f abric course by course f rom either side is possible. 6.T he f abric tends to be two or three times thicker than single jersey. 7.T here are two types of purl needle bed machine:f lat bed purl and circular purls.

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