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Marijuana is the most illicit drug used in the United States. So, what exactly is Marijuana?

Does it have any long term health effects? Is there any medical uses? Why is it so addicting? All of these were questions that I had before starting this research paper. I know everybody has heard of the drug Marijuana, but how many of us actually know what it is? I am sure not a lot of us know very much, unless you have had someone close to you use it or using yourself. Marijuana is dry, shredded green and brown mix of leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from a hemp plant, Cannabis Sativa. There is a more concentrated form called hashish, which is a sticky black liquid. The main psychoactive chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol, most commonly called THC. Some of the other names for marijuana are: grass, pot, weed, mary jane, shake, and wacky tabacky. How is it used? It is usually smoked in hand rolled cigarettes, pipes, or bongs. It can also be used in food, as well as tea. It has a distinct odor that smells somewhat sweet and sour. Cannabis is indigenous to Central and South Asia. There is evidence of inhalation that dates back to the 3rd generation BC. It is known that it was used by Hindus of India many years ago. The ancient Assyrians were actually the ones who discovered its psychoactive properties. Cannabis became illegal in many countries starting in the 20th century. In the United States it became restricted in 1906. Also in the United States in 1937, the Marijuana Tax Act was passed which prohibited the production of hemp as well as cannabis. The United Nations 2012 Global Drug Report, stated that cannabis was the worlds most widely produced and consumed drug in the world in 2010. It estimated between 119 million to 224 million users existed in the worlds adult population. When it is smoked, THC passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries it to the brain and other organs of the body. It is absorbed slower if it is used in food or drink. THC targets cannabinoid receptors which are located in the brain. These receptors are usually activated by chemicals similar to THC that occur naturally in the body. The highest density of these receptors are found in parts of the

brain that influence pleasure, memory, concentration, and coordinating movements. Marijuana over activates the system causing a high and other effects. Some of the effects are distorted perception, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking, and disrupted learning. Research actually shows that in chronic users of marijuana it impacts learning and memory far after the drug wears off. A large study showed that people who started using between the ages of 13 and 38 had about an 8 point drop in IQ. People who started smoking in adulthood did not show signs of a drop in IQ. There are many health risks from smoking marijuana. Like with any other drug there are consequences and adverse reactions to your body. It raises the heart rate by 20-100 percent just shortly after smoking. This effect can last up to 3 hours. The smoke from marijuana is an irritant on the lungs and can cause many of the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers. A number of studies have shown an association with chronic smokers and mental illness. When you are using high doses it can cause psychotic effects like hallucinations and paranoia. Other mental problems such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts have been linked back to marijuana usage. There has also been some research done that links certain types of cancers to this drug. As far as medicine goes, there are not enough clinical trials proving that marijuana benefits outweigh the risks in patients with certain health conditions. Some conditions that it is said to help is pain associated with HIV/AIDS and cancer. It is not approved by the FDA as of yet because there isnt enough scientific evidence. A problem with having marijuana an approved medical drug is the complexity of the plant it comes from. The plant contains hundreds of chemical compounds that vary from plant to plant. So it would be hard in the medical field to measure exact doses to treat patients. Even though marijuana hasnt been approved by the FDA there are drugs that are THC based that have been approved and are being used in the medical field.

Marijuana is extremely addictive. An average of 9 percent of users, become addicted after using it. The sad part is that number only increases the younger you start using, as well as daily users. People who have been using marijuana for a long time, have withdrawal effects including, irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, and anxiety. The amount of THC in marijuana samples confiscated by police has been increasingly steady over the past few decades. Increases in potency can cause new users to end up in the emergency room, as well as those not used to that high of a dose. Those that are experienced users this only causes them to become more addicted. There are different ways to test for consumption of marijuana. It can be through a urine samples, blood samples, as well as hair samples. The concentrations can be used to determine if it was recent use or past use. There are certain ways to mask the use of marijuana and other drugs, one being the use of zinc supplements. Marijuana is produced by growers and breeders of the cannabis plant. They have actually increased the potency of the plants since the late 1960s. The price depends on the geographic area as well as potency. In many states in the United States it averages to about $3000 per pound. It is believed on average to generate a $36 billion dollar market. Most of that money however is not spent on growing or producing the product, but on smuggling it to buyers. In North America the street price ranges anywhere from $150 to $400 per ounce depending on the quality. In the United States, the Controlled Substance Act of 1990 classifies marijuana as a schedule 1 substance. Meaning it has no medical use and is high risk for abuse. However, many states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. There are two different drugs Marinol, which is a schedule 3 substance and Cesamet, which is a schedule 2 substance. Both of these drugs are used to treat chemotherapy patients who have nausea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Marinol has also been approved to treat HIV patients experiencing similar symptoms. In other countries these drugs have

shown effective in treating multiple sclerosis. It has also been used to help with glaucoma but the evidence wasnt significant enough when put next to the current medications treating glaucoma. Marijuana is considered a gateway drug. A gateway drug is one in which leads to abuse of other more dangerous drugs as a whole. This theory is based on the users of heroin and cocaine that they were previously users of marijuana. Some research proves this theory while others does not. In the research that marijuana is not a gateway drug it had studies showing alcohol and hard illicit drug users never had used marijuana in their life time. In Japan there is an overwhelming amount of people who are illicit drug users that never have used marijuana. The reason that a lot of people use marijuana rather than harder illicit drugs first is because it is available at a younger age. It makes it easier to obtain and use. People who stick to just using marijuana as opposed to other social drugs are known to live a longer life. It is frequently reported that experienced smokers become intoxicated more quickly and to a greater extent than most inexperienced smokers. For years it was reported that it caused a sensitization rather than a tolerance. When both humans and animals are studied in a laboratory, it showed smoking had tolerant effects that are consistent. How is it tested on humans outside of a laboratory as that of animals? One factor is measuring the levels of THC consumed. Researching a high from marijuana takes a lot of practice. Another complication is the fact that regular marijuana smokers have residual THC already built up in their bodies. So it would be hard to determine how much was from the testing. The effects that marijuana has on sexual functioning and reproduction effect both men and women. In men it reduces the level of testosterone and reduces sperm count. In women it reduces the luteinizing hormone which is necessary for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus. It only takes smoking one time for the hormone in women to decrease. It doesnt have any known effects on fertility however. So if it effects sexual functioning, how does it effect a pregnant women? It doesnt show any evidence

that it causes birth defects. It does show that the baby will be born at a lower birth weight and shorter in length. The mother will notice a reduction in her milk supply as well. Indefinitely like other drugs, women should avoid use during pregnancy. So where do we stand currently with marijuana use? Well it has actually lowered since the 1970s. However, like most drugs there is the concern that it will slowly rise again. Another concern in marijuana use today is that the potency is greater now. The average concentration has risen from 6 percent to 10 percent. Also in recent strains of sinsemilla, it showed upwards into the 15 percent range. In conclusion, I believe that marijuana use, not only in the United States, but the world in general will continue. I dont think that even with education people will take the side effects it causes seriously and there will still be abuse. I wish that people could understand the harmful effects and seriously take them into consideration before just using. Another problem that I believe occurs today is that people are using just because they are pressured to by their friends and peers. A lot of marijuana use is happening in schools nowadays. I think if kids would be more concerned about school and extracurricular activities it would lower the use of marijuana. It is hard to believe with as many bad side effects that come from smoking that people still use and sometimes every day. I understand that using marijuana in medical settings is reason for people to want it to be legalized. I however think that if it were legalized there would be far more people abusing it. I think that in general if it helps in medical circumstances then they should be administered at the hospital or clinic itself. I dont believe there will ever be a need for prescriptions on marijuana. It is harmful to the body if not used properly. I dont think that the general population is responsible enough to use it for the purposes it is intended for.

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