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Cassie Roman ENGL 1101 UNC Charlotte Mens Soccer Team On November 13th I attended the UNC Charlotte

Mens Soccer game at Transylvania Stadium. With the predicted 40-degree weather and metal benches, I had come prepared bundled up in many layers. Surrounding me were families and adults there to support these fine men in their Conference USA journey. Everyone was huddled into groups within the stands, especially the student section to the left of me. As 8 oclock rolled around the clock counted down the last few minutes of warm ups and the men lined up for introductions. The announcer proceeded to open the game, and there began the beginning of four observances of the Mens Soccer Team of UNC Charlotte. Before attending these games, I prepared myself with background information on the team, the numbers, players, positions, stats etc. I wanted to have a complete understanding of this team and their capability. When reviewing the information that is provided on the UNCC website, it informed me of how well this team has been doing, and how long for that matter. The UNCC Mens soccer team has proven themselves as an elite group of individuals. As I viewed the team lining up with the officials/refs to proceed onto the field, I was able to place the statistics with the players finally. The fans and setting of the game was something I was not expecting. A student section was formed and marketed with flags and young men and women dressed in Charlotte attire. People had brought buckets and sticks to hit beats to when they cheered in a uniformed fashion! It was a heart-warming moment to hear students and other fans start chanting the same things together. It gave the stadium a sense of community and partnership; showing that they were there for their team and 100% of the time. As the game proceeded and the temperature dropped, the crowd only grew; that proved some true fans!! I also observed throughout that time that even if a player misses the goal, the crowd goes wild and claps in support for his effort. To present a sense of acceptance and support to try again after that is so refreshing and is not presented with every sport. I feel in love with soccer at that moment. Within this first observance in a professional setting, I was able to view a great sense of community between the players. There were high fives, yelling, pats on the back, and guarding when injured throughout the whole game. In the beginning 4 men that start the game, knelt down with a few other players, to what it looks like pray before the game. To view that was an awesome thing! They then ran out into the field, spoke with their players, and proceeded to their positions. The game begins!!

The first goal was completed by number 7 with an assist from number 14, placing UNC Charlotte ahead with a 4 to 1 ratio. Quickly though, this became a 7 to 1 ratio as the game preceded. I witnessed something that was pretty crazy at the beginning of the 2nd half. 5 minutes into it player 11 from the Blazers kicked number 22 UNCC in the throat. Automatically number 11 tries to apologize but is pulled back by the referee. UNCCs players automatically proceeded to surround their injured player to protect him. It was such an instinctive act and so awesome to view. Though it was a slight gesture that was second nature to these players, it placed a sense of partnership and brotherhood between them that proved they where there to protect the injured player. The UNCC soccer team has always faced the occasional team that displays misconduct, and were faced again with this situation with the Blazers. The men of UNCC were able to display a great amount of maturity through the game with all of this going on, including the opposing teams coach being suspended. To do so, especially when in a competitive sport, shows that these men have been raised or taught respect and professionalism. The players of UNC Charlotte did not display miss conduct even when it was inflicted on them. Even when hurt, they accepted it and moved on. They supported each other with every play. When substitutions occurred, fans and players supported the player that was entering the field, as well as the player leaving the field. In my second and third observation of the Mens soccer team, I was able to view the strong communication skills, perseverance, and sportsmanship that they all possess. They did not allow the cold weather to hold them back. Not even the rain made them weaken! For me, I went home at half time of the 2nd game on November 15th. I was trying to ward off getting sick. Many of the other fans did the same thing succeeding me. My Third observance on November 17th was crazy different from all the rest. It was not as cold out as the rest of the games, and the crowd was the largest it had been. It was the final round for the championship. Just as they began every other game, they did their warm ups. They practiced passing and stretching as well as juggling. The game proceeded as stated earlier, fans cheering, back and forth conduct and the 49ers coming out with another amazing win. This time it was due to a goal kick with only 2:32 left on the clock in the second half. The place erupted in cheers! The awards were presented immediately after the win, it was astonishing how they set up so fast! All of a sudden the 49ers were in shirts, and had a back drop behind them and trophies in hand!

After their last win, that meant they had to practice again! I was so excited to hear from the assistant coach, Kyle Gookins, so quickly. I was able to attend their Tuesday Practice that following week on November 19th! When I showed up, all the boys were already out on the field. Coach Gookins quickly approached me and made me feel welcomed. He suggested I sit on the large cement bleachers to observe, and it was just the perfect spot. We were out at the practice fields and boy was it a sight. The bleachers sat upon a hill, to be raised above the field; the plantation was already naturally down hill so you sat above everything. Your view did not just have a span of the field but of the campus as well. We meet at 2:30, and the practice ran till about 4. At this time, the sun just starts to set, making everything glisten. I made do with the cold cement I was sitting on and crossed my legs, put my glasses on and just watched. First they started out with the normal procedures. Running around the field, shuffling stretches, juggling the ball, high knees (lots of high knees), and what I would like to call monkey in the middle. Player number 6, Will Mayhew, was conditioning on the sides due to a recent injury in playoffs, while number 25, Austin Pack continued to recover from a stress fracture. Most of the team used cones as boundaries and practiced dribbling and making fast passes with each other, while the goalies started practicing catching, running through cones, and leg climbers. All this just a few ways for them to start their practice. They then proceeded to repeat, and then break into sections and groups, practicing and doing different things at different times. Specifics! But what I am describing to you right now are just logistics. Most teams do these sorts of things every practice as well. But there was something so sincere about their practice. They dont even realize it because it comes so naturally. The sense of partnership and family that is displayed within this team is so strong. Their coach, Kevin Langen, repetitively speaks to his team as individuals. He points out specific things for each player to work on, what they have improved on. When practicing with a player on dribbling he noticed how much stronger the players left leg was. That casual reference was displayed as a very strong encouragement. Coach Langen has previously been with this team for the past 4 seasons as assistant coach, and his relationship development with his players really proves what a great job he is doing. He and the rest of the coaching staff do a great job of demanding conversation and communication with the players, on and off the field. The men must respond to each other and communicate when practicing their drills, as well as socially as well. As Assistant coach Gookins referenced we are a family, we see each other more than anyone else.. Heck, I see these guys more than my wife. Throughout the practice, you saw men on the field working their asss off to improve. They did the drills over and over again. The cool thing was that they made it a competition the whole time. When drilling with a goalie, each side was against each other. Sometimes they had the alumni (former UNCC soccer players) against the real players. Who ever got to the number first won, then they would start over. They kept going and never stopping! Towards the end of the practice they split the

game into two teams and they all practiced personal goal kicks; the team with the most goals won. As both teams stood back to back, every guys placed their arm on the other guys shoulder. Each team was displayed as a giant link. It was so cool! They didnt even notice what they were doing. At one point I heard a player yell We need you Hans!!, encouraging the freshman forward as he stepped up to the goal. They kept linked together throughout the whole drill. I dont know, maybe I am some sensitive sap that when I see people getting along I automatically see a family and link it to good character, professionalism, and a sense of partnership. I let my head wander about the idea that they are encouraging towards one another, and have a brotherhood that wont break. It may not be fully correct, they may have their ups and downs, as well as their good kicks and their bad ones; but I really think I may be on the right track. They present themselves with character and integrity, as one big giant family. These men carry the colors of UNC Charlotte on their back very well.

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