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Service Learning Reflective Summary Report Walter Cohn-Smith 11/22/2013 ED C 101

INTASC Standard, Description and Rationale

Standard #7 Planning for Instruction !he teacher plan" in"truction that "upport" every "tu#ent in meeting rigorou" learning goal" $y #ra%ing upon &no%le#ge of content area"' curriculum' cro""-#i"ciplinary "&ill"' an# pe#agogy' a" %ell a" &no%le#ge of learner" an# the community content(

Name of Artifact: Service Learning Summary Report Date: )ovem$er 22' 2013 Course: ED C 101 Brief Description: *or thi" a""ignment' + %ent to a local "chool for a num$er of %ee&" to "ha#o% a teacher that + plan on $eing "ome#ay( ,oing there every %ee& helpe# "ho% me %hat + nee# to #o an# %hat in nee# to plan for %hen + $ecome a teacher( !hi" e-perience %ill help me get rea#y for the future( Rationale: !o #ocument my un#er"tan#ing of Stan#ar# ./' planning for +n"truction' + %ill tell you ho% + learne# "o much' 0u"t $y $eing at thi" "chool( 1n# ho% it ha" "ho%e# me a #ifferent %ay on ho% "tu#ent" act #epen#ing on %here they live( So +2m gla# + got to "ee thi" "i#e of teaching $ecau"e no% + get to prepare my"elf on ho% to han#le it(

+ntro#uction +2ve #one plenty of "ha#o%ing aroun# +n#y an# "een ho% a lot of &i#" act an# ho% they learn' $ut thi" time it %a" a little $it #ifferent( + mean the "chool "et up an# the &i#" %a" the "ame' $ut the"e &i#" %ere a lot %or"e( Some %ere angle" $ut there %a" "ome %ho pro$a$ly %oul# have ma#e you run far a%ay from thi" fiel#( 3ut a" i" "taye# an# learne# a$out the "tu#ent" an# their live" + finally reali4e# %hy they act the %ay they #i#( + really en0oye# my"elf thi" time $ecau"e + %a" more han#" on an# helpful to all the teacher"( !he longer + "taye# + coul# "ee that the &i#" %a" getting comforta$le aroun# me li&e a"&ing for help or "omeone to tal& to an# that ma#e me very happy( + coul# tell that + %a" $ig help for the teacher $ecau"e there %oul# $et time" that "he nee#e# help an# + %a" there to $ell her out an# help her through the pro$lem( Relate Service Learning E-perience to the Cla""room 1 %ay + can relate the "ervice learning e-perience" to the cla""room i" that %hen +2m in my ivy tech cla""room an# %e are all tal&ing a$out %hat happen thi" %ee& an# to hear all of my other cla"" mate" have to "ay pro$lem' + &in# of ma&e" me feel goo# $ecau"e +2m not the only one $ut then it al"o ma&e" me up"et $ecau"e it ma&e" it "oun# li&e the %hole i" $a#( !hen %e all tal& a$out that %hen %e %ere in "chool %e #i#n2t #o thi"/that or %e #i#n2t "ay that or %e 0u"t acte# totally #ifferent the %ay they are "o that ho% + can relate my "ervice learning e-perience(

5er"onal Reflection" *rom a teacher "tan#point + thin& %ent %ell for the ivy tech "tu#ent( !here %a" "omething2" + coul# "ee that they %a"n2t comforta$le a$out #oing $ecau"e + gue"" they %a"n2t u"e" to it' li&e u"ing force %hen han#ling %ith a chil# %ith they act out of line or tal& $ac&( 6o% to react %hen a "tu#ent run" from you( So + coul# that an# + thin& if %e %oul# have tol# them or %arne# them a$out that then it %oul# have $een #ifferent( !hey %oul# have &no%n %hat to #o in"tea# of $eing "care#( 3ut $e"i#e" all of that + thin& they #i# very %ell an# %oul# ma&e great teacher" one #ay( 7u"t get a lot of "ha#o%ing an# practice(

*uture !hi" e-perience %ill $enefit me for the future $ecau"e it %ill help un#er"tan# ho% + "houl# run my cla""room an# ho% + "houl# prepare my"elf for any &in# of "tu#ent that come" my %ay( + got to "ee #ifferent %ay on ho% to teach( Different %ay on ho% to e-plain thing" to them an# "ho%ing them ho% to #o "omething #ifferent material"(

+ got "ee ho% #ifferent teacher" react on %hen a chil# tal&" $ac&' run" $ecau"e they &no% there in trou$le' or 0u"t #on2t act right( Some teacher u"e force "ome "it $ac& "ome are "hy $ut all %a" goo# to "ee $ecau"e it + got to "ee ho% to #o "omething 0u"t if "omething li&e that ever happen" to me( + got to learn a$out the chil#ren2" pa"t an# "ee %hy they act the %ay they #o( 8r learn ho% their parent" are "o that2" %hy they tal& the %ay they tal& an# %al& the %ay they %al&( 1n# it confu"e# me at fir"t $ecau"e + thought that %a" not right $ut then a" + thought + u"e to #o the "ame thing( We "ee %hat are parent" #o an# %e thin& at an# young age that2" ho% %e are "uppo"e# to act' "o %e #o %hat they #o an# "ay %hat they "ay(

Summary an# Recommen#ation + really en0oye# my"elf thi" "eme"ter at !he +5S School( +t %a" pro$a$ly the roughe"t "ha#o%ing +2ve ever #one $ut' it %a" cool $ecau"e it %a" a goo# learning e-perience for me an# too "ho% me if + really %ant to #o thi" in the future( + %oul# really recommen# thi" cour"e to "omeone %ho i" loo&ing at going into the e#ucation( +t2" a fun cour"e an# it really "ho%" you an# help" you "ee if you really %ant to #o thi" fiel# or not(

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