Analytic Geometry (Pre-Lim)

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Republic of the Philippines State Universities and Colleges GUIMARAS STATE CO EGE!

MOS"UE#A CAMPUS Alaguisoc$ %ordan$ Gui&aras PRE! IM E'AMI(ATIO( I( CO(TE(T COURSE )* +Anal,tic Geo&etr, -ith Introduction to Calculus. Second Se&ester$ Acade&ic /ear *0)1! *0)2 %O3( PAU 4 3A5 A#O ET3E P4 %U(CO$ MAT MATH Instructor/Professor Student6s na&e7 8888888888888888888888888888888888 Course9/ear 9Section7 88888888888888888888888888888 Math #epart&ent Score7 888888888888 #ate7 8888888888888

Multiple! Choice4 Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your choice on the line segment provided before the number. Write letter E if theres no correct answer. _____1. Analytic eometry is a branch of !athematics which deals with the """"""""""""""" of points# lines# curves# surfaces# angles #and solids by means of algebraic methods in relation to Cartesian coordinate system. i. properties ii. principles iii. solutions iv. theories v. behaviors a. i and ii b. i# ii and iii c. i# iii# and v d. iii# iv# and v """""$. %he cartesian coordinate plane is divided into four regions called a. a&es b. origin c. 'uadrants d. spaces """""(. %he point of intersection between &)and y)a&es is called a. a&es b. origin c. coordinates d. 'uadrants """""*. %he hori+ontal number line in the rectangular coordinate system is called a. &)a&is b. &y plane c. y) a&is d. +)a&is """"",. radient means a. steepness b. degree c. point d. line """""-. %he signs of a point in 'uadrant III are b. both negative b. both positive c. positive# negative d. none of the preceding """"".. Point /0#,1 is at a. 'uadrant I b. 'uadrant II c. 'uadrant I2 d. y)a&is """""3. %he slope of the &)a&is is a. +ero b. negative c. positive d. undefined """""4. %he slope of the y)a&is is a. positive b. negative c. undefined d. +ero """""10.What is the e'uation of the y)a&is5 a. &60 b. y60 c. y6& d. &6y """""11. 7ene 8escartes is a/an """"""""""""""" mathematician. a. ree9 b. :rench c. Italian d. ;wiss """""1$. What is the distance of your school building from the ground5 a. +ero b. undefined c. 1 d. $ """""1(. In point /(#)41# )4 is a. abscissa b. ordinate c. coordinate d. domain """""1*. What is the distance of point /)*#),1 from the &)a&is5 a. )* b. ), c. * d. , """""1,. What is the slope of any two distinct points on the &)a&is5 a. 0 b. undefined c. 1 d. always infinite """""1-. Which of the following points does not belong to the group5 a. /1#)$1 b. / 0.4#)111 c. /)0.,#31 d. /-#)41 """""1.. <ocating or plotting a point whose coordinates are given is made easy and more convenient by the use of a. specialty paper b. photo paper c. graphing paper d. glossy paper """""13. What is the distance of the &)a&is from the y)a&is5 a. 0 b. undefined c. infinite d. 1 """""14. Point /0#)(1 is located in a. 'uadrant I b. &)a&is c. y)a&is d. 'uadrant III """""$0. What is the distance of point /)-#)31 from the y)a&is5 a. )b. )3 c. d. 3 =ou can find math everywhere> It e&ists everywhere in nature? flowers# beehives# pineapples and seashells @ust to name a few. =ou @ust have to 9now what you are loo9ing at. Page 1

"""""$1. 8istance is always positive. %his statement is a. true b. false c. either a or b d. neither a nor b """"""$$. %he abscissa and ordinate together are called a. spaces b. coordinates c. a&es d. regions """"""$(. Which is harder for a sna9e to crawl# on the trun9 of a tree or on the ground5 a. on the tree b. on the ground c. the same d. neither a nor b """"""$*. %he canteen is at the middle of the library and the computer room. %he distance of the computer room from the canteen must be """"""""""""""the distance of the canteen from the library. a. less than b. greater than c. e'ual to d. none of the preceding """"""$,. 7efer to the illustration below. a. * ft b. , ft """"""$-. 7efer to the illustration below. c. ), ft d. )* ft


y) a&is

/)-# 31 m

%ree : Aag /) -# 01 m
a. 3 m b. 4 m c. 10 m d. 11 m d. 1 d. a&is


&) a&is

"""""""$.. What is the distance of the y)a&is from the &)a&is5 a. 0 b. undefined c. infinite """""""$3. In point /(#*1 # ( is the a. abscissa b. ordinate c. range

Bse the problem below to answer numbers $4 thru (1. In a flower garden# a circular path has a radius with an endpoint at the santan /)1# ,1 and with the center at the sampaguita /)1#)*1. :ind the """""""$4. <ength of the diameter of the circular path a. 4 units b. 10 units c. 1- units d. 13 units """""""(0. Circumference of the circular path a. 4 units b. 10 units c. 1- units d. 13 units """""""(1. Area of the circular path a. 13 s'. units b. (- s'. units c. 3 s'. units d. 40 s'. units """""""($.<ine sloping upward to the right has """""""""""""""" slope. a. positive b. negative c. +ero d. undefined """""""((. %he slope of a line perpendicular to the &)a&is is a. positive b. negative c. +ero d. undefined """""""(*. <ine $&C.y64 is parallel to a. (&).y64 b. .&)$y63 c. $&C.y61 d. .&C$y6-

"""""""(,. %he wall of your classroom is """""""""""""""" to its floor. a. parallel b. perpendicular c. either a or b d. neither a nor b """""""(-. %he slope of a line parallel to the y)a&is is a. positive b. negative c. +ero d. undefined """""""(.. Which of the following points does not lie on line y6&5 a. /$#$1 b. /(#(1 c. /).#).1 d./ )1#11 """""""(3. What is the slope of a line parallel to &645 a. 0 b. undefined c. )4 d. 4 """""""(4. What is the slope of a line parallel to $&Cy6(5 a. 1 b. $ c. )$ d. ( """""""*0. What is the slope of a line perpendicular to &)$y6,5 a. 1 b. $ c. )$ d. , """""""*1. %he midpoint between points /(#*1 and /).#*1 is a. /$#*1 b. /)$#*1 c. /$#31 d. /)$#)31 """""""*$. Circle P has a diameter. If ! is at /)(#),1 #and the center is at /$#(1# find the coordinates of D5 a. /3#1(1 b. /)3#1(1 c. /)3#)1(1 d. /3#)1(1 """""""*(. %he distance between /)(#$1 and /&#)11 is . :ind &. a. ( and 4 b. )( and )4 c. )( and 4 d. ( and )4 """""""**. %he slope of the line passing through /&#*1 and /(#*1 is +ero . :ind &. a. &( b. & 6 ( c. & 6 )( d. & )( """""""*,. What is the e'uation of a line whose &) and y)intercepts are $ and 4# respectively5 a. 4&C$y613 b. $&C4y613 c. $&)4y613 d. 4&)$y613 """""""*-. <ine *&C,y6). is parallel to a. *&),y 6b. *&C,y 611 c. ,&)*y6). d. ,&C*y6). """""""*.. If a#b# and c are e'ual to real numbers and the line is described by a&Cby6c# find its slope. a. m 6 )b/a b. m6 )c/a c. m6 )a/b d. m6a/b """""""*3.:ind the value of a if the slope between points /*#)(1 and /$# a1 is 0.$,. a. ./$ b. )$/. c. $/. d. )./$ """""""*4.:ind the value of a if the slope between points /aC(# ,1 and /1# a)$1 is *. a. 1/, b. , c. )1/, d. ), """"""",0. What is the e'uation of a line that passes through points /)(# ,1 and /-#)115 a. $&)(y6)4 b. $&C(y6)4 c. $&C(y64 d. $&)(y64 GOO# UC; A(# GO# 5 ESS<

=ou can find math everywhere> It e&ists everywhere in nature? flowers# beehives# pineapples and seashells @ust to name a few. =ou @ust have to 9now what you are loo9ing at. Page 3

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