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Colton Temanson Amber Lemiere English 101 11/29/13 Memory Wall Summary In the short story Memory Wall

in the novel Memory Wall by Anthony Doerr, Doerr tells us about an old woman named Alma suffering from memory loss. Doerr starts off by telling us Alma is walking around her home with a flashlight and was supposed to be doing something of life or death importance but already forgot what it was. Doerr then said that Alma found a picture of a man but she could barely remember him, then it hit her, it was her husband Harold. Alma found a brochure that had been ripped in half and placed behind the photo, the brochure read memories are located not inside the cells but in the extracellular space (3). Doerr says that Alma then finds another picture of the man walking along the sea. Alma think its her husband Harold, that died years ago. Memory Wall explains that no matter what if you suffer from memory loss the memories of things or loved ones you care about will stay with you forever no matter what.

Works Cited Doerr, Anthony. Memory Wall. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc, 2010. Print.

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