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home remedies and dietary precautions can be of great help in managing typhoid fever and its symptoms.

They can also aid in fast recovery. Drink boiled water to get rid of typhoid fever. Drink the water when it is still warm . Grind 4 basil leaves, 7 black pepper tablets and 7 strands of saffron into a paste. Prepare small tablets from the paste, and take these 2- times d!ring the day. Drinking b!ttermilk is a good c!re for typhoid fever. "dd some fresh coriander #!ice to it for better res!lts . $ash a banana and add some honey to it. %he honey-flavo!red banana tastes good, helps to restore energy lost d!e to the illness, and aids fast recovery. &anana is a wonder food for recovering from the fever. "dd mashed banana to a glass of b!tter milk and cons!me this daily. 'o! can also cons!me orange #!ice, as it keeps the body hydrated and cool. Pomegranate #!ice also helps to rehydrate and energise a typhoid fever patient. " glass of warm water with a spoonf!l of honey added to it is a great remedy that helps to soothe the digestive system. Drink it as fre(!ently as yo! can, as it also restores energy. &oil aro!nd ) cloves in 2 litres of water till only * litre of water is left. +emove it from the stove, and let the flavo!r steep in for some time, and then filter. ,ip this concoction thro!gho!t the day. -t is advisable to cons!me food that is very easy to digest, if possible a diet of!m li(!ids and fr!it #!ices. /nce the patient starts recovering, start incl!ding food items like a well-cooked khichdi, c!rd rice and kheer. 'o! sho!ld also follow a high-carbohydrate diet as this will replace all the n!trients yo! will have lost d!ring the high fever stage of the infection. -t is also best to eat food that is as hot as the room temperat!re. "s heat is a very good way to eradicate the negative bacteria. 0ands to be washed thoro!ghly, after yo! ret!rn from o!t.

" few of s!ch home-c!re methods incl!de avoid eating solid foods d!ring the period of infection.
1ating foods that can be digested easily sho!ld be cons!med. 2eep the patient in a clean and well-ventilated room. 0ave steamed3boiled food only. Do not eat o!tside food

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