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Analysis of the opening sequence to When a Stranger Calls back (1993) Narrative StructureThe opening sequence of When a Stranger

Calls has a linear narrative structure whereby the story follows a chronological order from beginning to the end. The opening consists of the main character Julia settling in to the house and whilst this is happening; there is eerie music in the background. Five minutes in to the film, she receives her first phone call and as the audience cannot hear the reply on the other end of the call, it leaves them wondering who it could possibly calling. Horror Codes and ConventionsIn relation to her clothing, at first, she arrives in a red jacket, the colour red symbolises and is associated with danger and blood, and this is an emotionally intense colour, it agrees with the codes and conventions of the genre horror. The use of this depicts that the director had thoroughly thought this through, every little detail counts. In addition, the main character is dressed in a white shirt, the colour white symbolises her innocence and purity this contrasts with her red jacket. Throughout the opening sequence, the way in which the character is staged allows shadows to be created, this creates the sense that someone is watching her and/or following her as the shadow may mean that someone else is with her and that she is not alone.

CameraworkAt the beginning, when the parents of the children the main character is babysitting leave, their is some primary focus on the door knob and they shut the door after exiting, the camera tilts downwards and lingers on the doorknob signifying the fact that the door was locked behind them, this may play s significant role later on once the audience reach the climax. Not only was there a shot of the camera lingering on the door knob once, but multiple times as the main character converses with the unknown person on the other side of the door. Throughout the opening sequence, there is a lot of tilting and panning involved for instance the staircase scene, it tilts downwards from the staircase and gradually pans across to the room in which she is sat comfortably in, and this panning gives the audience a sense that someone may be watching her and following her every move. After having received her first phone call, again, the camera lingers on the house phone that had previously rung however the house phone is not in focus; instead the camera is focused on her face, in opposition the house phone is still in the frame of the shot. Many shots are made outside of the house, again suggesting that someone is watching the house, watching her every move. This could be the stranger that calls. The reason for this is significantly related to putting the audience on edge, scary them and making them fearful. To open the scene, the film starts with at establishing shot, setting the scene and highlighting exactly how big the house is as the character is small in insignificant in comparison.

Mise en scne The scene is set in the evening, indoors. Due to the fact that the beginning of the scene is set in the house, and as is the majority of the film, it gives the sense that it is likely for something to happen in the house. Also, at the beginning, when the babysitter which is the main character is dropped off outside the house, she looks insignificant in the eerie, dark area/atmosphere, the director may have done this with purpose and this purpose may already set the tense atmosphere to ensure that the genre of the film is met and already comes across within the first one or so minute. The use of the props when she first comes in to the house, e.g. her study guides and books, folders etc, make the audience aware that she is a young character, possibly in her teens, this may mean that as she is a young character, the audience (possibly around the same age) can relate to her. Furthermore, her costume signifies her innocence as she is dressed in her school clothes; a skirt, knee high socks and also a shirt, this also highlights her youth and virtue.

SoundAt the beginning of the film, there is the sound of the wind howling, the sound of the parks dept sign squeaking. The ambience created here is tension as although it is quiet, the sound of the squeaking makes the viewer feel as though they are on edge and already, plays on the primal fears of the audience despite not actually knowing what is yet to come. The sound used creates an uncanny, eerie and creates an almost mysterious atmosphere; for instance when the unknown stranger leaves and the main character begins to look around outside to ensure he has left, the sound creates tension, makes the audience wonder, what is to happen next? Despite the fact that it is somewhat slow, the thoughts that may be running through the viewers head may say otherwise. The diegetic sound of the phone ringing happens as soon as the entire house is extremely quiet, this may startle the viewer/audience as it was almost unexpected. There are certain sounds that fit the codes and conventions of a horror film for instance the floor boards creaking when the house is silent or at the beginning when the sign was squeaking this may connotate with the fact that as it is a horror film, she may end up screaming later on in the film. The music playing whilst she is watching television is in strong contrast to the genre of the film as it is upbeat and lively, also, once she turns it off, the strong contrast is again shown as it is silent. EditingIn terms of editing, it is generally quite slow paced, the director may have done this to bring about tension and keep the viewers wondering what is yet to come when the climax hits and consequently frightens them. This slow paced editing creates an eerie atmosphere. Furthermore, there was a bit of match on action as when she walks towards the door and then it cuts to the camera being on the inside and the door opens from the inside.

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