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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) for Night Activity Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):


Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout Tag out S stem where applicable PP! requirements

!mergenc "esponse Plan(!"P) ______________________________________________________________

Night Activity #$ &$ )$ *$ +$ ,$ /$ 0$ 1$ %ight permit to work to be appl prior commence of work$ 'll personnel to be inducted for an night work acti(it $ To pro(ide task lights for sufficient adequate lightings on the work area$ 'll machiner in used to switch on their lightings$ 'll night - lifting operation to be operated b competent lifting crew$ -ompetent super(isor and !.SS to be presence for an night work acti(it at all times$ Proper PP! to be worn b personnel working night shift$ !g: reflecti(e (est 'll personnel are ad(ised to work at their working area and not to wander off while working at night$ 2n case of ad(erse weather condition3 (hea( rain) no night- lifting operation to be commence unless gi(en appro(al b main contractor4occupier$ #5$ 'll opening bore holes to be co(ered with reinforcement wired mesh if left o(ernight$ ##$ %o personnel to operate an machiner unless certified and trained to do so$ #&$ To conduct good housekeeping after e(er end of work da $

Prepared 6 : 7r 8aiman 8esignation: WS.9 8ate: #* ;une &5#5

"e(iewed 6 : 7r %g -hoon .uat 8esignation: Senior Pro:ect 7anager 8ate: #* ;une &5#5

Prepared 6 : 7r 8aiman 8esignation: WS.9 8ate: #* ;une &5#5

"e(iewed 6 : 7r %g -hoon .uat

Page 8esignation: Senior Pro:ect 7anager

8ate: #* ;une &5#5

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