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Student________________________________________ Group______________

1. What is in your view the best form of business organization for an internet providing company in Moldova? Why? What advantages can it offer and what would be the form of organization at the registration level and afterwards? Will you reorganize the company during the business activity or have only one form always, irrelevant of the level of sales and time on the market? Why? (1/3 of the grade.) 2. Find as many differences as possible between sole limited liability companies (L.L.C.s) and joint stock companies (J.S.Cs)? (1/3 of the grade.)

3. Imagine that you are the owner and general manager of a company providing consulting services in Moldova and your business is growing fast. You are registered as a sole proprietorship (patenta de intreprinzator) and a wellknown foreign company came to you and told that they are intending to come to the Moldovan market. What will you do in this case? Accept their offer of partnership or refuse it? If you accept it how will you change you sole proprietorship in order to have them as partners in the business. What if your business would be organized as a limited liability company and being in the same situation? How will you treat the offer and how will you organize the cooperation with the foreigners? How will you reorganize and what amount of the company will you accept for the foreigners? Do you think you will have to gain or lose by including the foreign partenrs? (1/3 of the grade.)

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