How To Add Background Picture To Excel 2007 Spreadsheet?

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How to add background picture to Excel 2007 spreadsheet?

You can insert a picture in Word, PowerPoint or Excel 2007 very easily. Many people know how to insert a picture in Excel 2007 spreadsheet but they don t know how to add back!round picture to Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Excel 2007 spreadsheets lar!ely consist o" nu#bers, charts, tables etc. You can !ive your personal creative touch to your work on Excel 2007 i" you add back!round picture to Excel 2007 spreadsheet. $"ter you add back!round picture to Excel 2007 spreadsheet, you will be able to #ake it look less borin! and #uch #ore interestin!. %ollow these easy and si#ple steps to add back!round picture to Excel 2007 spreadsheet. &pen the Excel spreadsheet to which you would like to add the back!round picture. 'elect Pa!e (ayout "ro# the ribbon.

)lick on *ack!round.

+he 'heet *ack!round window pane will appear. )hoose the !raphics or i#a!e you want to add as the back!round. )lick on ,nsert at

You have success"ully added a back!round i#a!e to your Excel 2007 spreadsheet- You can chan!e the colors as well as the "ont to suit the back!round picture. ,t is reco##ended that you select a very li!ht or a very dark colored picture so that the data on the "ore!round stands out.

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