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The Triad (Jiva, Jagat, Ishwara) I as an individual(Jiva) , when i look around i see that i am in a scheme of thi ngs.

Lot of things are given to me. My parents,my siblings, my mind, my body, my organs, my intellect, the outside world, the air i breathe, the food i eat, the water i drink, the mountains, etc are all given to me. I did not do anything sp ecific action to gain these. There are all there. This includes the mountains, the rivers , the nature including the sun, moon, the galaxies, fellow beings, pl ants, trees, etc,. There are my situations, my apprehensions, my positive and ne gative emotions, my likes and dislikes etc. This is the Jagat. Whatever is aroun d me, whatever i am conscious off is the jagat. If i enquire a little more,on the origin of jagat, i will first look for its cre ator because i will wonder who created all these. Every item in the creation is a marvel in itself. The sun, which is millions of miles away from earth, shines all the time, non-stop. The solar system is intact, planets do not slip from the ir orbit, satellites do no get into the planet's orbit. A perfect environment fo r life to begin on earth, a ozone layer to protect life from the UV rays of the sun. They are just perfect. Plants, trees, human beings , all part of the creati on is a marvel in itself. The animal body is a marvel by itself. Cells put toget her becomes a dog and similarly cells put together in different way becomes huma n being. Cells put together becomes liver and heart also. My parents have no clu e its creation and their parents also are in the same position. So, now i look f or the creator around and dont find anyone. So i assume that the creator is beyo nd the human intellect's understanding. So the intellect creates an entity calle d God, who is the creator, sustainer and destroyer of this whole creation. God i s an entity created by human intellect, because it does not find anyone around, who is responsible for the creation. My next step of enquiry would be more specific. It would be to find out the loca tion of the Creator, because i dont find him around. If God created this world, he must have been located outside the creation. Then who create the space which was occupied by God during creation? So this theory does not sound practical. Al so, if God created with world, who created the basic material, using which God c reated the world? The only answer to these 2 questions will be God himself "as t hough" became the world. This means that creator himself became the creation. So does it mean that the creator is no more available like milk is no more availab le once it becomes curd ? No. The creator as though became the creation. So what ever i am able to objectify is nothing but the creator with a name and form. The whole world is a manifestation of the creator. The world that is perceived thro ugh the human senses is the creator, or manifestation of the creator. The next level of enquiry is about myself. What about my suffering, my mental co nditionings, overwhelming situations in my life, my weaknesses, my strengths etc . They are all manifestations of the lord, in the form of order. They are all gi ven to me. My experiences, my situations, my mental conditioning, strengths, we akness etc are all manifestations of the creator in the form of order. They are the results of my own actions done in the past. So does it mean ? It means that i should develop an attitude to accept these as prasada from the creator himsel f. I have the free will to not suffer or feel low or feel great about them. Beca use if these are the results of my action, it means that i have no or very less choice over the results of my action. This also means that I only have choice ov er action and cannot author the results of my action. The lord, who manifests in the form of Karma is the author of the results of action. The different role is play in the world, as father, mother, son, daughter etc ar e all given. They are specifically designed for me. Some dont get to play the ro le of a husband or some dont get to play the role of a son, due to whatever reas ons. All the roles are played by me. If I am the role, i cannot play anyother ro le. If i am the father, i cannot be playing any other role. If the father is me,

i can also play the role of son, employee etc. This is the most important fact to be assimilated. Because all the problems in life are pertaining to the roles and not to me. This knowledge has to be assimilated and not swollwed. Similarly playing mind, body is a also a role. Body is me, Mind is me, but i am not the bo dy and mind. Who am I then, since i have negated what i thought as "I" as "not I". I am the o ne who is not any of these. When a thought exist i am aware of the thought. so I am there and thought is also there. When the thought is not there, i am still v ery much there. The whole world is nothing but in the form of thoughts. I am the re, the world is also there. When the world is not there, like in deep sleep, i am very much there, to tell that I had a good sleep. So I always exist, because i am existance and existance is my nature. Like heat is the nature of fire, exis tance is my nature. I always exist. Since existance is my nature, there was neve r a time when i did not exist and there will never be a time when i dont exist. Also I am aware of things happenings around me, also aware when there is no acti vity around me. I need not prove my existance because of awareness. I do not nee d any external proof to prove my existance. So awareness is my nature.

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