EOHSMS 02 F02 Lifting Permit

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

This permit can be obtained from Ryobi Kiso EHS Department. Permit no.:

This permit is valid for 12 hrs from the time of approval. pplication m!st be s!bmitted at least " days in advance. #or$ on Sat!rday% S!nday and &onday m!st be applied by Friday. S$etch to be attached Part 1: Application To Be Completed By S !"Contractor #or$ Performed by : +ame of S!pervisor in )har,e: +ame of Ri,,ers: -ocation: Date . Time of -iftin, #or$: /rom: To: +o. of Personnel: +ame of Si,nalmen: 'name of S!b()ontractor*

Safety Re0!irements to be complied 1ith Prior pplication of -iftin, #or$ permit:

2alid -& cert for crane Provision of Si,na,e and 3arriers 2alid -4 certificates 5!alified -iftin, s!pervisor present

5!alified Ri,,ers and Si,nalman

2est and Helmet colo!r code for liftin, personnel compliance 5!alified )rane 6perator

6!tri,,er pad compliance )rane has valid &6& stic$er )rane access in ,ood condition )rane has valid monthly insp. stic$er

Description of #or$:

Part #: C$ec% & Endor'e By Ryo!i (i'o E)S *epartment

#or$ area is safe. Environment aspects eliminated.

Reasonably practicable steps have been ta$en to safe,!ard the safety and health of the 1or$in, personnel and preservation of the environment +ame7Si,nat!re: Part +: Endor'e Ryo!i (i'o S per,i'or-En.ineer Date7Time:

1are of the 1or$ to be done and ens!re that all safe 1or$ proced!res to be complied 1ith. Date7Time:

+ame7Si,nat!re: Part /: Appro,al By Ryo!i (i'o )ead o0 *epartment

89m satisfied that all reasonably practicable meas!res have been implemented and enforce% and the 1or$in, personnel are informed of the safety ha:ards . environmental impacts and protection co!nter meas!res to be ta$en. The above mentioned 1or$ is: +ame7Si,nat!re: pproved 7 +ot pproved Date7Time:

Part 1: Noti0ication 20 Completion 20 3or% By S !"Contractor

#or$ has completed.

Ho!se$eepin, has been carried o!t.

#or$ area is safe for other personnel.

+ame7Si,nat!re: Part 4: Con0irmation By Ryo!i (i'o S per,i'or-En.ineer


#or$ has completed.

Ho!se$eepin, has been carried o!t.

#or$ area is safe for other personnel.

+ame7Si,nat!re: +ote: ; 6ri,inal )opy < to be displayed at liftin, location


-e,ends: = > 6K74ood ? > +ot 6K73ad +

> +ot


EOHSMS-02-F02_Rev 0

Page 1 of 1

Issued on 15 Sept 2010

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