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School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes December 11, 2013 In attendance-John Wiggins, Lisa Jarrard, Beth Swenson, Donna

Ertzberger, Tracy Giles College & Career Ready Performance Index CCRPI was advertised as giving a more global look to school performance Our score last year was 82. Three elementary schools in Hall County scored higher than Lanier Scores for this year have yet to come out. They should be out soon. Governor Deal looked at results and changed the indicators/percentages. Achievement in All Subjects-60% Student Growth Progress-25% Achievement Gap Closure-15% Our score this year will not correlate with the score from last year Lots of indicators/requirements to get our CCRPI score Discussion of parent surveys-parent surveys will allow for schools to get a star rating, but will not count towards our CCRPI score. School Improvement Plan Short Term Action Plans- are created off of CCRPI results & test results. Teachers participate in professional learning that is based off of areas related to these results. Example- Lanier teachers are currently participating in professional learning on Poverty & its effects in schools/students. Test data is used to create short term action plans that are related to academic content. Examples include; math, language arts & differentiation. Active Student Clubs/Organizations at Lanier Chorus Science Olympiad Technology Club Student Council PE 4H Club Community Involvement at Lanier PTO Relay for Life FalCan food drive United Way Back Pack Love We Care Joes Place Center Point Mentoring Next Meeting: March 5th

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