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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Letter Of Appointment
Appointment Of Contractor Confined Space Safety Assessor


Factory No:

I _____________________________________________(name) ID No : _____________________(NRIC/ EP/WP) contact number _______________________of ___________________________________________(company) __________________________________________________________________________________ (work title) un!er"tan!

t#at a" t#e Contractor Confined Space Safety Assessor of t#e Pro$ect work"ite it i" my !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" to en"ure t#at t#e pro%i"ion" un!er t#e Re&ulation" an! 'tatutory re(uirement are complie! wit#) *y !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" a" Contractor Confined Space Safety Assessor are a" follow": +) Certify "afe entry of work per"onnel into confine! "pace") ,) En"ure t#at &a" meter u"e! i" calibrate! an! in &oo! workin& con!ition") -) En"ure t#at &a" meter i" maintaine! an! "er%ice! a" accor!in& to manufacturer." recommen!ation") /) 0in! out any #a1ar!ou" "ub"tance" t#at t#e confine! "pace pre%iou"ly containe! an! te"t for pre"ence of "uc# "ub"tance") 2) En"ure t#at confine! "pace i" a!e(uately an! continuou"ly %entilate! an! w#ere applicable local e3#au"t %entilation pro%i!e!) 4) En"ure t#at t#e inlet of "uc# %entilation i" away from any "ource of contamination) 5) En"ure t#at "afe acce"" i" pro%i!e!) 6) Con!uct perio!ic &a" te"tin& of t#e confine! "pace a" part of "afe entry certification) 7) 8ny un"ati"factory or un"afe con!ition" to be reporte! to *an#ole 'uper%i"or an! E9' per"onnel for rectification mea"ure" to be taken before re:certification of confine! "pace") +;) Recor! "uc# certification on <a" *onitorin& =o& of t#e Confine! 'pace Permit ++) 8ny ot#er !utie" "pecifie! in t#e W'9 8ct ,;;4 W'9 (Con"truction) Re&ulation" ,;;5 > CP 6/ : ,;;; ? Entry into an! "afe workin& in confine! "pace")

Appointed by Ryobi Kiso PM:

Endorsed By Ryobi Kiso S!O: Name De"i&natio n 'i&nature Date : : : :

Accepted By :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :
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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd



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