EOHSMS-02-C28 LOA Site Engineer or Site Supervisor

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Letter Of Appointment
Appointment Of Contractor Site Engineer / Site Supervisor


Factory No:

I _____________________________________________(name) ID No : _____________________(NRIC/ EP/WP) contact number _______________________of ___________________________________________(company) __________________________________________________________________________________ (work title) un!er"tan!

t#at a" t#e Contractor Site Engineer/ Supervisor of t#e Pro$ect work"ite it i" my !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" to en"ure t#at t#e pro%i"ion" un!er t#e Re&ulation" an! 'tatutory re(uirement are complie! wit# )y !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" a" Contractor Site Engineer/ Supervisor are a" follow": *) +""i&ne! a" a !e"i&nate! per"onnel to !irect "uper%i"e of any work in%ol%in& t#e te"tin& of pile" in a work"ite, -) .o a!opt rea"onable practicable mea"ure" to warn any per"onnel not to approac# t#e pile te"t area in a work"ite, /) No per"onnel "#all be allowe! to approac# a pile te"t area in a work"ite w#ile t#e proce"" of increa"in& or !ecrea"in& te"t loa!in& i" bein& carrie! out, 0) No per"onnel "#all be allowe! to approac# a pile te"t area in a work"ite w#ile t#e proce"" of increa"in& or !ecrea"in& te"t loa!in& i" not in pro&re"" unle"" un!er t#e "pecific in"truction of t#e !e"i&nate! per"onnel, 1) It "#all be your !uty a" a !e"i&nate! per"onnel to take "o far a" i" rea"onably practicable "uc# mea"ure" a" are nece""ary to a"certain t#at t#e pile te"tin& "y"tem in a work"ite i" in "table con!ition an! i" "afe for approac#, 2) It "#all be t#e !uty of !e"i&nate! per"onnel w#o carrie" any work in%ol%in& t#e placin& or a!%ancin& of a pilin& frame in work"ite 3) 4e #a" to in"pect make firm an! le%el by "uitable mean" nece""ary before an! after placin& or a!%ancin& t#e pilin& frame to t#e &roun!, +n in"pection an! correction of t#e footin& "#all be carrie! out to en"ure t#e "tability,

Appointed by

yobi !iso P":

Endorsed #y $S%O: Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date : : : :

yobi !iso

Accepted #y :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :


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