Crime Report From Drugging and Robbery at The Raven

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3092 Sugan Road Box 139 So!"#u$% PA 1&9'3

Admini trati"n 5ffice '"nda$ thru Frida$ :%00 a)m) ( 8%00 p)m) A211B 2=;(:201 FAC% A211B 2=;(==81 D"minic! Delli++ie Chief "f &"lice &h"ne A211B 38:(;800 Emergenc$% =11

December 2, 2013 Drugged Acquaintance Date Theft & Credit Card Fraud An adult male victim met the pictured male u pect at a !n"#n ga$ bar at 2%30 &' "n Frida$, 11(22(2013) *ictim invited the u pect t" hi re idence t" c"ntinue "ciali+ing) ,hen victim u e the bathr""m, the u pect -fre hen . the victim/ alc"h"lic beverage, #hereup"n the victim l" e c"n ci"u ne f"r appr"0) 1 h"ur ) *ictim a#a!ed nau e"u t" find that the u pect ha t"len hi #allet, 2110 34C, a "rted credit card , and 2 "ut "f equence blan! ban! chec! ) 5n 11(22(2013, the u pect u e a t"len Di c"ver card f"r 2 ga tati"n purcha e in Flemingt"n 67 at 1%38 &', a Die el t"re at 5ne 3ni"n 4quare 'anhattan 69C at :%1: &', charged a h"rt cab ride fr"m 11; ;th Ave t" < &err$ 4t in the ,e t *illage at =%8< &' and la tl$ at the >iviera Caf? 221 , 8th 4t 69C at 10%80 &') 4u pect dr"ve a @e0u , dar! in c"l"r, bearing ,a h DC licen e plate #hile in &a)

4u pect i a ,'A, 80/ , thin build, fre hl$ haven head, dar! rim gla -7"e. and menti"ned being fr"m 'anhattan 6e# 9"r!)

e , u ed the name

Re: 20131123M0012, An$ imilar incident "r lead a t" the identit$ "f the u pect h"uld be referred t" Det(Cpl >"$ F) Ferrari 211(2=;(:201 0 111 "r rferrariG "lebur$pd)"rg

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