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Name : Morgan Potoski_________ Date : 12-13-13________ Hour : 4th___

Name of this piece of work : Geograph !f "ncient #g pt $est______________ "nswer the fo%%owing &uestions in complete sentences' 1. Other than your grade, what makes this assignment one of your best? !ther than m gra(e) something that makes this assignment one of m *est is how + stu(ie( the stu( gui(e so +,( *e rea( for the test'

2. What social studies concept or skill does this assignment exhibit? ( ap skill, culture, time period, physical geography, ! themes of geography, core democratic "alues, other# $his e-hi*its map ski%%' + nee(e( to know how to write.rea( a map in or(er to comp%ete the test) which + (i('

$. %ow does this assignment show your understanding of that skill? !n the test there was a map of "frica that we ha( to fi%% out' /e ha( to %a*e% an( (raw #g pt an( its geograph ' + comp%ete( that part correct% ) a%though + (i( forget to %a*e% the Ni%e 0i1er'

&. 'his assignment shows you are getting better at(. (Organi)ation, time management, working in groups, taking notes, research, other# $his assignment shows that + am getting *etter at time management) research) an( taking notes' +t shows time management *ecause + (i(n,t take too %ong to comp%ete the test' +t shows research an( note taking *ecause + took rea( the chapter an( took notes for the stu( gui(e- which + use( to stu(t for the test'

!. *f you were to do this assignment o"er, what would you change or do differently? (+ nothing+ is not an acceptable response# + wou%( ha1e stu(ie( for a %itt%e *it %onger' + (i( stu( enough to get a high gra(e) *ut + cou%( ha1e went through the stu( gui(e at %east one more time an( gotten an e1en higher gra(e'

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