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0121 675 2983


13 DECEMBER 2013

Lyndon Green Junior School

Still going strong.

As we draw closer to the Christmas holiday we nd ourselves still working at full throttle, models are being made, charity events being organised and celebrations are to be had. The newsletter this week contains a few reminders. It has been an incredibly busy week as usual but lots of fun.

Thursday! We have a busy day next week, our Christmas Service is in the morning, followed by parties in the afternoon. Therefore, school uniform must be worn on the morning, bringing a change of clothing for the party in the afternoon.

Year 5! The children have organised a Charity event spanning three break times next week, Monday to Wednesday. All the children can help support this initiative by bringing in their change, no more than 2 and visit the hall during 1st break. The proceeds will then be going to charities, including Help Harry Help Others

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Music! Lessons resume on the week beginning 13th January. Clubs! Only Dodgeball and Football will be taking place next week. After the holiday, Dodgeball will take place on the 7th and TAG Rugby on the 8th. Details of any other clubs will be sent out after the holidays. Year 4! Robot Rampage event for parents on Tuesday from 2:30 to 3:15. We hope to see you there. Some brilliant robots have been constructed. Have a super weekend! Attendance! This weeks attendance has fallen from previous weeks to 97.45% 5th place 4D and 6G - 98.33% 4th place 3J - 98.89% 3rd place 4W - 99.17% 2nd place 5E - 99.72% 1st place 6C - 100% Brilliant attendance! ! Next week the race is on to see who are the best attenders for the half term and term.

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Football! A massive well done to both boys and girls football teams this week. The girls have progressed into the next round of the HMS trophy and the boys are now ranked in the top 4 of schools in the Midlands. A brilliant achievement by both teams.

Year 6! A reminder that on Thursday 9th January, Year 6 will be visiting London as part of their Galleries topic. It will mean an early start.

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Break up! We will be breaking up next Friday at 3:30 and returning to school on Tuesday 7th January!

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