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That is just dumb.

If we dont study engineering, chemistry, management, medicine, languages, accounting and so forth, then who will do these jobs and keeps the economy running? We will have to employ the Kuffaar to get the job done. We must be moderate and not go into extremes. Going into extremes with your religion and neglecting sciences of the Dunya is wrong, and vice versa as well. I strive hard to be first of my class at university, but outside of university I strive hard to be first in my religious class as well, and always try to remember Allah and do as much good and righteous deeds for His sake as I can. Neglecting the Dunya so that we can focus all our efforts on the religion is not something I endorse. We should also work and earn a living, money is not going to fall from the sky, and a part of earning a living is studying hard to get a good job. And yes, we do get rewards for studying as long as we do it in a halal way. Meaning that we start with Bismillah, we make plenty of Dua for Allah to help us, we do our best for His sake, we praise Him and ask Him for knowledge and so forth. all of this is good and a great way to do Dawah as well. Imagine if all Muslims would be first in their class, that would make people curious, and I can tell from personal experience.

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