Inhaled Salbutamol Plus Ipratropium in Moderate and Severe Asthma Crises in Children

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Nama : Raihan Alhazmi NPM : 1102013242 Kelas : B Skenario: Intan, 14 tahun men alami sesak na!

as "uku# #arah setelah men$a#u halaman rumah% Sesak na!as &isertai &en an 'atuk 'er&ahak, &an 'ersin('ersin, serta Intan han$a 'isa 'er'i"ara ter#utus(#utus% Se'elum men$a#u halaman &ia merasa 'aik('aik sa)a% Intan 'isa melakukan akti!itas a#a#un asalkan ti&ak terkena &e'u% *i&alam keluar a Intan ter&a#at an ota keluar a $an memiliki ri+a$at se#erti Intan )ika terkena &e'u% Pertan$aan Klinis: Pa&a #asien $an men alami seran an asma 'erat, a#akah #em'erian sal'utamol &en an i#ratro#ium 'romi&e 'ila &i'an&in kan &en an sal'utamol sa)a, akan mem#er"e#at #roses #en$em'uhan, Kom#onen PI-.: Patient Inter/ention -ontrol .ut"ome Kata Kun"i: asthma AN* "hil&0 AN* i#ratro#ium 'romi&e AN* sal'utamol Pemilihan Situs: +++%e's"ohost%"om 1asil Pen"arian: Artikel $an &itemukan 'er&asarkan kata kun"i a&alah se'an$ak 1 artikel Inhale& sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium in mo&erate an& se/ere asthma "rises in "hil&ren% Artikel 2an *i#ilih: Inhale& sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium in mo&erate an& se/ere asthma "rises in "hil&ren% : Pasien $an men alami seran an asma 'erat : Sal'utamol &en an i#ratro#ium 'romi&e : Sal'utamol sa)a : Proses #en$em'uhan sesak le'ih "e#at

Ba"k roun&: 3he "om'ination o! inhale& 4526 a onists an& anti"holiner i"s is re"ommen&e& !or "hil&ren +ith a"ute asthma, althou h there are !e+ ran&omize& "ontrolle& trials% 3he aim o! the stu&$ +as to &etermine +hether sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium 'romi&e im#ro/es o7$ enation an& lun !un"tion an& re&u"es the !re8uen"$ o! hos#italization in "hil&ren +ith asthma "rises% Metho&s: A #ros#e"ti/e, ran&omize&, &ou'le('lin& stu&$ o! "hil&ren a e& 2(19 $ears +ith mo&erate to se/ere asthma "rises% Patients +ere e/aluate& usin the asthma s"ore an& s#irometr$% 3he$ re"ei/e& si7 ne'ulizations o! sal'utamol #lus #la"e'o or sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium an& +ere ree/aluate& at 30, :0, ;0, 120, an& 240 minutes, at +hi"h time it +as &e"i&e& +hether the$ +ere to 'e a&mitte&% Results: A total o! ;< #atients "om#lete& the stu&$, 4; in the sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium rou# an& 49 in the sal'utamol(onl$ rou#% 3here +ere no &i!!eren"es in the status at 'aseline 'et+een the t+o rou#s% -hil&ren treate& +ith sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium #resente& a reater im#ro/ement in "lini"al state an& lun !un"tion an& re8uire& hos#italization less !re8uentl$ 519%4=6 than "hil&ren in the sal'utamol rou# 543%9=6 5# > %00<6% Im#ro/ement +as more marke& in "hil&ren +ith se/ere asthma "rises than in those +ith mo&erate "rises% 3he e!!e"t o! sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium +as similar in "hil&ren o/er 9 $ears o! a e an& in $oun er "hil&ren% -on"lusions: Sal'utamol #lus i#ratro#ium 'romi&e im#ro/es lun !un"tion in asthmati" "hil&ren +ith mo&erate to se/ere asthma "rises, in&e#en&entl$ o! a e% 3he e!!e"t is reater in "hil&ren +ith se/ere "rises, +ith a su'stantial re&u"tion in the nee& !or hos#italization%

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