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All Leesville students are Millennials, born between 1981 and 2000.

Older people accuse you of being narcissistic, self-centered and lazy. You were born into a world of technology and high student loans and survived a recession. These infographics are gathered data about you to see if these accusations are correct and compared them with national studies and averages.

The Millennial

8 / Millennials

The Mycenaean, Leesville Road High School, December 16 2013

To find out if you are a stereotypical Millennial take this quiz by Pew Research:

The Mycenaean, Leesville Road High School, December 16, 2013

G e n e r at i o n

Millennials/ 9

Leesville students political allegiances are 33% unaffiliated, 31% Republican, 29% Democrat, and 7% members of a minor party. This coincides with other millennial data that found that independents were on the rise. However, there are more Republican students at Leesville than Democrat which contradicts other data and the stereotype that youths are mostly Democratic and liberal. Leesville students political knowledge matches a downward trend in political awareness and participation among millennials.

Contrary to previous generations relationships with their parents, Millennials, according to a Pew Research survey, fight very little with their parents. The survey found parents of millennials are having far fewer arguments with their own children than they remember having with their parents. Leesvilles Millennials echoed this sentiment: Over half of the students surveyed said they had a really good relationship with their parents, and only nine percent described their relationship as not good or in constant disagreement.

According to Tom Krattenmaker in USA Today, ...todays young adults are a generation marked by impressive dedication to using their lives and careers for the greater good. The data we collected about Leesvilles own Loonies suggest that this statement is entirely true. 79% of Leesville finds that helping others in the community is extremely important to them--valuing the greater good. Also, our research found that 59% of Leesville students have a strict set of moral values that they abide by.

Social Media
Business Insider recently reported that Facebook is no longer the most popular social media service among teens. According to the article, 26% of teens say that Twitter is now the most important social media service, while only 23% said that Facebook was, down from 42%. While our infographic coincides that Facebook is no longer the most popular site among Leesville students, Instagram has taken over its spot with a staggering 73% of students claiming to use the service. Twitter, however, is not far behind with 62% of LRHS users.

Leesvilles own Foods classes teach various objectives regarding food choices and health, nutrient groups and the various influences on food choices. However, when students cook muffins in class, they are given the choice of what kind to make. Students have the resources to make whole grain blueberry muffins-- a healthy choice--but most make chocolate chip muffins. Joanne LeSieur, Leesvilles food class teacher, said, Many of my students think that they can eat anything they want while theyre teenagers, but that stuff

catches up with you later in life. Teenagers are notorious for acting without thinking about the potential repercussions, and their food choices reflect this. Gaining

Governmental guidelines

Work Ethic
According to our survey, only 7% of Leesville students said they were not hardworking while a staggering 92% believed they had either a good work ethic and/or worked hard. However, according to a Huffington Post survey, 39% of students nationwide said they did not want to work very hard. 42% of Leesville students do not have a job (not in the workforce) and 58% do (this includes babysitting and tutoring). Nationally, 26% of teens, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, held part-time jobs.

This data is gathered from approximately 400 different surveys given to students of different grades and socio-economic status.All of this data is from our own research and is gathered from Leesville students.

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