Stop Motion Animation Production Booklet11

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Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Unit 33: Stop Motion Animation Pre-Production Booklet for Animation

Name: Sylvain Kellaway

Order of contents (italics show areas you must add in yourself) Assessment criteria LO2 LO3 Frame Numbers Dope Sheets Format of your animation Subject and storyline Character notes and profiles Movement of characters Moodboard Sets/backgrounds Audio and soundtrack Sound table Props list Audience Storyboard Frame rates Lighting design

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

How to use this booklet

You will need to complete every page of this booklet, and all sections / questions required. Assessment criteria for Distinction grade; LO2 Plans will show a full consideration of movement and continuity, perspective, point of view, transitions and special effects. Precise and workable planning of timing and synchronisation to a soundtrack will be produced. It will be clear at this stage, from the documentation, what the finished piece will look and sound like. Learners will follow industry conventions and terminology used in storyboard production correctly. Plans for the construction of models, sets and props will be realistic and clear. Drawings, script and storyboard will all show a creative interpretation of the idea.

LO3: The documentation linked to the production will be full and detailed and there will be evidence that the production management and scheduling of the project has been effective and carried out in a professional manner. The techniques used in the production of the work are likely to be related to an understanding of current trends in the industry.

Both LO2 and LO3 In all practical activity learners will be capable of working autonomously and effectively. They will work on their own initiative, will not need constant support or supervision, will give the work their full commitment, work positively and cooperatively with others, and meet deadlines. In other words, they will have the kind of self-management skills that would be expected of them in a professional context. Note also that this criterion should not be taken to mean that learners do not seek advice or that they work without discussing things with their tutor, but rather that they are not dependent upon the support of others and that when they take advice they weigh it carefully for themselves.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Use of possible formats

Circle which of the following formats your animation will take; stop-frame techniques time lapse photography plasticine animation Claymation using found objects modelling puppetry combined formats

Why are you using that particular format? I am using stop frame animation because it is the easiest way to make an animation with Lego and by using found objects such as Lego I wont have trouble with the models changing shape or distorting.

What are the different possibilities you could explore using this format? By using Lego all of the steps and movements well be the same and by using stop frame I can change it around and always change what they do each frame and zoom in frame by frame which is useful. I can also make them talk as they have faces and mouths.

What are the limitations of using this format? (i.e what problems/ obstacles might you have?) The limitations of using stop frame animation is that if the camera moves or the set moves or the person moves in a single frame the wrong way or looks different to the others it wont look good and it is much harder to keep everything still and ihn the right place all the time.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet What imaginative or inventive animations have you seen which use this format? Add in links and screen shots of three examples of animations using this format.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

What will the subject of your animation be? Lego Storyline Describe the storyline of your animation. What events will happen to your characters? Graham will wake up at 06:06 AM and get out of bed he then looks at his alarm clock again and it says 66:66 AM there shall be a flash and in the corner the devil will appear although graham does not see him. Graham gets on with his day. He goes out to do some shopping. On his way to the supermarket a hoover appears and sucks him up to the screen above he is confused and then he is confronted by the devil. He runs away on to the next screen to the left with the devil chasing after him. On this last screen he well find a way down to the first screen which is below it and then he will get back in to bed and it will start all over again.

What characters will be in your animation? Graham a normal average guy who wants some food from the supermarket. The Devil from hell and one of his henchmen.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Complete the character profiles for each character in your animation

Name: M/F: Age Costume: Occupation: Hobbies: Character Background:

Graham Watson Male 32 Green shirt and white trousers Unemployed None Average guy from Reading.

Name: M/F: Age Costume: Occupation: Hobbies: Character Background:

Devil Has no gender he is the Devil Immortal he is the Devil Black trousers, shirt and helmet with flames. Helltel receptionist Making peoples lives Hell Has been the Devil since the creation of Earth.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Add in images and drawings/ sketches of what they will look like.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

What will they be made of? Lego

Movement of characters

How are you going to make your characters move? As they are Lego they will move with their legs moving on each Lego circle and walking and arms too as they are already an armature they wont distort or change shpe.

What is the purpose of an armature? To make sure the model does not change shape or distort.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Will you use them for your characters? My characters already are an armature in themselves so yes.

If so, how will you make it? It is already made for me.

Mood board
Create a mood board showing what look your animation will have. Add images showing ideas of mise-en-scene, characters, costumes and colours that will be present in the different shots.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Sets / backgrounds
Will your set be; A three wall set A blue/green screen An existing location A Combination of two or more of the above

Draw sketches of how your sets/backgrounds will look. Add in labels to your diagrams and details of locations / lighting etc.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Add in photographs of your sets/backgrounds.

Audio and Soundtrack

What audio will you have for your animation?

Complete the sound list, detailing what sounds you will use, where you will source them, what equipment you will need to record them and when you will use them in your animation. You will need to design your own soundtrack. You cannot use copyrighted music, and it must be more than simply adding a track.

What actions will need sound effects?

Think of the scenes in your animation. Each scene should have different sounds/music to give information about the mood / emotions of the characters.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Sound Table Production Name: Graham and The Devil Producer: Sylvain Kellaway



Description of Sound


Atmosphere created

Music type and atmosphere

All shots 60




Walking sound Tired character scary


A person yawning Sound of thunder Sound of thunder scream Wheel spinning









150 1800

Scream Wheel spinning

diegetic diegetic

scared spinning

Props List
What props / models / furniture etc will you need to make your animation? PROPS LIST Production Name: Graham and The Devil Producer: Sylvain Kellaway

Item Bed

Script page

Description Lego bed with a white pillow and blue duvet.

Character/location Graham Watson

Notes Character sleeps in it.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet Alarm clock Lego alarm clock on a bed side table. Graham Watson Character checks it.

Define the following characteristics of your audience; Gender Male

Age 6-10 years old

Interests Funny stuff

What forms of animation might they already watch? Stop motion (Morph and Shaun the Sheep)

What images do you think they enjoy watching? Shaun the sheep

What might they consider distasteful or offensive? Swearing and death

How will you ensure that your animation will suit your chosen audience? As I am using Lego it is something they play with all the time as well as violence which they obviously enjoy but with no death.

How will they physically watch your animation? (i.e in an exhibition format, on screen, projection, online?) My installation, my Weebly web page and on Youtube.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Complete a storyboard for your animation.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Frame Rates
What is the duration of your animation in minutes? (minimum 30 seconds) 2 minutes In seconds? 120 seconds

How many frames per second for video? 30 FPS

There are 60 seconds in a minute. How many frames (ie. Individual photos) will you need to take? 3600 frames

Lighting Design
Where will you be photographing your animation? My bedroom

Does it have natural daylight? Yes

If so, you will need to block this out. Explain why. No

Do you have a constant light source(s) such as a lamp? Yes

Where will you place your light source(s) to create interesting effects? Behind and above my set

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet


Frame numbers
You will need to label your images as frames The first 24 frames will be written as; 0_1 0_2 etc etc

the following 24 will be 1_1 1_2 1_3 Ensure your clips are labeled as such. Screen shot the folder your clips are in, and copy the image underneath.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Dope sheets
A dope sheet is an animation tool which helps a animator organise the animation shot-byshot. This gives the camera operator instructions on each shot type and how many frames this will be used for. A dope sheet is usually split into 5 different sections. To indicate what action occurs on which frame number To see what action is happening in this shot. To see what dialogue used in this scene. To show what level of animation is happening. To give camera instructions (angle).

For example;

Because you will be working with video, you will be using 30fps. You will need to complete a dope sheet for EVERY SECOND of your animation. i.e, if you make a 30 second animation, you will need to complete 30 dope sheets. This will be a time-consuming task, but it will help you understand what will need to happen in each of the shots you take. The higher marks will come from a detailed and careful collection of dope sheets. For example, if your characters speaks, you will need to show the mouth forming every shape in order to look effective.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet

Frame 0_1 0_2 0_3 0_4 0_5 0_6 0_7 0_8 0_9 0_10 0_11 0_12 0_13 0_14 0_15 0_16 0_17 0_18 0_19

Path of action Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed

Dialogue / Soundtrack cue none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none

Animation Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit

Camera instructions pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet on side of bed 0_20 0_21 0_22 0_23 0_24 0_25 1_1 1_2 1_3 1_4 1_5 1_6 1_7 1_8 1_9 1_10 1_11 1_12 1_13 1_14 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Getting out of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. none pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Move duvet, on side of be

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet 1_15 1_16 1_17 1_18 1_19 1_20 1_21 1_22 1_23 1_24 1_25 2_1 2_2 2_3 2_4 2_5 2_6 2_7 2_8 2_9 2_10 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet on side of bed 2_11 2_12 2_13 2_14 2_15 2_16 2_17 2_18 2_19 2_20 2_21 2_22 2_23 2_24 2_25 2_1 2_2 2_3 2_4 2_5 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet 3_6 2_7 2_8 2_9 2_10 3_11 3_12 3_13 3_14 3_15 3_16 3_17 3_18 3_19 3_20 3_21 3_22 3_23 3_24 3_25 4_1 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Getting out of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit pan. pan. pan. pan. none pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet on side of bed 4_2 4_3 4_4 4_5 4_6 4_7 4_8 4_9 4_10 4_11 4_12 4_13 4_14 4_15 4_16 4_17 4_18 4_19 4_20 4_21 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet 4_22 4_23 4_24 4_25 5_1 5_2 5_3 5_4 5_5 5_6 5_7 5_8 5_9 5_10 5_11 5_12 5_13 5_14 5_15 5_16 5_17 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet on side of bed 5_18 5_19 5_20 5_21 5_22 5_23 5_24 5_25 6_1 6_2 6_3 6_4 6_5 6_6 6_7 6_8 6_9 6_10 6_11 6_12 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Getting out of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed pan. pan. pan. none pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet 6_13 6_14 6_15 6_16 6_17 6_18 6_19 6_20 6_21 6_22 6_23 6_24 6_25 7_1 7_2 7_3 7_4 7_5 7_6 7_7 7_8 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet on side of bed 7_9 7_10 7_11 7_12 7_13 7_14 7_15 7_16 7_17 7_18 7_19 7_20 7_21 7_22 7_23 7_24 7_25 8_1 8_2 8_3 Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed Getting out of bed none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed Move duvet, sit on side of bed pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan. pan.

Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet 8_4 To 18_4 Jump out of bed and look at alarm clock none Jump down from bed and walk to alarm clock and look at the time then flashes and devil appears then look away. Walks out of his house to the road and the devil follows, the flashes come again and screen goes dark. Lines are attached to his heels and he is pulled up to screen above he then stands up. Walks backwards to next screen and throws up the wire that pulled him above the door pans to the devil who walks to the door and gets stuck hanging by the wire. Walks to a control box which makes a teleporter appear he steps on it, it spins and then the screen and first screen fade to black. First screen and 4th screen fade back in the teleporter spins and stops he steps off pan

18_5 To 38_14

Walks out of house onto road.



38_15 To 47_3

Gets pulled up to screen above.



47_4 To 104_4

Walks backwards to next screen.



104_5 To 107_9

Walks and then goes to 1st screen.



104_6 To 114_17

Bottom screen fades back in.



Stop Motion Animation Pre-production Booklet and waves at it. 114_18 To 121_9 Gets back into his bed. none He walks back to his bed gets in and the animations finishes then repeats. Pan.

Copy and paste as many dope sheets as you need. Remember to change the frame numbering so that the first number refers to the second of animation ie, 1_24 is the 24th frame of the first second, 3_17 is the 17th frame of the 3rd second.

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