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A: A: publication in Class D. Being the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast: an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus, adapted for the dail use of the Magician of !hatever grade. "HE #$R%" &E%"'RE. "he (ath of the Enchant)ent, !hich is called "he Elevenfold %eal. "he Ani)adversion to!ards the Aeon. *. +et the Magician, robed and ar)ed as he )a dee to be fit, turn his face to!ards Boleskine, that is the House of "he Beast ,,,. -.ote *: Boleskine House is on +och .ess, */ )iles fro) $nverness, +atitude 0/.*1 .. +ongitude 1.23 4.5 2. +et hi) strike the batter *6767676*. 7. +et hi) put the "hu)b of his right hand bet!een its inde8 an )edius, and )ake the gestures hereafter follo!ing. "he 9ertical Co)ponent of the Enchant)ent. *. +et hi) describe a circle about his head, cr ing .'$": 2. +et hi) dra! the "hu)b verticall do!n!ard and touch the Muladhara Cakkra, cr ing, HAD$": 7. +et hi), retracing the line, touch the centre of his breast an cr RA6H((R6;H'$": "he Hori<ontal Co)ponents of the Enchant)ent. *. +et hi) touch the Centre of his #orehead, his )outh, and his lar n8, cr ing A$4A=: 2. +et hi) dra! his thu)b fro) right to left across his face at the level of the nostrils. 7. +et hi) touch the centre of his breast, and his solar ple8us, cr ing, "HER$(.: 1. +et hi) dra! his thu)b fro) left to right across his breast, at the level of the sternu). 0. +et hi) touch the %vadistthana, and the Muladhara Chakkra, cr ing, BABA+(.: ,. +et hi) dra! his thu)b fro) right to left across his abdo)en, at the level of the hips. >"hus shall he for)ulate the %igil of the &rand Hierophant, but dependent fro) the Circle.? "he Asseveration of the %pells. *. +et the Magician clasp his hands upon his 4and, his fingers and thu)bs interlaced, cr ing +At%A+: EHMA: #$A(#: AA@H: A'M.: >"hus shall be declared the 4ords of @o!er !hereb the Energies of the Aeon of Horus !ork his !ill in the 4orld.? "he @rocla)ation of the Acco)plish)ent. *. +et the Magician strike the Batter : 76067, cr ing ABRAHADABRA. "he %EC(.D &E%"'RE. "he Enchant)ent. *. +et the Magician, still facing Boleskine, advance to the circu)ference of his circle. 2. +et hi) turn hi)self to!ards the left, and pace !ith the stealth and s!iftness of a tiger the precincts of his circle, until he co)plete one revolution thereof. 7. +et hi) give the %ign of Horus >or "he Enterer? as he

passeth, so to proAect the force that radiateth fro) Boleskine before hi). 1. +et hi) pace his path until he co)es to the .orthB there let hi) halt, and turn his face to the .orth. 0. +et hi) trace !ith his !and the Averse @entagra) proper to invoke Air >ACuarius?. ,. +et hi) bring the !and to the centre of the @entagra) and call upon .'$": /. +et hi) )ake the sign called @uella, standing !ith his feet together, head bo!ed, his left hand shielding the Muladhara Cakkra, and his right hand shielding his breast >attitude of the 9enus de Medici?. 3. +et hi) turn again to the left, and pursue his @ath as before, proAecting the force fro) Boleskine as he passethB let hi) halt !hen he ne8t co)eth to the %outh and face out!ard. D. +et hi) trace the Averse @entagra) that invoketh #ire >+eo?. *E. +et hi) point his !and to the centre of the @entagra), and cr , HAD$": **. +et hi) give the sign @uer, standing !ith feet together, and head erect. +et his right hand >the thu)b e8tended at right angles to the fingers? be raised, the forear) vertical at a right angle !ith the upper ar), !hich is hori<ontall e8tended in the line Aoining the shoulders. +et his left hand, the thu)b e8tended for!ards and the fingers clenched, rest at the Aunction of the thighs >Attitude of the gods Mentu, ;he), etc.?. *2. +et hi) proceed as beforeB then in the East, let hi) )ake the Averse @entagra) that invoketh Earth >"aurus?. *7. +et hi) point his !and to the centre of the pentagra), and cr , "HER$(.: *1. +et hi) give the sign called 9ir, the feet being together. "he hands, !ith clenched finger and thu)bs thrust out for!ards, are held to the te)plesB the head is then bo!ed and pushed out, as if to s )boli<e the butting of an horned beast >attitude of @an, Bacchus, etc.?. >#rontispiece, ECuino8 $, $$$?. *0. @roceeding as before, let hi) )ake in the 4est the Averse @entagra) !hereb 4ater is invoked. *,. @ointing the !and to the centre of the @entagra), let hi) call upon BABA+(.:: */. +et hi) give the sign Mulier. "he feet are !idel separated, and the ar)s raised so as to suggest a crescent. "he head is thro!n back >attitude of Bapho)et, $sis in 4elco)e, the Microcos) of 9itruvius?. >%ee Book 1, @art $$?. *3. +et hi) break into the dance, tracing a centripetal spiral !iddershins, enriched b revolutions upon his a8is as he passeth each Cuarter, until he co)e to the centre of the circle. "here let hi) halt, facing Boleskine. *D. +et hi) raise the !and, trace the Mark of the Beast, and cr A$4A=: 2E. +et hi) trace the invoking He8agra) of "he Beast. 2*. +et hi) lo!er the !and, striking the Earth there!ith. 22. +et hi) give the sign of Mater "riu)phans >"he feet are togetherB the left ar) is curved as if it supported a childB the thu)b and inde8 finger of the right hand pinch the nipple of the left breast, as if offering it to that child?. +et hi) utter the !ord EHMA: 27. @erfor) the spiral dance, )oving deosil and !hirling !iddershins. Each ti)e on passing the 4est e8tend the !and to the

Fuarter in Cuestion, and bo!: a. GBefore )e the po!ers of +A:G >A+, to 4est.? b. GBehind )e the po!ers of A+:G >+A, to East.? c. G(n ) right hand the po!ers of +A:G >A+, to .orth.? d. G(n ) left hand the po!ers of A+:G >+A, to %outh.? e. GAbove )e the po!ers of %h":G >t%, leaping in the air.? f. GBeneath )e the po!ers of %h":G >t%, striking the ground.? g. G4ithin )e the @o!ers:G >in the attitude of @hthah erect, the feet together, the hands clasped upon the vertical !and.? h. GAbout )e fla)es ) #atherHs face, the %tar of #orce and #ire.G i. GAnd in the Colu)n stands His si86ra ed %plendour:G >"his dance )a be o)itted, and the !hole utterance chanted in the attitude of @hthah.? "he #$.A+ &E%"'RE. "his is identical !ith the #irst &esture.

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