NEBOSH Questions 52 Chemical Biological

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1. Past Exam Question

a) Give TWO examples of a disease resulting from biological hazards at work (2) b) Outline the control measures that could be used to reduce the risk of infection from ONE of the biological hazards given in a) (6)

1. Past Exam Answer

Zoonoses: Anthrax Leptospirosis

PPE, hygiene no eating/smoking/ISIT, pest control, immunisation, occ health surveillance/monitoring, maintenance, air etc monitoring, cleaning/disinfection, water treatment programme/temperature control, procedures handling/disposal/containment

2. Past Exam Question

Inadequate lighting in the workplace may affect the level of stress amongst employees. Outline EIGHT other factors associated with the physical environment that may increase stress at work (8)

2. Past Exam Answer

Extremes / lack of environmental conditions Noise / vibration, temperature, ventilation, lighting, access & egress Lack of maintenance Poor housekeeping Inadequate welfare facilities Poor ergonomics Layout, task, plant & equipment

3. Past Exam Question

Outline the factors to be considered when making an assessment of first-aid provision in a workplace (8)

3. Past Exam Answer

Number of persons employed Appointed person up to 50 office workers Nature of work High risk (engineering) low risk (offices) Peripatetic workers Transport Size, layout & location of the workplace

4. Past Exam Question

In relation to occupational dermatitis (i) Identify TWO common causation agents (2) (ii) Describe the typical symptoms of the condition (6)

4. Past Exam Answer

Solvents, acids, alkali, oils, fuels, metal salts, cement, dusts

Inflammation / reddening of the skin Itching Open sores through dryness / de-fatting & breaking of the skin Non-contagious

4. Past Exam Answer

EH40 HSE Guidance COSHH CHIP Hazard data sheet

5. Past Exam Question

a) Identify the possible effects on health that may be caused by working in a hot environment such as a foundry (2) b) Outline the measures that may be taken to help prevent the health effects identified in a) (6)

5. Past Exam Answer

Heat stress/stroke/fatigue Cataracts Dehydration/muscle cramps/confusion/disorientation Erythema/burns from radiant heat

5. Past Exam Answer

b) Acclimatisation Regular breaks/refreshments Ventilation Health surveillance Decrease humidity Screens / PPE ISIT

6. Past Exam Question

a) Explain the term respirable dust (2) b) Outline methods for measuring airborne dust in the workplace (6)

6. Past Exam Answer

a) Atmospheric dust of a particle size normally less than 10 microns that can enter the small air sacs (alveoli) & lodge there b) Personal monitoring Workplace monitoring Dust lamp, grab sampling, dust deposits on surfaces, direct / indirect reading

7. Past Exam Question

A group of production line workers is required to check the operation of padlocks manually as the last stage of a manufacturing process. A number of cases of work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) have been reported amongst the employees (i) Identify the typical symptoms that the affected employees would have shown (4) (ii) Outline the specific causal factors that may have contributed to the condition (4)

7. Past Exam Answer

(i) Aches & pains,numbness of hands,limb restriction,fatigue & stress (ii) Force used, posture adopted, repetition of work, number of rest breaks, lack of job rotation, lack of acclimatisation poor ergonomics Environmental conditions, task, layout, equipment used

7. Past Exam Answer

Automation Good ergonomics
Task/tools & equipment design, job rotation, layout reduce speed of production, rest breaks, job rotation

Occupational health surveillance/premedical ISIT

8. Past Exam Question

State the health & safety risks associated with welding operations (8)

8. Past Exam Answer

Fumes, respiratory diseases, asthma Arc eye/cataracts Heat stress/fatigue WRULDs Fumes

Fire, explosion, burns

9. Past Exam Question

a) Define the term target organ within the context of occupational health (2) b) Outline the personal hygiene practices that should be followed to reduce the risk of ingestion of a hazardous substance (6)

9. Past Exam Answer

Organs affected in a particular way (as primary, secondary or tertiary response) to the absorption, inhalation, ingestion of a harmful substance

Clean PPE & correct disposal, no beards or long hair, showering, hand washing, no long nails, etc, food/smoking in designated areas

10. Past Exam Question

a) Identify the TWO main functions of first aid (2) b) Outline the factors to consider when making an assessment of first-aid provision in a workplace (6)

10. Past Exam Answer

a) Preserve life & promote recovery b) Number of persons employed Appointed person up to 50 office workers Nature of work High risk (engineering) low risk (offices) Peripatetic workers Transport Size, layout & location of the workplace

11. Past Exam Question

a) Identify possible routes of entry of biological organisms into the body (4) b) Outline the control measures that could be used to reduce the risk of infection from biological organisms (4)

11. Past Exam Answer

a) Inhalation, ingestion, Absorption, injection/puncture b) PPE, hygiene no eating/smoking/ISIT,

pest control, immunisation, occ health surveillance/monitoring, maintenance, air etc monitoring, cleaning / disinfection, water treatment programme / temperature control, procedures handling / disposal / containment

12. Past Exam Question

a) b) Identify FOUR forms that an airborne hazardous substance may take (4) Outline the advantages & limitations of using a chemical indicator (stain detector) tube to monitor the atmospheric concentrations of hazardous substances (8) State the primary effect on the body of each of the following types of hazardous substance, giving a named example of each type (i) Irritant (2) (ii) Corrosive (2) (iii) Toxic (2) (iv) Carcinogenic (2)


12. Past Exam Answer

a) Dust, fumes, fibres, smoke, mists & fog b)
Quick, simple & cheap, over 200 tubes for different contaminants No good for dusts, only a snapshot in time, have to know what the contaminant is, not used for personal monitoring

12. Past Exam Answer

Hydrochloric acid
Inflammation of the internal/external surfaces of the body

Causes burns to skin & internal organs, etc

Affects the Central Nervous System

Causes changes to cell growth causing cancer

13. Past Exam Question

Outline factors in the physical working environment that may cause a person to feel stressed at work (8)

13. Past Exam Answer

Extremes / lack of environmental conditions Noise / vibration, temperature, ventilation, lighting, access & egress Lack of maintenance Poor housekeeping Inadequate welfare facilities Poor ergonomics Layout, task, plant & equipment

14. Past Exam Question

Employees working for a specialist shoe manufacturer are engaged in trimming soles by hand prior to using a solvent based adhesive to glue them onto the shoe (i) Describe FOUR possible adverse health effects that may be experienced by these employees (4) (ii) Outline measures to minimise health risk both from the trimming & the gluing operation (8)

14. Past Exam Answer

Dermatitis Irritation of eyes/lungs, headaches, nausea, loss of consciousness, light-headedness, narcosis, disorientation,psychological effects (depression, mood swings, irritability, reduced mental capacity) WRULDs

14. Past Exam Answer

Substitution, minimum quantities/restrict surface area of application, good housekeeping (no open containers/rags etc), rest breaks, RPE/PPE, good hygiene, ventilation, ISIT

Automate, design of tools, ISIT

15. Past Exam Question

a) State TWO respiratory diseases that may be caused by exposure to asbestos (2) b) Identify where asbestos is likely to be encountered in a building during renovation work (6)

15. Past Exam Answer

a) Mesothelioma, asbestosis b) Wall cladding, ceiling tiles, boiler lagging, hot water pipe lagging, ceiling voids, roof tiles, roof voids, wall voids

16. Past Exam Question

a) Identify TWO work activities that may give rise to work related upper limb disorders (WRULDs) (2)

16. Past Exam Answer

a) DSE work, Production line work, manual (bricklaying), mechanics,, tasks involving repetitive gripping, twisting etc

17. Past Exam Question

a) List THREE respiratory diseases that could be caused by exposure to dust at work (3) b) Describe the bodys respiratory defence mechanism against atmospheric dust (7) c) Outline the control measures that may be used to eliminate or reduce dust in a work environment, using practical examples where appropriate (10)

17. Past Exam Answer

a) b) Silicosis, pneumoconiosis, asthma Nose hair / mucus, sneezing, coughing, turbulent motion, ciliary escalator

c) Substitution, change process, isolate, enclosure, LEV, fume cabinet, general/dilution ventilation,hygiene, cleaning methods, housekeeping, damping down

18. Past Exam Question

Outline specific measures designed to prevent the occurrence of occupational dermatitis (4)

18. Past Exam Answer

Substitution, good hygiene, PPE, occupational health monitoring, assessment, ISIT

19. Past Exam Question

a) State the principles of EACH of the following methods used to control airborne contaminants at work (i)Dilution ventilation (1) (ii)Local exhaust ventilation (1) b) Draw a labelled sketch of a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system, clearly showing the main components (6)

19. Past Exam Answer

(i) (ii) Natural (open windows & doors) extraction fan, dilutes contaminant Removes the contaminant at source

20. Past Exam Question

An essential ingredient for a process is delivered in powdered form & poured by hand from bags into a mixing vessel. Outline the control measures that might be considered in this situation in order to reduce employee exposure to the substance (8)

20. Past Exam Answer

Automation, substitution, job rotation Isolation Air monitoring Housekeeping LEV Reduce quantities, pellatise etc PPE ISIT

21. Past Exam Question

a) List the main components of a local exhaust ventilation (LEV) system (4) b) Outline the statutory requirements for the inspection of an LEV system (4)

21. Past Exam Answer

A) Extract point - hood Branch duct Primary / main duct Collection point / bags Filters Extract fan Discharge to atmosphere B)
Reg 9 of COSHH Schedule 4 for periodicity Full examination every 14 months

22. Past Exam Question

Outline the factors that may reduce the effectiveness of an LEV system (8)

22. Past Exam Answer

Type of contaminant particle size Lack of maintenance Incorrect use Blocked or clogged filters Fan connected incorrectly (blowing instead of sucking) Gaps in trunking Poor housekeeping Lack of ISIT

23. Past Exam Question

Outline the factors to be taken into account when undertaking an assessment of health risks from a hazardous substance to be used in the workplace (8)

23. Past Exam Answer

Toxicity of substance, quantity, particle size, solid, powder, vapour etc Environmental conditions Control measures & use of control measures Exposure time Spillages How work is carried our Number of people exposed ISIT

24. Past Exam Question

a) Outline the factors that should be considered when carrying out an assessment as required by the Control of Substances hazardous to health (COSHH) Regulations (6) b) Outline the relevance of HSE Guidance Note EH40 Occupational Exposure Limits when carrying out this assessment (2)

24. Past Exam Answer

Assessing the risks from the use of the hazardous substance Deciding what precautions are required before using the substance Prevent people being exposed to hazardous substances, where this is not reasonably practicable, control the exposure Make sure control measures are used & maintained & procedures followed Monitor exposure of personnel if necessary Conduct appropriate health surveillance where appropriate Properly inform, train & supervise employees

24. Past Exam Answer

MELs List I OESs List II Biological Carcinogenic Risk phrases

25. Past Exam Question

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems must be thoroughly examined at least every 14 months. Outline the routine maintenance that should be carried out between statutory examinations in order to ensure the continuing efficiency of an LEV system (8)

25. Past Exam Answer

Pre-use checks Visual inspection for contaminant deposits on surfaces etc Cleaning of filters, discharge vents, regular emptying of contaminant bags, hoods etc Checking ducting joints (contaminant deposits)

26. Past Exam Question

A fitter is employed to lay carpet tiles in a new premises using a solvent based adhesive. In relation to the use of the adhesive in such circumstances Outline the control methods that should be considered (4)

26. Past Exam Answer

Substitution, minimise quantities Good housekeeping (lid on container, dispose of rags etc) Ventilation, rest breaks ISIT, RPE, good hygiene, no-smoking

27. Past Exam Question

Outline the information employees should receive when there is a risk that their work will expose them to a substance hazardous to health (8)

28. Past Exam Answer

Hazard data sheet & its contents
Spillages, toxicity, MEL, OES, etc

use of any control measures Safe systems of work Use of PPE COSHH regs

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