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uashboard MeLrlcs

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1hls warnlng lndlcaLor on my dashboard wlll sound an audlble
alerL when a crlucal mass of people uslng lower Lrlbal sLage
language has been deLecLed. 1hls wlll help Lo leL me know when
members of Lhe Lrlbe are beglnnlng Lo dlgress back lnLo a prevlous
sLage. 1he alerL wlll glve me an opporLunlLy Lo lnLercede before
Lhese Lrlbe members have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo drag Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhe Lrlbe backwards on our shared [ourney. 1he alerL wlll sound
when lL has plcked up 20 or more of Lhe Leam uslng language
from a lower sLage.
MeLrlc: number of umes lower sLage language ls spoken
!"#$%$& ($)%*"+,# - 2%3*%45%$/
1hls warnlng lndlcaLor on my dashboard wlll swlLch from a glowlng
green arrow polnung forward Lo LhaL of an lllumlnaLed, yellow,
and curved arrow when l sLray from my llsLed values and personal
drlvers. 1hls wlll help gulde me as a creauve leader by keeplng me
focused on my value seL and helplng me recognlze when l have
sLrayed from my paLh. 1he yellow warnlng arrow wlll serve Lo
remlnd me LhaL l need Lo revlslL my value seL and look aL my map
Lo make sure l haven'L wandered lnLo any areas LhaL l should be
MeLrlc: uevlauon from personal values
Cn Course C Course
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13
uashboard MeLrlcs
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1hls meLer on my dashboard wlll glve me feedback relaung Lo Lhe
feedback l have glven on LhaL day. 1he goal ls Lo geL Lhe needle Lo
Lhe posluve end of Lhe dlal by Lhe end of Lhe work day. 1hls ls
achleved by glvlng people posluve feedback on Lhelr sLrengLhs
LhroughouL Lhe day. Lach ume l glve Lhls Lype of feedback Lhe
needle moves one uck clockwlse.
MeLrlc: number of umes LhaL l glve posluve feedback abouL
people's sLrengLhs per day.
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1hls warnlng reucle on my heads-up dlsplay above Lhe dashboard
wlll change colors from green Lo red when a person ls slghLed ln
Lhe company who has noL yeL been llnked lnLo a Lrlad. 1he red
crosshalrs wlll remlnd me LhaL l need Lo lnLroduce Lhls person Lo
someone wlLh slmllar values, goals, or pro[ecL plans lmmedlaLely.
1he reucle lLself wlll help remlnd me LhaL formlng Lrlads ls an
lmporLanL parL of my role as a leader.
MeLrlc: WheLher or noL Lhe person has a funcuon Lrlad
relauonshlp or noL.
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13
uashboard MeLrlcs
6/+/# - ?$,85/)&/ @%"3
1hls meLer on my dashboard wlll dlsplay Lhe esumaLed amounL of
knowledge LhaL l have on Lhe currenL slLuauon. 1he more colors ln
Lhe clrcle, Lhe more knowledge LhaL l have on Lhe slLuauon and
Lhe more llkely my acuons wlll be well lnformed. 1hls meLer wlll
help prevenL me from Laklng acuon ln any clrcumsLances where l
lack an eecuve amounL of knowledge. 1hls wlll help me as a
creauve leader because lL wlll suppress my blas Lowards acuon,
and ensure LhaL l am maklng lnformed declslons as a leader.
MeLrlc: AmounL of slLuauonal knowledge LhaL l have accumulaLed
Lhus far.
lncompleLe uaLa AccepLable uaLa
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13
uashboard Scenarlo 1:
l am aL a company funcuon celebraung Lhe success of a recenL
lnluauve. l am walklng amongsL Lhe crowd ln an lnformal
semng, speaklng wlLh people, and lnLroduclng people Lo each
oLher. Cne person (!), who ls noL yeL ln a Lrlad (slgnaled by
Lhe red reucle) beglns speaklng ln a manner suggesuve of a
sLage Lhree Lrlbal member (warnlng sound dlngs). l reallze
LhaL before l can creaLe a lasung Lrlad wlLh Lhls person l need
Lo help elevaLe Lhem Lo sLage four. l begln Lalklng abouL Lhe
how Lhls !'s sLrengLhs have been of greaL value Lo Lhe
company (meLer ucks up one noLch) and how as a Leam we
rely on everyone's sLrengLhs Lo move us Lowards our drlvlng
prlnclple. l Lhen recognlze a long ume employee (P) who has
slmllar asplrauons as Lhls lndlvldual and l lnLroduce Lhem Lo
each oLher. My knowledge 8las meLer shows LhaL l have good
knowledge of boLh people ln Lhls slLuauon. l begln by asklng
P lf he has lnslghL Lo oer ! on how our values have been able
Lo aecL our markeL performance. 1hey begln Lalklng ( my
reucle Lurns green) and l excuse myself Lo keep looklng for
places where l can sLrengLhen relauonshlps. 1hroughouL Lhls
lnLeracuon my dlsclpllne lndlcaLor conunues Lo glow green,
remlndlng me LhaL l am on Lask and ln-llne wlLh my values.
(!) (P)
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13
uashboard Scenarlo 2:
l am aL a managemenL level meeung aL our Mlnneapolls
headquarLers. Lveryone ln Lhe room ls a manager, buL Lhey all
reporL Lo me, so l guess l am Lhe boss ln Lhe room. 1hey are
all lnLerconnecLed Lhrough Lrlads so my reucle sLays on green
whlle l scan Lhe meeung. We are dlscusslng opporLunlues
LhaL could save money for Lhe company ln Lhe nexL few years.
As usual l leL Lhe oLher people here begln Lhe conversauon
whlle l slL and llsLen Lo Lhelr ldeas. 1he language used by Lhe
speakers reecLs sLage four ldeals, and Lhere ls a loL of we're
greaL" Lalk golng around, Lherefore my language alarm sLays
sllenL. Cne of Lhe speakers suggesLs LhaL we begln a venLure
LhaL has Lhe poLenual Lo lncrease proLs for Lhe company, buL
Lhls new dlrecuon wlll requlre reduclng employee beneLs
and poLenually laylng o some long Lerm sLa. My dlsclpllne
warnlng lndlcaLor qulckly ashes Lo yellow, slgnallng a
dlrecuon LhaL runs counLer Lo our values as a soclally
responslble organlzauon. My knowledge blas lndlcaLor
suggesLs LhaL l have a healLhy knowledge base for maklng a
declslon on Lhls paLh. My power of appreclauon meLer
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhls person could beneL from some posluve
feedback so l make sure Lo lead wlLh a compllmenL. My
response ls as follows, 1hank you for your recenL hard work
and excepuonal devouon Lo Lhls company, buL whaL you are
suggesung may noL be ln Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe company
because Lhe posluve galns are only creaLed by
dlsenfranchlslng Lhose we rely on. 1he reason we are a leader
ln Lhls eld ls because we pay people enough Lo keep Lhe
dlscusslon of money o Lhe Lable, Lherefore lf we reduce
beneLs we would also llkely see our posluon ln Lhe eld drop,
even Lhough we would have more 'proLs' Lo reporL."
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13
uashboard Scenarlo 3:
l am currenLly worklng as Lhe CLC and chlef deslgner for 1he
Llvlng klLchen company, whlch sLarLed as my MCAu Lhesls
pro[ecL years before. lL's a preuy sLandard 1uesday aernoon
and mosL of my duues for Lhe day have been checked o of
my llsL. l declde Lo reecL on how Lhls day has gone. l
remember LhaL durlng my lnLeracuons wlLh people Loday
Lhere was only one lnsLance where my Lrlad reucle showed a
person who wasn'L currenLly ln a Lrlad wlLh myself. l qulckly
recued LhaL slLuauon by lnLroduclng her Lo a manufacLurlng
represenLauve LhaL could help her wlLh her currenL pro[ecL. l
also nouce LhaL my language alarm has sLayed sllenL for Lhe
whole day! My dlsclpllne lndlcaLor has a brlghL green glowlng
arrow, slgnallng LhaL l am on course wlLh my values and Lhose
of Lhe company, and my power of appreclauon meLer ls
maxed ouL on Lhe far end! lLs been a good day. l sLarL
Lhlnklng abouL whaL l should do Lo reward Lhe sLa for havlng
such a awless few hours. My knowledge meLer lndlcaLes
LhaL l should be able Lo Lake acuon wlLhouL requlrlng furLher
daLa. 1he rsL ldea LhaL pops lnLo my head ls LhaL l should
send ouL a company-wlde emall congraLulaung all Lhe sLa for
creaung such an amazlng work envlronmenL. 1hls would help
relnforce our sLage four culLure, and probably help boosL
everyone's splrlLs a blL. l wrlLe Lhe emall, and Lhen lnvlLe
anyone who ls able Lo [oln me ln Lhe lounge for cupcakes and
board-games Lo ll ouL Lhe lasL hour of Lhe work day. 1oday l
love my [ob because we're really a greaL company.
!ake PvlsLendahl - llnal ro[ecL uashboard - 12/13/13

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