Cablu Retea

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Last updated: 8/9/2004

Again, please bear with me... Let s start with simple pin-!ut diagrams !" the tw! t#pes !" $T% Ethernet &ables and wat&h h!w &!mmittees &an ma'e a &an !" w!rms !ut !" them. (ere are the diagrams:

N!te that the T) *transmitter+ pins are &!nne&ted t! &!rresp!nding R) *re&ei,er+ pins, plus t! plus and minus t! minus. And that #!u must use a &r!ss!,er &able t! &!nne&t units with identi&al inter"a&es. -" #!u use a straightthr!ugh &able, !ne !" the tw! units must, in e""e&t, per"!rm the &r!ss-!,er "un&ti!n. Tw! wire &!l!r-&!de standards appl#: E-A.T-A /01A and E-A.T-A /012. The &!des are &!mm!nl# depi&ted with R3-4/ 5a&'s as "!ll!ws *the ,iew is "r!m the "r!nt !" the 5a&'s+:

-" we appl# the /01A &!l!r &!de and sh!w all eight wires, !ur pin-!ut l!!'s li'e this:

N!te that pins 4, /, 6, and 1 and the blue and br!wn pairs are n!t used in either standard. 7uite &!ntrar# t! what #!u ma# read elsewhere, these pins and wires are n!t used !r re8uired

t! implement 9::2ASE-T) duple;ing--the# are 5ust plain wasted. (!we,er, the a&tual &ables are n!t ph#si&all# that simple. -n the diagrams, the !range pair !" wires are n!t ad5a&ent. The blue pair is upside-d!wn. The right ends mat&h R3-4/ 5a&'s and the le"t ends d! n!t. -", "!r e;ample, we in,ert the le"t side !" the /01A <straight<-thru &able t! mat&h a /01A 5a&'--put !ne 91:= twist in the entire &able "r!m end-t!-end--and twist t!gether and rearrange the appr!priate pairs, we get the "!ll!wing &an-!"w!rms:

This "urther emphasi>es, - h!pe, the imp!rtan&e !" the w!rd <twist< in ma'ing netw!r' &ables whi&h will w!r'. ?!u &ann!t use an "lat-untwisted teleph!ne &able "!r a netw!r' &able. @urtherm!re, #!u must use a pair !" twisted wires t! &!nne&t a set !" transmitter pins t! their &!rresp!nding re&ei,er pins. ?!u &ann!t use a wire "r!m !ne pair and an!ther wire "r!m a di""erent pair. Aeeping the ab!,e prin&iples in mind, we &an simpli"# the diagram "!r a /01A straight-thru &able b# untwisting the wires, e;&ept the 91:= twist in the entire &able, and bending the ends upward. Li'ewise, i" we e;&hange the green and !range pairs in the /01A diagram we will get a simpli"ied diagram "!r a /012 straight-thru &able. -" we &r!ss the green and !range pairs in the /01A diagram we will arri,e at a simpli"ied diagram "!r a &r!ss!,er &able. All three are sh!wn bel!w.

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