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Assessment of the presentation

/10 /5 General ability to sustain a discussion on a given topic (a) Pronunciation/Fluency Is the student able to make themselves understood by the rest of the class?, Is the student speaking loud enough?, Is the students pronunciation clear and understandable? /5 (b) General grammar Is the student avoiding basic grammar mistakes (gender; agreements)?, Is the student using appropriate French syntax (no anglicismes)? /5 /2.5 General ability to summarize ideas and present them in French (a) General attitude during the presentation How is the student behaving while giving their presentation (are they always reading from their notes? Do they make eye contact with the rest of the group? Are they trying to present in a natural manner?) /2.5 (b) PowerPoint Does the PowerPoint summarize the main ideas presented by the student?, Does the PowerPoint allows for a clear understanding of the topic presented?


General preparation /5 Did the student do appropriate background research on their topic ? Did the student use pertinent information related to their topic ? Did the student include this information in their PowerPoint, or on a handout ? Did the student manage to purposefully use this information in class, and not just insert it in the PowerPoint without commenting on it ?

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