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Evolution vs.

Creationism The theory of where mankind came from has been a big controversy between scientist and religious followers for many centuries. Many where prosecuted for going against creationism. In recent science, it is seen that many new facts on evolution have been brought about but a famous individual in history known as Charles Darwin made a big break through. This particular scientist has not only brought new views on evolution but many religions have adapted to his views and are more inviting to some parts of evolution. Through this it is seen that science and religion have eased in to each other a bit more but the problem still exists. What should be done about this? And questions like, who is right? This question is very important to mankind and will be explored more in depth. Creationism vs. evolution has become a big controversy throughout the ages, every time expanding more and more. As time passes, it is seen that one cant make a discovery without the other trying to contradict the other for one to be the truth. (Rayphe 2013) states that (p.1) when words like evangelism and proselytize are used, pagans seem to become strangely uneasy. (Rayphe 2013, p.1). This is because they do not agree with each other and as a result of this it is seen that new rules and problems arise because evolutionists and religious leader do not agree and such words as, hate and being offended towards one another will be heard about. (Rayphe 2013) also states, (p.1) , Soon you begin to hear about people being offended, rules, (in)tolerance, hate etc. (Rayphe 2013, p.1). This long time issue isnt very easy to solve because there will always be one side not agreeing and trying to be the right side as to speak. To this comes the question of, who is right? For this facts are seen. Although religious leaders have good facts and the Bible to back up evidence, there are many things that are hard to prove and that is where evolution has come in. Many of the readers have been raised in a religion but through have seen that science contributes a lot to the facts being found. How can this be yet science and religion dont get along? Charles Darwin, father of evolution, has shown that both can co exists bringing his discoveries to be introduced and used in religion. It is seen that evolution is a big part of how the human race has gotten to this point in time and advanced to the Evolution Vs. Creation point that it is today. (Dawkins 2011) states in (p.1), evolution is a simple change over time. (Dawkins 2011, p.1). This shows that the fact that in order for the Evolution human race to get to the point Creationism that it is today, an evolution of a sort had to take place in order for Co Exists this to be accomplished, thus proving that evolution has to have taken place. If so then why cant both exist? This is because one is trying to be proven as the

correct way of thinking instead of trying to integrate in to each other. A lot of this comes from the fact that both are trying to find the origin of how our world was started. In conclusion to this, evolution is described as a simple change over time. It is seen to this point that this actually happens especially seeing the change from cavemen to modern day humans. Not only is it seen in humans but animals and all species too. In conclusion, the question of which is the correct way of life is asked. From the research gathered, there is not really a correct way but two very factual ways that can be integrated within each other. Although more evidence is provided by science, the word of God touches a lot of the population as well. What can be concluded from this is that the integration of both topics would bring about a better explanation is it was able to co exists with the other. That is what should be done with this genre, find a way to co exists both topics as Darwin was able to do. References Dawkins R. (2011. January, 21), The Difference Between Evolution and Creationism, Retrived, October 28, 2013 from Rayphe P. (August 12 2013) , Evolution Vs. God, life, liberty, happiness and people, Retrieved October 28, 13, form

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