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GAT General Analytical Questions and Answers Part-4 Note: key is given at the end of document.

(On the last passage) The organizer of a campaign tour for a gubernatorial candidate in the state of California must schedule the candidate's campaign visits to eight cities-Monrovia, Napa, Oakland, Rialto, Shasta, Tipton, Ventura, and Yountville. The campaign tour is to last eight weeks . The candidate must visit exactly one city each week and cannot visit any city more than once. Although the candidate has specified no particular order for visits, political considerations have imposed the following conditions on the tour schedule: Monrovia must be visited in the first or second week. Napa must be visited in the fourth or fifth week. Oakland must be visited at some time before Yountville is visited, and Yountville must be visited at some time before Rialto is visited. Shasta and Ventura must each be visited at some time before Tipton is visited. 49.Which of the following is an acceptable ordering of the candidate's visits to all eight cities, in order from the first to the last city visited? (A) Monrovia, Oakland, Shasta, Napa, Tipton, Ventura, Yountville, Rialto (B) Monrovia, Shasta, Oakland, Napa, Yountville, Ventura, Tipton, Rialto (C) Oakland, Shasta, Ventura, Napa, Tipton, Yountville, Rialto, Monrovia (D) Shasta, Monrovia, Napa, Ventura, Oakland, Tipton, Yountville, Rialto (E) Yountville, Monrovia, Rialto, Ventura, Napa, Oakland, Shasta, Tipton 50.If the visit to Rialto is scheduled for the sixth week, the visit to Tipton must be scheduled for the (A) third week (B) fourth week (C) fifth week (D) seventh week (E) eighth week 51.The visit to Yountville could be scheduled for any of the following weeks EXCEPT the (A) fourth week (B) fifth week (C) sixth week (D) seventh week (E) eighth week

52.If the visit to Tipton is scheduled for the sixth week. Then which of the following must be true? (A) The visit to Monrovia is scheduled for the first week (B) The visit to Oakland is scheduled for the fourth week. (C) The visit to Shasta is scheduled for the third week. (D) The visit to Ventura is scheduled for the second week. (E) The visit to Yountville is scheduled for the seventh week. 53.If the visit to Shasta is scheduled for the first week, and the visit to Napa is scheduled for the fourth week, which of the following cities could the candidate visit in the third week? (A) Monrovia (B) Rialto (C) Tipton (D) Ventura (E) Yountville 54. If the visit to Yountville is scheduled for the fifth week, and the visit to Ventura is scheduled to take place at some time before the visit to Shasta, then the cities scheduled to be visited during the first, second, and third weeks must be which of the following, not necessarily in the order listed? (A) Monrovia, Oakland, Tipton (B) Monrovia, Oakland, Ventura (C) Monrovia, Shasta, Ventura (D) Oakland, Rialto, Shasta (E) Shasta, Tipton, Ventura

Eighth Passage 1 Each of six experts-Long, Monroe, Ortiz, Porter, Seale, and Travis-will deliver a different one of six consecutive lectures to a meeting of the 2001 Society. The lectures must be delivered one at a time and in a manner consistent with the following restrictions: Long delivers the third or else the fifth lecture. Porter delivers either the lecture immediately before or else the lecture immediately after the lecture delivered by Seale. If Monroe delivers the first lecture, Seale delivers the second lecture. Travis does not deliver the sixth lecture.

1.Which of the following lists the experts in an order in which they can deliver the lectures, from first to sixth? (A) Monroe, Porter, Seale, Travis, Long, Ortiz (B) Monroe, Seale, Porter, Travis, Long, Ortiz (C) Monroe, Scale, Travis, Porter, Long, Ortiz (D) Ortiz, Porter, Seale, Monroe, Long, Travis (E) Travis, Seale, Porter, Long, Ortiz, Monroe 2.If Monroe delivers the first lecture, which of the following is the expert who must deliver the fourth lecture? (A) Long (B) Ortiz (C) Porter (D) Scale (E) Travis 3.If Travis delivers the third lecture, which of the following is a pair of experts each of whom could be the person who delivers the sixth lecture? (A) Monroe and Ortiz (B) Monroe and Porter (C) Ortiz and Porter (D) Ortiz and Seale (E) Porter and Scale 4.If Porter delivers the second lecture, which of the following is a pair of experts each of whom could be the person who delivers the first lecture? (A) Long and Ortiz (B) Long and Seale (C) Monroe and Ortiz (D) Monroe and Travis (E) Ortiz and Travis 5.If Ortiz and Monroe deliver the first and second lectures, respectively, which of the following must be true? (A) Long delivers the fifth lecture. (B) Porter delivers the fifth lecture. (C) Porter delivers the sixth lecture. (D) Travis delivers the fourth lecture. (E) Travis delivers the fifth lecture.

6.If Long delivers the third lecture and neither Porter nor Seale is to deliver the first lecture, which of the following can be true? (A) Monroe delivers the first lecture. (B) Monroe delivers the fifth lecture. (C) Ortiz delivers the first lecture. (D) Ortiz delivers the fifth lecture. (E) Travis delivers the fifth lecture. 7.If Ortiz delivers a lecture at some time before Porter, which of the following can be true? (A) Monroe delivers the first lecture. (B) Ortiz delivers the third lecture. (C) Porter delivers the third lecture. (D) Seale delivers the first lecture. (E) Travis delivers the fifth lecture. Passage 2 A construction company has been hired to build five different buildings - J, M, O, P, and S. The company is free to schedule work on the buildings in any way that satisfies the following contractual terms: J has priority over M and over O. O and P each have priority over S. If one building has priority over another, the building with priority must be started earlier than the other one. 8.Each of the following is a sequence in which the company could begin work on the five buildings EXCEPT (A) J, M, O, P, S (B) J, O, P, M, S (C) J, O, P, S, M (D) P, J, O, M, S (E) P, S, J, O, M 9.Each of the following is a pair of additional contractual terms that are compatible with the original terms EXCEPT: (A) J has priority over S, and P has priority over J. (B) M has priority over O, and S has priority over M. (C) O has priority over P, and J has priority over S. (D) P has priority over M, and M has priority over O. (E) S has priority over M, and O has priority over P

10.If no two buildings are started simultaneously, which of the following must be true? (A) J is started earlier than S. (B) M is started earlier than O. (C) O is started earlier than P. (D) P is started earlier than J. (E) S is started earlier than M. 11.If each of the buildings. Once started, takes equally long to complete, each of the following is a pair of buildings that could be completed simultaneously EXCEPT (A) M and O (B) M and P (C) M and S (D) O and P (E) O and S 12.If M and P are started simultaneously, then it must be true that M and P are started (A) later than J (B) later than O (C) later than S (D) earlier than J (E) earlier than O 13.If no two buildings are started simultaneously, what is the maximum number of different buildings any one of which could be the building started third? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four (E) Five 14.The company could start work on at most how many buildings before starting work on M? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four

Passage 3

During six days, Monday through Saturday, a walker is planning to take five walks-the gorge walk, the lake walk, the pinewoods walk, the river walk, and the village walk-at a mountain resort. The village walk requires two entire consecutive days; the other four walks each require exactly one entire day. The walker's plans will conform to the following constraints, imposed by the nature of the walks: The gorge walk must be planned for Monday or else for Tuesday. Friday and Saturday cannot be the pair of days for which the village walk is planned. The lake walk can be planned for neither the day before nor the day after the village walk. 15.If the walker's plan includes the pinewoods walk for Wednesday, which of the following must the plan also include? (A) The gorge walk for Monday (B) The lake walk for Monday (C) The lake walk for Tuesday (D) The river walk for Saturday (E) The village walk for a pair of days that include Tuesday 16.If the walker's plan includes the gorge walk for Tuesday, which of the following CANNOT be included in that plan? (A) The lake walk for Monday (B) The lake walk for Friday (C) The pinewoods walk for Monday (D) The pinewoods walk for Wednesday (E) The river walk for Monday 17.If the walker's plan includes the pinewoods walk and the river walk, in that order, on consecutive days, then those two days must be the two days that (A) follow the gorge walk (B) follow the lake walk (C) follow the village walk (D) precede the lake walk (E) precede the village walk 18.Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of days for any one of which the walker can plan a lake walk? (A) Monday, Tuesday (B) Monday, Tuesday, Friday (C) Tuesday, Friday, Saturday

(D) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday (E) Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 19.If the walker's plan assigns the lake walk to some day before the village walk, the plan must also assign the (A) lake walk to some day before the gorge walk (B) lake walk to some day before the pinewoods walk (C) pinewoods walk to some day before the river walk (D) pinewoods walk to some day before the village walk (E) river walk to some day before the village walk 20.Which of the following is true about the walker's plan? (A) The gorge walk must be planned for some day before the village walk. (B) The gorge and lake walks must be planned for consecutive days. (C) The pinewoods and river walks must be planned for consecutive days. (D) The village walk must be planned for Wednesday. (E) The lake walk or the pinewoods walk must be the walk planned for Saturday.

Passage 4 Five patients-L, M, N, O, and P-must be scheduled to undergo physical therapy treatments within a seven-day period beginning on the first day of a month and ending on the seventh day of the same month. Exactly one patient can be treated per day. The schedule must accommodate the following conditions: L is to receive exactly two treatments; the second treatment must be scheduled for the fourth day after the day of the first treatment.M is to receive exactly one treatment.N is to receive exactly one treatment, which must be scheduled for either the day before or the day after the day of L's first treatment.O is to receive exactly one treatment, which must be scheduled for a day anytime before the day of L's second treatment.P is to receive exactly one treatment, which must be scheduled for the third day after the day of M's treatment.

21. Any of the five patients could be scheduled for the first day of the month EXCEPT (A) L (B) M (C) N (D) O (E) P 22. Which of the following is a possible schedule, including the open day for which no patient is scheduled, from the first day through the seventh day of the month? (A) L, M, N, O, L, P, open day (B) M, L, N, P, open day, L, O

(C) N, L, M, O, P, L, open day (D) N, L, O, M, open day, L, P (E) Open day, L, M, O, L, N, P 23. The day of M's treatment must be no more than how many days after L's first treatment? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 24. N could be scheduled for any of the following days EXCEPT the (A) first (B) second (C) third (D) fourth (E) fifth 25. If M is to be scheduled for the first day of the month, which of the following pairs of patients CANNOT be scheduled for consecutive days? (A) L and P (B) M and L (C) M and N (D) N and O (E) N and P 26. If no patient is to be scheduled for the first of the month, which of the following could be true? (A) M is scheduled for the day before the day of L's first treatment. (B) N is scheduled for the day before the day of L's first treatment. (C) O is scheduled for the day before the day of L's first treatment. (D) P is scheduled for the day before the day of L's second treatment. (E) P is scheduled for the day after the day of O's treatment. 27. If N is scheduled for the day before the day of L's first treatment, the days for which M's treatment can be scheduled include the (A) first day and second day (B) first day and fourth day (C) second day and third day (D) second day and fourth day (E) third day and fourth day

Passage 5 Central Bank is open from Monday through Friday each week. Each day that the bank is open, one

bank officer is assigned as AM loan officer and a different bank officer is assigned as PM loan officer. The bank has five officers-Reynolds, Short, Torrez, Underwood, and Vance. The assignment of loan officers is always made in accordance with the following conditions: Each officer must be assigned as loan officer at least once each week.An officer is never assigned as a loan officer consecutive days in the same week.Torrez is never assigned as the AM loan officer.Vance is always assigned as the PM loan officer on Monday and Wednesday, and has no other assignments.Underwood is never assigned to be a loan officer on the same day that Short is assigned to be a loan officer. 28. Which of the following is an acceptable assignment of loan officers for a single week? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday (A) AM Underwood Short Reynolds Torrez Short PM Vance Torrez Vance Underwood Torrez B) AM Short Short Reynolds Torrez Reynolds PM Vance Torrez Vance Short Torrez (C) AM Short Torrez Short Reynolds Short PM Reynolds Vance Vance Torrez Underwood (D) AM Underwood Short Reynolds Short Reynolds PM Vance Torrez Vance Torrez Underwood (E) AM Underwood Torrez Underwood Reynolds Underwood PM Vance Reynolds Short Torrez Vance

29. What is the maximum number of times that Torrez could be assigned as loan officer in a single week? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5 30. In a week in which Underwood is assigned as PM loan officer on Tuesday, which of the following must be true? (A) Underwood is assigned as the PM loan officer on Thursday. (B) Reynolds is assigned as the AM loan officer on Friday. (C) Reynolds is assigned as the AM loan officer on Tuesday. (D) Short is assigned as the AM loan officer on Thursday. (E) Underwood is assigned as the AM loan officer on Friday. 31. In a week in which Torrez 'only assignment as a loan officer is on Friday, which of the following must be true? (A) Reynolds is assigned as a loan officer on Tuesday.

(B) Reynolds is assigned as a loan officer on Wednesday. (C) Reynolds is assigned as a loan officer on Friday. (D) Underwood is assigned as a loan officer on Thursday. (E) Underwood is assigned as a loan officer on Friday. Passage 6 The manager of a repertory theater company is planning a schedule of productions for the company's five-week summer festival. Two different plays will be scheduled for each of the five weeks. The ten plays that will be scheduled are four plays by playwright R, two plays by playwright S, two plays by play-wright T, one play by playwright U, and one play by playwright V. The scheduling is subject to the following restrictions: No two plays by the same playwright will be scheduled for any of the five weeks, except for week 3, for which two plays by playwright R will be scheduled.The play by playwright V will be scheduled for week 5.No play by playwright S will be scheduled for the same week as any play by playwright R. 32. Which of the following could be the two plays scheduled for week 1? (A) Two plays by playwright R (B) Two plays by playwright S (C) A play by playwright R and a play by playwright S (D) A play by playwright R and the play by playwright U (E) The play by playwright U and the play by playwright V 33. If the plays by playwright R will be scheduled for weeks 2, 3, and 4, which of the following must be true? (A) A play by playwright S will be scheduled for week 2. (B) A play by playwright S will be scheduled for week 5. (C) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 2. (D) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 4. (E) The play by playwright U will be scheduled for week 1. 34. If the plays by playwright S will be scheduled for weeks 1 and 2, which of the following must be true? (A) A play by playwright R will be scheduled for week 4. (B) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 1. (C) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 4.

(D) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 5. (E) The play by playwright U will be scheduledfor week 4. 35. Which of the following pairs of plays CANNOT be scheduled together for any week? (A) A play by playwright R and a play by playwright T. (B) A play by playwright R and the play by playwright U. (C) A play by playwright S and a play by playwright T. (D) A play by playwright S and the play by playwright U. (E) A play by playwright T and the play by playwright U. 36. If a play by playwright S and the play by play-wright U will both be scheduled for the same week, which of the following must be true? (A) A play by playwright R and a play by playwright T will both be scheduled for the same week. (B) A play by playwright S and a play by playwright T will both be scheduled for the same week. (C) The play by playwright U will be scheduled for week 2. (D) A play by playwright S will be scheduled for week 4. (E) A play by playwright T will be scheduled for week 5. 37. If the plays by playwright T will be scheduled for consecutive weeks, which of the following must be true? (A) The plays by playwright S will be scheduled for weeks 1 and 2. (B) The plays by playwright S will be scheduled for weeks 2 and 5. (C) The plays by playwright S will be scheduled for weeks 4 and 5. (D) The plays by playwright T will be scheduled for weeks 1 and 2. (E) The plays by playwright T will be scheduled for weeks 4 and 5.

Passage 7 A weaver who is working on six rugs-G, H, I, J, K, and L-is preparing a work schedule for a work week consisting of five consecutive workdays-Monday through Friday. Rugs G, H, and I are of pattern 1, rugs J and K are of pattern 2, and rug L is of pattern 3.The work must be scheduled in accor-dance with the following conditions: The weaver must work on each of the six rugs dur-ing the work week . The weaver cannot work on the same rug on two consecutive days. On any day that the weaver works on rug G, the weaver must work on rug J; the weaver cannot work on rug L that day.On any day that the weaver works on more than one rug, those rugs must all be of different pat-terns. 38. The weaver could schedule work on which of the following rugs for the same day? (A) G, J, and L (B) G, I, and K (C) G, J, and K (D) H, I, and L (E) H, J, and L 39. If the weaver's decision is to work on rug J on Tuesday, the weaver CANNOT work on rug (A) G on Monday (B) H on Tuesday (C) I on Wednesday (D) K on Thursday (E) L on Friday 40. If the weaver's decision is to work on rug G on Monday and Friday only, and on rug K on Wednesday only, the weaver must work on a rug of pattern 2 on exactly how many workdays? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 5

Passage 8 An instructor regularly offers a six-week survey course on film genres. Each time the course is given, she covers six of the following eight genres: adventure films, cinema noir, detective films, fantasy films, horror films, musical comedies, silent films , and westerns. She will discuss exactly one genre per week according to the following conditions: Silent films are always covered, and always in the first week. Westerns and adventure films are always covered, with westerns covered in the week immediately preceding the week adventure films are covered.Musical comedies are never covered in the same course in which fantasy films are covered.If detective films are covered, they are covered after

westerns are covered, with exactly one of the other genres covered between them. Cinema noir is not covered unless detective films are covered in one of the previous weeks. 41. Which of the following is an acceptable schedule of genres for weeks one through six of the course? (A) Silent films, westerns, adventure films, detective films, horror films, musical comedies (B) Silent films, westerns, adventure films, horror films, detective films, fantasy films (C) Fantasy films, musical comedies, detective films, cinema noir, westerns, adventure films (D) Westerns, adventure films, detective films, cinema noir, musical comedies, horror films (E) Detective films, westerns, adventure films, horror films, fantasy films, cinema noir 42. If musical comedies are covered the week immediately preceding the week westerns are covered, which of the following can be true? (A) Adventure films are covered the second week. (B) Cinema noir is covered the fourth week. (C) Detective films are covered the third week. (D) Fantasy films are covered the fifth week. (E) Horror films are covered the sixth week. 43. Which of the following will NEVER be covered in the sixth week of the course? (A) Cinema noir (B) Fantasy films (C) Horror films (D) Musical comedies (E) Westerns


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