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December 11, 2013

2. Semester/Year

3. Teacher Candidate's Name

Jordan Lemmon
4. School Administrator's Name

Nathan W. Smith
5. School Division

Chesapeake Public Schools

6. School

E. W. Chittum Elementary
7. School Description

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1. Using the following scale, please rate the teacher candidate on each item listed.

Excellent (3) Personal characteristics and professional attitudes Knowledge of subject matter Planning Instruction Management and control Team Interaction Assessments Comments: X X X X X

Satisfactory (2)

Needs Not Improvement (1) Applicable (0)

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1. Areas of strength:

Ms. Lemmon established the purpose of the lesson by stating the objective before instruction began. She encouraged the students to use prior knowledge during the study. The lesson moved effectively from one activity to another. Students were challenged to master the objectives by participating in various planned activities. Ms. Lemmon has excellent classroom management skills.
2. Areas for refinement:

Ms. Lemmon had a well planned lesson however she relied on her lesson plans as a script while teaching. The presentation needed more "energy." The teacher should be involved and excited to achieve maximum student involvement. Enthusiasm was lacking in the lesson. A more positive display of enthusiasm is essential for students to perform willingly.

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