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Baviu vittei
Copy Test Repoit
"vittei foi Louisiana" Au
2u16 0.S. Senate Campaign

Biian Rees
NC SS1u Political Communication Reseaich
Becembei 12, 2u1S

")*+ &,-.

Baviu vittei
Copy Test Repoit
"vittei foi Louisiana" Au
2u16 0.S. Senate Campaign

Campaign Context
Baviu vittei fiist ian foi 0niteu States in 2uu4.With an appioval iating of S8.S
peicent; vittei is a pietty favoiable canuiuate going into this election. vittei's continueu
suppoit of Republican Paity values anu pio-Louisiana legislation has maue him veiy
populai in his home state.
Beauing into the 2u16 0.S. Senate campaign against Baton Rouge Nayoi Kip Boluen,
it is impoitant that campaign messages emphasize vittei's suppoit of Louisiana, especially
aftei Buiiicane Katiina anu his fight against FENA to keep floou insuiance iates low.
Auuitionally, vittei's effoits to stop the Bepaitment of }ustice's lawsuit against the
Louisiana school vouchei piogiam. These stiong points foi vittei fit into the naiiative of
"vittei foi Louisiana."
Since vittei is the incumbent anu alieauy has the auvantage, it is impoitant foi the
campaign messages iemain positive anu focus on his accomplishments foi Louisiana
(Riuout & Fianz, 2u11). vittei shoulu be poitiayeu as a competent, tiustwoithy anu
expeiienceu canuiuate in campaign messages. Kip Boluen may have some expeiience
uealing with ciime as Baton Rouge Nayoi, but this woulu not help him at the national level,
wheie he has no expeiience.
Au Bevelopment
I uevelopeu a canuiuate piofile anu au stoiyboaiu foi the campaign that took into
consiueiation both the campaign context anu Biauei's (2uu6) analysis. Positive aus, Biauei
(2uu6) claims, have stiongei effects when they use enthusiasm cues. These cues can
incluue uplifting music, stiong images anu visible waimth.
Because vittei is fiom Louisiana anu a geneially likable anu peisonable guy, I
ueciueu to cieate a positive au with enthusiasm cues baseu on a pio-Louisiana naiiative.
This as contains images of vittei engaging in conveisations with noimal constituents with
oveilaiu text of vittei's accomplishments on legislation peitaining to Louisiana. I also
incluueu viueo clips of vittei stating how exciteu he is to continue his woik anu uesciibing
his town hall meetings in paiishes of Louisiana. I useu the intio anu choius of "Bome" by
Euwaiu Shaipe anu the Nagnetic Zeios in the au. This song is a veiy positive anu eneigetic
song that will give the viewei a positive emotional cue.
I chose to avoiu a negative au because negative aus can sometimes have backlash
effects (Riuout & Fianz, 2u11) anu cause people to not only feel negative about the
canuiuate who is being attackeu but also negative about the attackei. It was moie beneficial
to vittei to highlight his accomplishments anu pio-Louisiana woik to maintain his suppoit
anu mobilize voteis.
Baseu on the ieseaich anu theoiy, I woulu hypothesize the following effects of
exposuie to a positive vittei au containing enthusiasm cues:
!"#! #$%&'()*+ ,-.. /&.0 %&($ 1$2)*-3$ )**-*40$+ *&,)(0+ 5-**$( )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07
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!".! ;10$9$10$1*+ ,-.. /&.0 %&($ 9&+-*-3$ )**-*40$+ *&,)(0+ 5-**$( )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$
)07 $%&&'&()*+,
!0#! #$%&'()*+ ,-.. 9$('$-3$ 5-**$( )+ .$++ *(4+*,&(*/< )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07 $12#'&+,
!0-! 8$94:.-')1+ ,-.. 9$('$-3$ 5-**$( )+ %&($ *(4+*,&(*/< )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07
!0.! ;10$9$10$1*+ ,-.. 9$('$-3$ 5-**$( )+ %&($ *(4+*,&(*/< )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )0
!3#! #$%&'()*+ ,-.. :$ .$++ .-=$.< *& 3&*$ 6&( 5-**$( )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07 $45&'67,
!3-! 8$94:.-')1+ ,-.. :$ %&($ .-=$.< *& 3&*$ 6&( 5-**$( )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07 $45&'67,
!3.! ;10$9$10$1*+ ,-.. :$ %&($ .-=$.< *& 3&*$ 6&( 5-**$( )6*$( 3-$,-12 */$ )07 $45&'67,
8#9:;*< To copy test au effects, I embeuueu my campaign au calleu "vittei foi
Louisiana" in a Qualtiics online suivey. The copy test useu a non-ianuom, convenience
sampling technique that consisteu of Louisiana family, fiienus anu acquaintances who aie
potential voteis (n = S4). Bata collection ian fiom 0ctobei S1, 2u1S to Novembei 12, 2u1S.
=*#+(2*+. A vaiiety of suivey measuies weie useu to captuie vaiiation in
iesponuents' attituues towaiu vittei, peiceptions of vittei's tiaits, anu voting intentions. A
stanuaiu block of sociouemogiaphic vaiiables (sex, age, income, ect.) was also incluueu.
The vaiiable calleu )**-*40$+ *&,)(0 5-**$( was assesseu using an auapteu veision of
the Ameiican National Election Stuuy's (ANESs) 1uu-point feeling theimometei item. 0n
this scale, scoies of u inuicate negative attituues towaiu a canuiuate. Scoies of 1uu mean
that iesponuents weie attituuinally positive towaiu vittei.
>$('$9*-&1 &6 ')10-0)*$ *()-*+ was measuieu with seveial uiffeient items. I chose
only to analyze one foi this stuuy. These items askeu if they vieweu vittei as tiustwoithy.
Foi each item, iesponuents coulu answei on a seven-point Likeit scale fiom u (stiongly
uisagiee) to 6 (stiongly agiee).
5&*$ -1*$1*-&1+ weie measuieu using a 1uu-point scale item that askeu iesponuents
to iepoit the likelihoou of voting foi vittei in the next 0.S. Senate election. Responuents
coulu answei fiom u to 1uu, with high scoies inuicating a gieatei likelihoou of voting foi
>25.*)(2* #6) %6#;?+'+< Suivey iesponuents weie askeu the above questions
befoie anu aftei viewing the vittei "vittei foi Louisiana" au. In this sense, the stuuy
employs a quasi-suivey-expeiimental uesign without ianuom assignment oi a contiol
Fiist, iesponuents weie askeu questions about attituues towaiu vittei, tiait
peiceptions anu voting intentions. Responuents vieweu the vittei au, anu then answeieu
an iuentical set of questions. Responuents then answeieu socio uemogiaphic questions,
weie thankeu foi theii paiticipation anu uismisseu.
To analyze these uata, I useu two analytical pioceuuies: means compaiison analysis
(NCA) anu contiolleu means compaiison analysis. These pioceuuies alloweu me to
compaie attituues, tiait peiceptions anu vote intentions befoie anu aftei viewing the vittei
au. Assuming no extianeous vaiiables inteifeieu with effects, the stuuy uesign alloweu me
to test ')4+). effects of the auveitisement on Louisiana voteis.

%&&'&()*+< I useu a means compaiison analysis to ueteimine the effects of viewing
the as on attituues towaiu vittei by paity iuentification. Results fiom this analysis aie
shown in Table 1.1. As shown, attituues towaiu vittei weie lowei befoie viewing the au foi
Bemociats than aftei (? = 4S.7S, su = Su.S8). This uoes not suppoit !"#$ Foi Republicans,
attituues weie also lowei befoie than aftei (? = 72.uS, su = 27.Su), suppoiting !"%$
Inuepenuents showeu similai iesults (? = SS.6S, su = 22.SS) suppoiting !"&$

12#'& >*2.*:&'56+< Tiait peiceptions weie measuieu using an oiuinal outcome, a
six-point Likeit scale. Typically this is consiueieu a categoiical measuie. Bowevei, since the
sample size was small, anu uispeision acioss the vaiiable was likely small, I ueciueu to
tieat this vaiiable as "pseuuo-inteival" level. This means I tieateu that vaiiable as a quasi-
continuous vaiiable, using a means compaiison analysis to test as effects on
tiustwoithiness by paity iuentification.
!"#$% '('

Effect of viewing Positive vittei Au on Attituues Towaiu vittei, By Paity IB










:2<5;!%<5 4S.7S

=25%: Cell entiies iepiesent mean vittei attituue scoies on a 1uu-point feeling theimometei, with u coueu as
negative attituues anu 1uu coueu as positive attituues.

Figuie 1.1 shows the effect of viewing the au on each canuiuate tiait outcome
vaiiable. Befoie viewing the au, Bemociats hau a low tiustwoithiness mean foi vittei (? =
S.uu, su = 1.41). Aftei viewing the au, Bemociats hau a highei tiustwoithiness mean foi
vittei (? = S.Su, su = 1.7S), pioving !(# false. Republicans also showeu lowei
tiustwoithiness levels foi vittei befoie (? = S.SS, su = 1.S9) than aftei (? = 4.11, su = 1.S7),
pioving !(% tiue. !(& hypothesizeu the Inuepenuents woulu holu moie positive attituues
towaiu vittei aftei watching the positive vittei au. B1c is suppoiteu. Inuepenuents helu
moie positive attituues towaiu vittei aftei watching the au. (? = S.91, su = 1.14).

Figuie 1.1

45&'67. Finally, I analyzeu au effects on vittei vote intentions using a contiolleu a
means compaiison analysis. Results fiom the contiolleu NCA aie shown in Table 1.2. This
table illustiates the uiiect effect of viewing the au on intentions to vote foi vittei in 2u16.
viewing the vittei au hau a positive effect on Bemociats but a negative effect on
Republicans anu Inuepenuents.
!)# hypothesizeu that Bemociats woulu be less likely to vote foi vittei aftei
watching the positive vittei au. B1a is not suppoiteu. Bemociats weie moie likely to vote
foi vittei aftei watching the au (? = 47.2S, su = S4.1S). !)% hypothesizeu that Republicans
woulu moie likely to vote foi vittei aftei watching the positive vittei au. B1b is not
suppoiteu. Republicans weie less likely to vote foi vittei aftei watching the au. (? = 77.6S,
su = 28.64). !)& hypothesizeu the Inuepenuents woulu be moie likely to vote foi vittei
aftei watching the positive vittei au. B1c is not suppoiteu. Inuepenuents weie less likely to
vote foi vittei aftei watching the au. (? = 4S.uu, su = SS.14).

Bemociatic vieweis weie moie likely to vote foi vittei aftei watching the au than
Republican vieweis. This goes against the hypotheses. This effect is illustiateu in Figuie 1.2.
This finuing is not consistent with Biauei (2uu6) but insteau shows a possible
ceiling effect. This is when iesponses foi a ceitain categoiy aie so high, that the only place
they can move is uown (Ciamei).

!"#$% '()

Effect of viewing Positive vittei Au on voting foi vittei, By Paity IB










;3=6<!%=6 47.2S

>36%: Cell entiies iepiesent mean vittei attituue scoies on a 1uu-point sliuing scale, fiom "veiy 0nlikely to
vote foi vittei" (u) to "veiy Likely to vote foi vittei" (1uu).
Figuie 1.2

A copy test of the "vittei foi Louisiana" vittei au uemonstiates the au is mostly
effective at poitiaying vittei as a likeable canuiuate but not peisuauing voteis. As
pieuicteu in B1b anu B1c, the Republican anu Inuepenuent vieweis of the au impioveu
attituues towaiu vittei. Theie was a veiy cleai effect of au exposuie on vittei attituues.
Similaily in B2b anu B2c, theie was a cleai effect of impioveu feelings of tiustwoithiness
towaiu vittei foi both Republicans anu Inuepenuents. This au makes vittei look like a
tiustwoithy anu likeable canuiuate.
BS maue pieuictions about voting attituues but they weie pioven false foi
Bemociats, Republicans anu Inuepenuents. Bemociats weie the only gioup who weie
moie likely to vote foi vittei aftei watching the au, while Republicans anu Inuepenuents
weie less likely. This means the au uiu not peisuaue people, no mattei the iueology, as was
@*.599*6)#&'56+A Consiueiing ieseaich on the conuitional effect of context on au
effects (Riuout & Fianz, 2u11), it is my iecommenuation that the "vittei foi Louisiana" au
be iun in places in Louisiana with high piiue foi the state. Theie is no neeu to builu an
attack au against the competitoi yet, seeing as vittei has shown himself as a stiong
The au effectively poitiays vittei as an accomplisheu, likeable anu pio-Louisiana
canuiuate. Seeing as vote intentions inciease foi Bemociats, vittei uoes not neeu to focus
on them. As foi Republicans anu Inuepenuents, it woulu be beneficial foi vittei to cieate an
au that highlights vittei's accomplishments as a membei of the Republican Paity. This
woulu hopefully impiove vittei's suppoit of votes fiom Louisiana's membeis of the
Republican Paity.
1'9*&#-;*A The next step in the copy test piocess is to geneiate a seiies of positive
vittei aus with enthusiasm cues anu positive Republican issues, testing the effects of each
au on uesiieu outcomes. Boing so woulu allow me to ueteimine if the "vittei foi Louisiana"
au is the most effective. To impiove the existing au, I woulu au a Louisiana issue that also is
a stiong platfoim of the Republican Paity to impiove the vote suppoit fiom Republicans.
Finally, the most effective positive vittei au shoulu be fielu testeu in a populateu
Louisiana paiish using a mixeu-methou, expeiimental anu suivey uesign. If it is effective, it
shoulu be aiieu statewiue beginning in 2u1S.

Biauei, T. (2uu6). @)%9)-21-12 6&( A$)(*+ )10 ?-10+! A&, B%&*-&1). C99$).+ -1 >&.-*-').
C0+ D&(=7 0niveisity of Chicago Piess.
Ciamei, B., & Bowitt, B. (2uuS). E/$ +)2$ 0-'*-&1)(< &6 +*)*-+*-'+! C 9()'*-'). ($+&4('$ 6&(
+*40$1*+ -1 */$ +&'-). +'-$1'$+. (Siu eu., p. 21). Lonuon, Englanu: SAuE Publications.
Riuout, T. N. & Fianz, N. N. (2u11). E/$ >$(+4)+-3$ >&,$( &6 @)%9)-21 C03$(*-+-127 Temple
0niveisity Piess.

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