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We have been working on a school wide goal with our PBIS tickets. Every time a class reaches their goal, the tickets have been collected in a bucket. As a school, we have ofcially reached our goal in lling the bucket. We will be celebrating this coming Friday, December 20 by having Sparkle/Crazy Hair/Hat Day. Students may choose to celebrate one or a combination. Feel free to send your child with their favorite sparkly clothes, crazy hair, and/or favorite hat. Please let me know if you have any questions, and we look forward to celebrating this day.

Our reading strategy of the month is: Questioning

As you read with your child, stop and ask them questions about the story. This is a great check of their comprehension. After the story is over, be sure to ask questions about the story, and their opinion of the it.


Upcoming Dates and Announcements

20 Early Dismissal 12:30 - Last Day before Winter Break 23-January 1: Winter Break

13 Star of the Week: Sean 20 No School 24 Community Gathering: First Grade Performs 27 Star of the Week: Emily

20 Sparkle/Crazy Hair/Favorite Hat Day

2 School Resumes 6 Star of the Week: Claire

Homework for the Week of December 16 Extra Reading Over Break

Due to the shortened week next week, we will not be having word work on Monday or the journal entry on Friday. We will resume our normal homework schedule beginning on January 6.

I have had a few requests to send extra books home over break. I usually dont send homework home over break, as I want that to be a time for you to spend as a family, and not worry about schoolwork. However, if you would be interested in extra reading, please let me know, and I will send them home on Friday. Please let me know by Thursday, December 19 if you would like extra reading over winter break.

Math Daily 5

We completed our fourth math unit of the year today. I am so pleased with the growth I am seeing in the class. We will begin our next unit next week and work on completing it following our return from break. Thank you for all of the continued help at home in math this year.


This week, we had a discussion about the interviews the kids completed with a relative. I changed my plans in writing, and instead we read the book, The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg, and the class then wrote what it would be like if they rode the Polar Express. I loved the great stories they had and their creativity. Next week, we will be making snowakes and writing about them.

This week, I spent time assessing some students in reading, and meeting with groups. Next week, we will focus more of our time on the strategy of questioning, and how this helps us comprehend the stories we are reading.


Social Studies

Next week, we will be completing our long ago and today, and family unit. We will spend the week making a book about our families. We will also be adding in some discussions about holiday celebrations. Following break, we will switch our course of study into our next science unit on Solids and Liquids.

Thank you for a fabulous week, and have a wonderful weekend!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Kaite Mohr at (608) 497-2176 or

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