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Unit Plan Unit Vision and Goal

TLW apply their learning within the context of their community TLW apply specific grammatical forms that aid in the process of comparing and contrasting. TLW learn and apply norms of paragraph writing to their own work.

Unit at a Glance
Comparison and Contrast Paper: Disadvantages and benefits of different renewable energies Length of Unit: 3 4 weeks Long Term Learning Targets: LT 1 I can connect my research about alternative energy to a real situation in my community. LT I can i!entify the elements of "uality intro!uctions# bo!y $aragra$hs an! conclusions an! e%ecute these elements in my own $aragra$hs. LT 3 I can use a set of criteria to evaluate my own an! my $eers work. Background: The goal of this unit is to e%amine !ifferent a!vantages an! !isa!vantages of renewable energy sources for a renewable energy grant for a local or$hanage in the &ominican 'e$ublic. The grant is $art of a larger science e%$e!ition on renewable energies. (tu!ent will use their research from the $revious annotate! bibliogra$hy unit to su$$ort their writing in this com$arison an! contrast essay.

Summative Assessments
Assessment Purpose: )om$arison an! )ontrast *ssay This is the final rubric that is use! to gui!e the writing $rocess for the stu!ents as they evaluate high "uality work# an! their own work. (tu!ents are given this rubric at the beginning of the unit as a reference. Their final com$arison an! contrast $a$er will be !efen!e! an! gra!e! accor!ing to this rubric. (tu!ents will receive a co$y at the beginning of the unit to reference throughout the unit. Rubric
Essay Content I can connect what I have learned in my research to a real situation at the Ar in Constan!a" +y intro!uction e%$lains , what we have been stu!ying# why we have been stu!ying this# an! what I have learne! in my research. I can use lan#ua#e that reveals the personal nature o$ my research without losin# academic inte#rity by% Using 1st $erson throughout +aintaining aca!emic vocabulary relate! to my research -voi!ing $hrase such as .I think/# .I believe/# etc I can cite & pieces o$ evidence that support my main ideas" 4. I make 4 correct in te%t citations using +Lformat 3. I make 3 correct in te%t citations using +Lformat . I make correct in te%t citations using +LStandard

' .3.1 0 .4.1 0 3.1.1

2 3. .1 ' 3. .

2 3.3.3

format 1. I make 1 correct in te%t citation using +Lformat (ritin# Conventions I can clearly convey my main idea in each body para#raph I state my main i!ea in the form of a to$ic sentence in the first sentence of each $aragra$h. +y to$ic sentence is sim$le an! states only my to$ic an! the $ur$ose of the $aragra$h. I state my main i!ea in the form o f a conclusion sentence at the beginning of each $aragra$h. +y conclusion sentence is sim$le an! only states my to$ic an! reinforces the $ur$ose of the $aragra$h. I can support each o$ my main ideas with clear evidence" +y evi!ence !irectly relates to my main i!ea an! $ur$ose. +y evi!ence is varie!. I transition effectively between $ieces of evi!ence so as not to soun! like I am making a list. I can use subordinatin# con)unctions to aid in comparin# and contrastin# my two sub)ects" I have use! the correct $unctuation base! on clause $lacement. I have use! the correct coor!ination con4unction to connect my clauses. I have the at least one com$le% sentence $er bo!y $aragra$h. I can $ollow writin# conventions 5o fragments or run6ons. 5o miss$ellings. )orrect sub4ect verb agreement. )orrect $ronoun use.

2 3.3.7

2 3.1.1 0 3.1.

2 3.3.8

2 6 3.3.1 3.3.3

Unit Calendar
' .3.1 0 .4.1 0 3.1.1 ' .3.1 0 .4.1 0 3.1.1

*aily +earnin# ,ar#et

*ay - I can connect what I have learne! in my research to a real situation at the -rk in )onstan9a. *ay 1 I can connect what I have learne! in my research to a real situation at the -rk in )onstan9a.

.ournal Chec /(ee ly0: (tu!ent T6)harts for )om$aring Peer Evaluation ' 2bservation: Intro!uctions to com$arison an! contrast $a$er. E3it ,ic et: Verbal Chec at *oor :ne change you ma!e to your intro!uction

2 3.3.7 2 3.3.7 0 3.1.1 0 3.1.

*ay 4 I can i!entify the elements of a "uality bo!y $aragra$h. I can revise a bo!y $aragra$h. *ay & I can clearly convey my main i!ea in each bo!y $aragra$h I can su$$ort each of my main i!eas with clear evi!ence.

2 3.3.8

*ay 5 I can use subor!inating con4unctions to ai! in com$aring an! contrasting my i!eas. *ay 7 8 I can clearly convey my main i!ea in each bo!y $aragra$h. I can su$$ort each of my main i!eas with clear evi!ence. I can use subor!inating con4unctions to ai! in com$aring an! contrasting my i!eas. *ay 98 I can e%$lain0!emonstrate the attributes of a "uality conclusion.

2 3.3.8 0 3.3.7 0 3.1.1 0 3.1.

2 3.3.7

2 3.3.7

*ay : I can write a "uality conclusion

2 6 3. .1 0 1.8. 0 1. .1 0 4.1.1

*ay ; I can evaluate my $eers work for revision

2 1.3.1

*ay -< I can make ma4or changes to my work base! on fee!back.

2 3.3.1 3.3.3 0 1.8. 0 1.4.1 0 4.1.1

*ay -- I can e!it my $eers work.

2 1.3.1

*ay -1 I can make minor changes to my work base! on fee!back.

2 1.1.1

*ay -4 I can !efen! my achievements on my com$arison an! contrast $a$er.

.ournal Chec /(ee ly0: 'evisions of (am$le ;o!y <aragra$hs Peer Evaluation ' 2bservation: ;o!y <aragra$hs 1 = of $a$er E3it ,ic et: Verbal Chec at *oor :ne change you will make to your first two bo!y $aragra$hs E3it ,ic et: 6anded In 1 stu!ent create! com$le% sentence for each bo!y $aragra$h of their $a$er. ,eacher Con$erence: Teacher check of stu!ent bo!y $aragra$hs using summative rubric an! three learning targets to the left. (tu!ents com$ose $aragra$hs 3=4 !uring conferencing. E3it ,ic et: Verbal Chec at *oor 5ame one attribute that the sam$le conclusion !i! not com$lete an! e%$lain Peer Evaluation ' 2bservation: )onclusion for )om$arison an! )ontrast <a$er E3it ,ic et: Verbal Chec at *oor :ne change you ma!e to your conclusion .ournal Chec /(ee ly0: (tu!ents evaluate $eers work focusing on revision of ma4or i!eas using LTs from content $ortion of the summative rubric. ,eacher Chec : (tu!ents make a checklist of changes# to be checke! by teacher before revision $rocess starts. .ournal Chec /(ee ly0: (tu!ents evaluate $eers work focusing on e!iting of conventions using LTs from the convention $ortion of the summative rubric. ,eacher Chec : (tu!ents make a checklist of changes# to be checke! by teacher before revision $rocess starts. ,eacher con$erencin#: (tu!ents !efen! their work accor!ing to summative rubric. )onference over !efenses will be on ensuing rea!ing !ays.

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