Solano Specials - December 14-15

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The Sunny Side Caf

Roast Top Round Alameda Oven roasted top round beef, wilted spinach, garlicroasted Roma tomatoes, mushrooms and cheddar cheese in a savory French toast sandwich. Topped with two eggs over-easy, Hollandaise and a persimmon sauce. $ !."# Pulled Pork & Caramelized Onion Benedict $olden $ate por% and carameli&ed onions on a toasted 'nglish muffin, topped with two poached eggs and Hollandaise sauce. $ !."# Shitake Mushroom, Kale & Swiss Scram le (erved with homefries and toast. $ #."# !""no" & Pummelo #rench Toast )aguette French toast in an eggnog batter, topped with fresh *Oro )lanco+ pummelos from )roo%side Farm. $,."# $in"er Bread Pancakes -ultigrain panca%es made with fresh ginger and molasses. $.."# / $0.!"

Raspberry Mandarin Mimosa

Freshly Pressed Mandarin Oranges and Raspberries with Champagne $6.75

Special Break%ast Tastin" Menu For Two to (hare 1no substitutions or changes2


4hoice of two5 -imosa or 6arge Orange 7uice

8 house-made -uffin of the 9ay 8 single :ulled :or% ; 4arameli&ed Onion )enedict 8 side (hita%e -ushroom, <ale ; (wiss (cramble 8 $inger )read :anca%e 8 side order of 'ggnog ; :ummelo French Toast

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