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Cerina Namocot #19 10-3-13 E206 W.W Grandma! Wheres grandma where is she as I rushed into the ER room.

As my aunty and cousin were waiting I was thinking will she be ok will she die. While my aunty was waiting to here the news about my great grandma because she was really sick but the doctor left the door open so we can see her. She was doing fine so we left to go home that night I couldnt sleep because I just kept thinking about her. So the next morning I asked my mom if we could go visit her so we did. My aunty was there with my cousin Haley then my aunty told me she passed away then I asked her can I see her one more she said sure but be careful. When I saw her I started to cry on my way home I was still crying. That week we had her funeral and when i saw her in her coffin I said to myself so this is the last time I could see her.

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