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Kole Randall FHS 1230 observation interview assignment

Kole Randall FHS 1230 Observation Interview Assignment 12-4-13

Kole Randall FHS 1230 observation interview assignment

T ere are man! di""erent wa!s to w i# we #an $nderstand t e $man mind and t e di""erent as%e#ts o" it& T ere are man! di""erent as%e#ts to ea# % ase o" growt & S%e#i"i#all! I ave ta'en t e tie to tr! and $nderstand more o" t e $man mind at t e adoles#ent age& I am not ($st re"erring to t e adoles#ent age we t!%i#all! t in' o" wit t e 1) !ear old rebellio$s # ild& I wanted to $nderstand and resear# more o" t e entering and leaving stages o" adoles#ents* and t e % !si#al and emotional e""e#ts t at #ome wit it& In order to $nderstand t is more I ave interviewed adoles#ents ranging "rom age 10-21& In t is interview I did as' some alread! establis ed +$estions t at were %rovided to me to better $nderstand t ese # anges& ,it all o" t ese +$estions* I wanted to $nderstand t eir "eelings on t e s$b(e#ts and w at t e! ad to sa! abo$t it& T e "ollowing +$estions are w at t e! were as'ed- #om%le. %roblems/ %resent or "$t$re0 mat$ring to "ast or to slow in regards to dating* "eeling towards o%%osite se.* s# ool/a#ademi# and so#ial0 and relations i%s to %arents and siblings1 need "or a%%roval "rom %eers* %ersonal val$es and ideals* and "inall! immediate and long range goals& , en as'ing t ese +$estions I ave ta'en down notes o" w at t e! ave said "or ea# +$estion& To start we will ta'e a loo' at t e !o$ngest and wor' o$r wa! $%& T e !o$ngest is named Ka#ee and s e is 11 !ears old& S e is a )20 si.t grader wit t ree brot ers& I a#t$all! as'ed Ka#ee all o" t ese +$estions in a wa! I "elt s e wo$ld better $nderstand and relate to sin#e s e is at a !o$nger age o" $nderstanding& , en I as'ed er t e "irst +$estion s e didn2t $nderstand no matter ow I e.%lained it so we moved onto t e se#ond +$estion o" mat$ring to "ast or to slow&

Kole Randall FHS 1230 observation interview assignment , en I as'ed er abo$t mat$ring to "ast or to slow s e ad t is to sa! 3it2s weird be#a$se one da! I2m smaller and t en taller* it2s not bad t o$g I still li'e me "or me&4 T at was er "irst answer t at I reall! li'ed& I ne.t I as'ed more and ad er e.%o$nd on t e +$estion s%e#i"i#all! on t e so#ial as%e#ts o" s# ool and s e ad a lot to tal' abo$t it& S e e.%ressed er li'ing and en(o!ment o" s# ool s%e#i"i#all! "or er tea# ers and er "riends& S e "eels t at er tea# ers are ver! s$%%ortive o" er* s e re"erred to t em as 3awesome4& In er overall o%inion it seemed as t o$g s e "elt t at t ere wasn2t a $ge se%aration in t e gro$%s at s# ool s e did re"er a lot to t e %o%$lar girls being r$de and t ings li'e t at& S e still seems ver! #on"ident in ersel" and in w o s e is des%ite w at so#ial iss$es s e ma! "a#e& , en re"erring to er goals t e! mostl! seemed to revolve aro$nd "amil! and "inan#es& S e tal'ed a lot abo$t er not wanting to be divor#ed li'e s e sa!s ot ers in er "amil! ave been& Somet ing t at reall! too' me b! s$r%rise was t e ver! de"ined statement s e gave at t e end o" er goals& S e said* 3 I ($st don2t want to be lonel!4 It made me wonder i" t ose going t ro$g adoles#ents "eel lonel! a lot& I t in' at t is transitional stage t e! don2t $nderstand w at is going on wit t emselves and reall! ow t e! s o$ld a#t& I t in' t e! li'e to tr! and a#t in a wa! t e! "eel t e world e.%e#ts t em to& T is is reall! w at I gat ered "rom Ka#ee and er interview wit me& Se#ond* I interviewed a "i"teen !ear old nint grader #$rrentl! attending middle s# ool and is name is Kade& 5ow I was ver! interested to ear w at Kade ad to sa! "or a "ew reasons& T e "irst is t at e is in t at stage o" w ere I t in' an adoles#ent gains t eir identit!& T e! are now # oosing t eir gro$% o" "riends t at t e! will #arr! into t eir ig s# ool !ears& It is w ere t eir val$es eit er #ome into %la!* # ange* or ($st go awa!& One t ing t at Kade mentioned was ow val$es ma'e

Kole Randall FHS 1230 observation interview assignment !o$ di""erent* and t at t e! reall! s o$ld ma'e !o$ di""erent& He did e.%ress is wanted to be li'ed b! is %eers& I as'ed im i" t at was im%ortant to im to be a##e%ted b! t em* in w i# e re%lied 3i" it2s abo$t t em t in'ing I2m #ool or "$nn!

t an !es it2s im%ortant&4 T is I t o$g t was a ver! interesting t at e was so o%en abo$t is "eeling t is wa! and ow I adn2t reall! t o$g t o" t at& It seems in t is stage t at %eer in"l$en#e is a $ge "a#tor in an adoles#ent2s develo%ment at least "rom w at I ave gat ered& T e last one I interviewed was an 16 !ear old ig s# ool senior named 7#'ell& I reall! en(o!ed er interview be#a$se o" t e man! insig ts t at I wasn2t e.%e#ting* b$t I t o$g gave me a ver! new loo' at some %arts o" t e adoles#ent develo%mental %ro#ess& For t ro$g o$t t e interview t ere was a lot mentioned abo$t er %eers in"l$en#e& An s e gave was o" # eerleaders& Sin#e s e is a senior # eerleader s e 'ind o" as a good vantage view o" w at goes on in t at so#ial world* es%e#iall! "or t ose !o$ng brand new # eerleaders w o are ($st entering t at new so#ial e.%erien#e& T e! seem to # oose one o" two %at s* eit er t e! sta! w o t e! are* or t e! #on"orm to t e tem%tations o" being t e 3stereot!%e # eerleader4 and get involved wit bad t ings& A view t at I adn2t reall! t o$g t abo$t w en s e +$oted a song s e eard t at goes* 3 ard to see %ast Frida!4 and t at is a %rett! good indi#ator o" ow t e! "eel& 8oo'ing into t e "$t$re is 'inda o" s#ar! "or t em* wit #ollege* marriage* t e #o$ntr! and so man! ot er big de#isions t at are %la#ed rig t into t eir la%s& Alt o$g t ere are t ese big de#isions* t e! #an be ma(orl! in"l$en#ed b! t eir "riends& 7#'ell2s t eor! was t at !o$r "riends in"l$en#e !o$r a#ademi# # oi#es* more s%e#i"i#all! in a# ievement o" ig a#ademi#s& 39o$ don2t want to loo' d$mb in "ront o" !o$r "riends so !o$ want to ave better grades4 is w at s e said a"ter seeing someone #lose to er go

Kole Randall FHS 1230 observation interview assignment t ro$g t is ver! e.%erien#e* and ow er grades signi"i#antl! im%roved& Overall it seems as t o$g in late adoles#ents !o$ are more s$re o" !o$rsel" t en !o$ were be"ore& 9o$ seem to loo' at t e %ast and see' to learn more "rom it in an attem%t to im%rove t e "$t$re* b$t t ere is still a lot o" $n#ertaint! t at #omes wit t at& I t in' t at t e! #an see t is more be#a$se o" t eir abilit! to see into more #om%le. sit$ations* and %ossibilities& At t is age goals be#ome more solidi"ied and t e! be#ome ver! set on a# ieving t ese goals* and ow to ma'e t is a# ievement& T ere is ($st a lot o" loo'ing %ast ere and now into w at #o$ld be t o$g it2s still 3 ard to see %ast Frida!4& Alt o$g t e! #an see %ast Frida!* it is still ver! "ar awa! "or t em& Overall t e insig t I ave gained "rom t ese interviews as been ver! e!e o%ening to me& S%e#i"i#all! on t e in"l$en#e o" t eir %eers and ow m$# t e! a#t$all! a""e#t t em& :rowing $% !o$ do ear t e sa!ings o" 3# oose !o$r "riends wisel!4 b$t !o$ don2t reall! reali;e t e e""e#t it as $ntil !o$ loo' ba#' at it& <elow is a gra% o" t e in"l$en#e s$rro$ndings ave on an adoles#ent # oi#es w ile growing $%&

Peer InfluenceonAdolescent Choices

100 80 Percentag e 60 of Influence 40 20 0 Interv ie 1 Interv ie 2 Interv ie 3 Q 1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Question responses

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