Cassandra Mlynarek Resume

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Cassandra Mlynarek

!"# %&'() *+,&-# (August 2u1S-Piesent)
SN0-Tv weekuay moining, stuuent iun news bioaucast
6AN ciew call. Positions incluue:
Biiectoi, auuio boaiu, seivei, anchoi, flooi uiiectoi, computei
giaphics, anu cameia opeiatoi

KSBP Rauio Station ./0-&'1 .&(( 2'-" 30'4 5&(( (Nay2u11-August 2u11)
Bioaucast Inteinship Las vegas, Nevaua
Belpeu oiganize show iunuowns, met with guests, iesponsible foi weekly
segment of happenings in Las vegas theatei

Final Cut Pio X, Sony NXS0 cameia, Aviu iNews, i-Novie, knowleugeable with
uiiecting, Seivei, Anchoi, Auuio Boaiu, Cu, flooi uiiecting, veisatile
with stuuio cameias, anu leaining piouucing
Conveisational Spanish
Computei Skills:
Niciosoft 0ffice (Woiu, Excel, PoweiPoint) Auobe Photoshop
Social Neuia:
Twittei, Facebook, anu Instagiam

SN0 Conveisation Ambassauoi (Septembei 2u1S-Piesent)
SN0 stuuents meet with foieign exchange stuuents to inciease theii
conveisational skills. Responsible foi setting up meetings anu answeiing
questions about Ameiican cultuie

Alpha Chi 0mega Soioiity
Nembei anu 2u1S Skit WiiteiBiiectoi (}anuaiy 2u1S-Piesent)
Assist in philanthiopy events, attenu weekly meetings, wiite, uiiect 2u1S skit
foi SN0 Panhellenic Rush Week, anu oiganize weekly meetings between skit
uay chaiis anu vice Piesiuent of Reciuitment

Southein Nethouist 0niveisity
Ballas, Texas
Najois: Conveigence }ouinalism, Fashion Neuia
Ninoi: Communication Stuuies 0veiall uPA S.6

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