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Acid Rain Lab

Research What is the normal pH of rainwater? 5.5-6.0 What is the pH of acid rain? <4.0 What gases create acid rain? Where do they come from? Sulfur dio ide and nitrogen o ides! "#$%&%' ()SS&* (#+*S , -).* .%/ )&* What are some concerns a0out acid rain? 1lant damage2 lowers pH of surface water and soils2 minerals leeching out of soils2 damage to 0uildings Problem Hypothesis Materials 56 0ottles planted with fescue Water Sulfuric acid 7H6S)48 Sunlight 'roups .2 "2 -2 +2 (2 and ' will 0e responsi0le for watering one day a wee4 in the following methods. 9easure the height of each plant in centimeters e:ery ;uesday that the plants are watered. 'roup .! Water 500 m* 7pH 68 'roup "! Water 500 m* 7pH 68 'roup -! Water 50 m* of Sulfuric .cid and <0 m* of Water 7pH =8 'roup +! Water 50 m* of Sulfuric .cid and <0 m* of Water 7pH =8 'roup (! Water 50 m* of Sulfuric .cid and 50 m* of Water 7pH 58 'roup '! Water 50 m* of Sulfuric .cid and 50 m* of Water 7pH 58 How does acid rain affect the growth of 3entuc4y (escue?


Data & Observations 1lant 6.! Water 1lant 6"! Water 1lant 6-! 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 6+!

Day 1: 11/1 < cm 50 cm 50 cm 50 cm [1]

Day !: 11/"# 5= cm 55 cm 55.5 cm 5= cm

Day 1$: 1"/% 54 cm 56 cm 50 cm 50 cm

Day "": 1"/1& 56 cm 50 cm 5= cm ? cm


50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 6(! 50 cm 50.5 cm 56 cm < cm 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 6'! 50 cm 50.5 cm 56 cm 6 cm 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 4.! 50 cm 56 cm 5= cm 54 cm Water 1lant 4"! 50 cm 50 cm 55 cm 5=.5 cm Water 1lant 4-! 50 cm 50 cm ? cm =.5 cm 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 4+! 50 cm 5=.5 cm 56 cm 55 cm 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 4(! 50 cm < cm ? cm @ cm 50> Sulfuric .cid 1lant 4'! 50 cm 50 cm <.5 cm ? cm 50> Sulfuric .cid See notes 0elow on how to write general conclusions. Aou must state a conclusion that answers our pro0lem! How does acid rain affect the growth of 3entuc4y fescue? .dditionally2 e:aluate your hypothesis2 identify any errors in the e periment 7you should ha:e at least one82 and application to areas outside the course. -itations! -ite sources for the prela0 and conclusions in 9*. format. Aou must ha:e at least 6 sources.


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