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Wilson EDUC 353 Name: Maryam Baez 013 !

ar"et #ra$e %e&el: 1st )ea$in" %iteracy Date: October 10th,

C'rric'l'm !o(ic:

UbD %esson *lan !em(late +ta"e 1: Desire$ O'tcome

Established Goals: Reading Literature 3: Describe characters, setting, and major events in a story, using key details. Book to be used: Frog and Toad are Friends: A Lost Button by Arnold Lobel

Un$erstan$in"s: What are characters and character traits The role of a setting Leading, supporting, and major events

Essential ,'estion-s.: -What are characters? -How does the setting affect the story and the character?

-What can we make base on the Making connections with the characters characters actions and emotions and their surroundings and how they act in throughout the story? certain events Supporting characters (minor characters) -What major event was a turning point for the character? Students will be able to ake a connection with the characters actions and emotion throughout the story and figure out their character trait! "nderstand how the setting plays a role in the story and the characters! #s well as identify key events and turning points

Students will know. Vocabulary ords: Characters Setting Emotions illustration

leading events major events

of the story!


: /ssessment E&i$ence
Other E&i$ence: Ask students !uestions base on the standard to see ho has a basic understanding or any misunderstandings. "#hat are characters$ "%o do e distinguish a book$ hat a character is in

*er0ormance !as1s: -Story ap focusing on characters$ settings$ and events in the story -reading the story A Lost Button and asking %uestions during the guided reading session -grand conversation after reading -students will take home a short story and students will have to identify the characters$ setting$ and events of the story -role play at the end of the lesson

"#hat is a setting and hat role does it &lay in the story$ "%o do e determine hat a major event is in the story$ "%o do events that occur in the story usually a''ect the characters &resented in the story$

+ta"e 3: %earnin" *lan

%earnin" /cti&ities: +et 2n$'ction: Students will be ask to think of their favorite character either from a book$ movie$ or television show and describe them! &hey will also be ask to describe the setting in where their character faces a problem or major event and how their character was describe during this event and their emotion! &his will have the students making the connection on how the setting and event affects the character and their personality! *roce$'re: '( &he students will be shown through a picture walk different illustration of the story and ask to make predictions base on who do they think are the characters in the book$ what is a possible setting$ and what do they think may happen! )( &hrough guided reading$ the teacher will have a chart on the boar$ smart-

board$ or paper chart with characters$ setting$ event '$ event)$ etc! throughout the story the teacher will stop and ask the students %uestions in order to fill out the chart! *( +n the chart the teacher will have the students identify characters and their traits$ the setting and its description$ and what the event was and how the character acted upon this even! ,( &he teacher will also ask essential %uestion about the story for e-ample. -What is a problem &oad is facing? -How do you think &oad is feeling right now? -What did /rog suggest &oad and him do? What does that say about /rog as a character? 0( #fter the teacher reads A Lost Button with the students they will participate in grand conversation in order to see if the students grasp the concept of the story! 1uestions asked will be. -How does /rog show that he is a good friend? -What does &oad reali2e at the end of the story? How does &oad make it up to frog or giving him a hard time? 3( Students will fill out a story map worksheet after reading the story A Lost Button and can work in pairs! &he worksheet will consist of bo-es where the students must identify the different characters presented in the story and their traits as well as the setting of the story and two major events that occurred in the story and how the character reacted! +nce the pairs finish filling out the story map the class will come together to fill out the class story map by sharing what they filled out on their worksheet!

Clos're: Students will role play the story! &he students will play the characters /rog and &oad and different events they encountered throughout the story! &he events will be given to the students on buttons in which they will work in groups of three in which one student will be the narrator$ one student will be /rog$ and another will be &oad! &hey will act out how the characters were described during the event!

3ollo4 '(: Students will be handed another story from the book Frog and Toad are Friends: A Swim, in which the students will work independently at home to fill

out a story map worksheet! &hey will handed a similar story map worksheet like the one they filled in class in which they will have to identify the characters presented in the story and their traits as well as the setting of the story and one major events that occurred in the story and how the character reacted! &hey will also have to write one to two sentences e-plaining$ in what way does the major event that occurs in the story affects the characters!

Di00erentiate$ %earnin":

ifted Learners! Students can read Frog and Toad Are friends: Alost Button independently and fill out the story map on their own" #SL Learners! The story can $e provided to them in Spanish if they have difficulty reading $ut there will $e echo reading with these students" The #SL students will have a story map that is translated in Spanish with #nglish su$titles so they can understand the activity" Struggling %eaders! Students can also do an echo reading" Students having trou$le understanding the activity or formulating ideas while $e given a story map with sentence starters or with some $o&es with filled in e&amples given to them in which they have to finish filling out the worksheet and they will work in pairs"

2temize$ /ttachments: Material: o &he book Frog and Toad are Friends: A Lost Button by Arnold Lobel o (hart &a&er o )tory ma& orksheet o )mart"board or any kind o' board )eso'rces:

4ubric on 4ole 5lay and Story map Worksheet 6see last three pages(

Citations: http.77www!commoncorestandards!org http.77www!rubrics,teachers!com7roleplay!php http.77www!dailyteachingtools!com7language-arts-graphic-organi2ers!html8'9



ap for homework.

:n class story map.

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