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Wilson EDUC 353 Name:_Maryam Baez__ 4, 20 3 !

ar"et #ra$e %e&el: 2n$ "ra$e )cience Date: December

C'rric'l'm !o(ic:

UbD %esson *lan !em(late )ta"e Desire$ +'tcome :

Established Goals: 2-LS2-1 Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics Plan and conduct an investigation to determine if plants need sunlight and ater to gro ! Language "rts: #!2!$ Participate in shared research and riting pro%ects &e!g! read a num'er of 'oo(s on a single topic to produce a report) record science o'servations*! Understandings: +asic needs of a plant & ater and sunlight* the surroundings of a plant the different parts of plant the cycle of a plant seed ho to ma(e o'servations and record them Essential Question(s): #hat do plants need to survive, "re there different (inds of plants, #hat are they, Does the climate affect the plants gro th, #hat is the cycle of a seed, #hat are the parts of a plant,

Students will know. -oca'ulary ords: .lo er- the flo er ma(es the seeds for the plants Stem: supports the plant, contains thin tu'es for carrying food, minerals, and ater Leaves: ma(es food for the plant /oots: soa(s up ater and minerals, they also store food for the plant Seed: the grain of a plant here it sprouts from

Students will be able to 0nderstand the structure of a plant and that plants re1uire air, ater, nutrients, and light! Students ill demonstrate an understanding that organisms can survive only in environments in hich their needs can 'e met! 2he orld has many different environments, and distinct environments support the life of different types of organisms!

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Tas s: E3periment in planting a seed 4a(ing o'servations and recording their findings 4a(ing a poster at the end of their investigation Presentation to the class !ther Evidence: 2he ill 'e as(ed 1uestions in order to see ho much they (no a'out plants and ho they gro ! 2hey ill even 'e as( the step of planting a seed and hen is it 'est to plant and hy! 2his ay the teacher ill have a good understanding of hat the students (no a'out plants!

Stage ": #earning Plan

Set $nduction: 2he students ill 'e presented a plant the teacher planted in a clear cup and point out the different parts of the plant and ho to care for the plant! 2he teacher ill also tell the students they ill plant their o n seed 'ut they first must (no the cycle of a plant and hat it needs to survive! Procedure: 1! 2hrough a smart-'oard presentation the teacher ill go through the different voca'ulary hich contains the different parts of a plant hich ill 'e seen on a picture!

2! 2he students ill 'e given a or(sheet in hich they ill have to la'el the parts of a plant! 5! 2he teacher ill then sho the students a short 6ou2u'e video that tells them the different things a plant needs to survive and hy and hat the cycle of is! 7! "fter the video the teacher ill as( the students 8ho does a plant gro 9 and 8 hat is the cycle of a plant seed!9 2he students ill then ans er the 1uestions and the teacher ill record it on a chart paper so the students can see it for a future activity! :! 2he teacher ill then sho the students different pictures and the students ill have to identify the season and if it;s a good time to plant a seed! 2his ill have the students understand that the climate affects the plants gro th! 2he students ill also ma(e connections ith the 'oo( The Tiny Seed 'y Eric <arle a 'oo( they read 'efore the science lesson! %losure: 2he students ill 'e given construction paper and the students ill have to 'uild their o n plant 'y la'eling its different parts and on the petals of their flo ers they ill have to rite the different things a plant needs in order to gro ! =n the middle of the flo er on the seeds the students ill have to rite three ad%ectives that ill descri'e their flo er! &ollo'(U) Activit*: Each student ill have the opportunity to plant their o n seed and atch it gro ! 2he students ill care for their plant hen the teacher gives them instructions hen to ater them! "t the end of each ee( the students ill 'e as( to o'serve their plant and rite do n their progress and if the seed sprouted measure, ho tall it is and any other o'servations! 2hey ill also dra hat the seed loo(s li(e after each ee(! 2he students must also record hat they did to help the plant gro ! "t the end of the student;s investigations, the students ill have to compile their o'servations and create a poster hich they ill present to the class! +ifferentiation: 2his lesson is hands on, visual, and auditory! ESL students ouldn;t have difficulty follo ing 'ecause ma%ority of the lesson is visual so they ill 'e a'le to ma(e connections 'ut if any pro'lems they ill 'e handed a or(sheet ith the parts in their language!

$temi-ed Attachments: .aterials: o <onstruction paper o #or(sheets o -ideo o Smart-'oard

o o o o o o o o

Sprouted plant Scissors 4ar(ers >lue Potting soil <lear cups Seeds #atering can

,esources: ='servation or(sheet and parts of a plant or(sheet attached %itations: #or(sheet on parts of a plant: http:?? parts@#42.A!pdf

!superteacher or(sheets!com?science?plant-

Standard: http:?? !education!ne!gov?science?Documents?Bational@Science@Standardspdf!pdf Smart-'oard lesson: http:??e3change!smarttech!com?details!html,idCd27aDdc2-d55e-7:EFFEEa-EG7:'e77f1eE -ideo: http:?? !youtu'e!com? atch,vCL3aEL r2<hs


.* o'n tin* seed/

Day@@@@@@@@@@ #ee(@@@@@@@@@@

4y seed loo(s li(e:

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4y plant needed:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @

4y plant gre @@@@@@ inches! Last time my plant as @@@@@@inches! 2hree ords I ill descri'e my plant;s progress is: 1! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 5! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ In the 'o3 do n any e3tra o'servations you noticed in your plant!

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