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Running Head: Illegal and Legal Drug Use

Illegal and Legal Drug Use: A Review of Literature of Controlled Substances Samuel Retana UT El Paso

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

Abstract Illegal Drug use is something known to the majority of Americans, many times though of being dangerous and highly addictive. The illicit drugs deriving into the United States create a massive business. This literature review will inform the reader about drug use in society. In addition it will relate to the opposing viewpoints formed resultantly because of American Drug use.

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) is a government entity responsible with the regulation and prohibition of human legal and illegal drug consumption. Thus agency is a huge corporation with a huge amount of employees working around the country. The majority of Americans support the many functions the DEA and the millions of dollars annually spent to keep the agency running. The agency was created to address the massive problem of illicit drug use and to contrast the use of legal drugs and illegal drugs. However no one can deny the huge illicit use of drugs by Americans has created a many times dangerous business where Mexican produce, transport, and sell to eager Americans. In recent years a considerable amount of Americans have begun to question the validity of the prohibition of some drugs by the Drug Enforcement Agency. These Americans argue the choice to consume any type of drugs whether detrimental to health or not is entirely a persons choice and the government ought to not intervene. They also feel the legalization of all drugs would solve the problem of the dangerous Mexican drug business/war. The majority of the United States people continue to support the DEA and its function however to learn more about the validity of prohibition of certain drugs by the government four questions ought to be seriously considered. 1. What is the difference between illegal and legal drug use? 2. Is the prohibition of drug use in the United States valid/acceptable? 3. What is the economical aspect of drug use in the United States? 4. What is the DEA and what are its functions?

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

The following review of literature will: provide a clear distinction between legal drugs and illicit drugs used for human consumption, inform about the viewpoint of drug use in the states, provide information regarding the economical part of drug use and inform about the impacts the Drug Enforcement Agency has caused. What is the difference between illegal and drug use? It is of crucial importance to be knowledgeable on the difference of what are labeled as legal drugs versus those labeled as illegal drugs for human consumption. a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body. (Drug 2013) This definition of a drug appears to indicate anything taken into the body other than food can be described as a drug. Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the drugs acceptable medical use and the drugs abuse or dependency potential. The abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug. (DEA 2013) These regulations established by the DEA appear to indicate some drugs can create addictions and thus may be labeled as illegal to consume. While the difference between an illegal controlled substance to that of a legal one is only slightly different the consequences of being caught with an illegal drug by law enforcement can be very serious! According to the (DEA 2013) Heroin 100-999 grams mixture First Offense Not less than 5 yrs. and not more than 40 yrs.If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs.or more than life.Fine of not more than $5 million if an individual, $25 million if not an individual. This may indicate the government is seriously concerned for the wellbeing of its citizens and that is the main reason for such prohibition of certain drugs. However many drug use advocates argue the people have the constitutional right to happiness even if this proves detrimental to health.

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

Is the prohibition of drug use in the United States valid/acceptable? The next most important question ought to be asked is if the people support the validity of the laws implemented by its government. As the United States government is a free democracy and in theory the people are those who make and decide what laws do. An unscientific online survey was conducted by the author with a simple question Do you or anyone you know use drugs? Fig 3.2. below

Do you or anyone you know use illegal drugs?


Fig 3.2 shows that out of 58 participants 34 ((59%) admitted to consuming illegal drugs) while 21 ((36%) had never used or known anyone that had used drugs) and 3 participants or 5% declined to give a yes or no answer. This survey appears to show the majority of people are inclined to use illicit drugs and thus may indicate they do not find the drug laws valid. However the survey conducted may not be generalized for the whole population and its findings may not be accurate for the whole country.

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

Another source also appears to give an explanation as to why people do not find the drug laws valid and as a consequence refuse to follow them. The drug problem is not a moral issue. Theres a streak of puritanism in the national soul, true, but most Americans are not morally opposed to substances that alter ones mind and mood. That issue was resolved in 1933, with the repeal of prohibition. (Dennis 2011) The author appears to indicate people do not follow drug laws because they believe it is a moral issue and hints that history repeats itself and soon just like alcohol the prohibition of drugs may be repealed. However on the other side of the spectrum some believe the legalization of drugs could create a chaotic and possibly dangerous society! Considerable evidence exists to suggest that the legalization of drugs would create behavioral and public health problems to a degree that would far outweigh the current consequences of the drug prohibition.(Iniciardi 2007) Another author also suggests bigger problems would come from drug legalization Laws might be needed to lessen the threat to the existing social order posed by large-scale, lower class use of exotic substances that interfere with their fitness to work, or make their behavior less predictable. (Tarcher p.80).Both these authors feel that the legalization of drugs would create a problem much bigger and more difficult to resolve than the current prohibition of illicit substances. These opposing viewpoints provide a clashing circumstance where only ones intuition can help in choosing a side of the spectrum. What is the economical aspect of drug use in the United States? Money flow is necessary to all humans to survive in the world, so many will look for that flow of currency regardless of how it is obtained. Consequently money is deeply intertwined with drug use in the United States. With estimates of $100 billion to $110 billion for heroin,

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

$110 billion to $130 billion for cocaine, $75 billion for cannabis and $60 billion for synthetic drugs, the probable figure for the total illicit drug industry would be approximately $360 billion. Given the conservative bias in some of the estimates for individual substances, a turnover of around $400 billion per annum is considered realistic. (DW 2013) These statistics appear to indicate the massive amounts of money spent on illicit drugs, and the legalization of such illicit drugs could be used in other parts of the economy. The number of money spent is nothing to take lightly as if the money were to be used for productive things it would greatly help out. However the United States has millions of citizens residing in its cities and town and as much or much more money could be spent yearly on food transportation entertainment education etc. What is the impact of Illegal Drug use on human health? It is widely known a healthy lifestyle will provide a better standard of living for an individual it may then be for these reasons that the United States government wants its citizen to refrain from consuming substances that will interfere with a healthy lifestyle. However just as likely on the other side of the spectrum many drug legalization advocates may argue that the unlimited use of drugs is a continuation of their constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness. A better standard of living for these drug advocates may be the use of drugs currently labeled illicit. According to Green I have been using marijuana and cocaine since the age of 15 I am currently a university student with a 3.11 GPA and will continue the usage of drugs in my college education. (S. Green, personal communication, October 12, 2013) The author when communicating with Green asked to view official transcripts to add validity to such claims. Action was granted by Green and transcripts showed a 3.11 GPA. This may appear to show

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

prolonged drug use did not deter an individual from seeking a better standard of living however such findings cant be generalized for all drug users. Yet again on the opposing viewpoint Although initial drug use might be voluntary, drugs of abuse have been shown to alter gene expression and brain circuitry, which in turn affect human behavior. Once addiction develops, these brain changes interfere with an individuals ability to make voluntary decisions, leading to compulsive drug craving, seeking and use. The impact of addiction can be far reaching. Cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and lung disease can all be affected by drug abuse. Some of these effects occur when drugs are used at high doses or after prolonged use, however, some may occur after just one use (DW 2013) This appears to indicate drug use can only lead to health problems and a lot of money spent for doing unhealthy things to the body. This in some way contradicts green as drug use may lead to serious health complications, or death when drugs are used in huge doses and used all the time. It appears the consequences far outweigh whatever may happen when drugs are introduced into the body. However nothing can be generalized for all drug users and drug use can certainly affect users differently to the point where one user may be benefiting from drug use while others may be spiraling out of control towards a life of serious health problems. CONCLUSION The Drug Enforcement Agency in the eyes of many American citizens is completing its job satisfactorily. However since some citizens have risen to openly criticize its performance more research and public opinion is needed to better understand what drugs are what they can do and most importantly if the choice to use them detrimental or not to health is ought to be left to each

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

individual citizen. For now the foundation the DEA is strong yet it must be constantly reinforced to deal with the inconstant viewpoint of todays society.

Illegal and Legal Drug Use References

DEA (2013, January 21) Drug Schedules Retrieved from DEA (2012, October 15) Federal Penalties Retrieved from Dennis, J. R. (2011) Illegal Drugs should be legalized New York, NY: New Perspectives Quarterly Drug (2013) Drug Retrieved from Drug War Statistics Retrieved from Iniciardi, J. A. (2007) Illegal Drugs Should Remain Illegal New York, NY: Sage Publications S. Green, personal communication, October 12, 2013 Tarcher J. (2003) Americas Longest War New York, NY: G.P Putnams Son p.80

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

Illegal and Legal Drug Use

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