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Katherine Matuk Website Evaluation

10/30/13 Professor Nation

Website Evaluation
Name of Website and URL: Do2Learn http:// !"o2learn!#o$/in"e%!ht$ Download Required or Web-Based: &ou have the #hoi#e of both! 't has $an( eb)base" *a$es an" tools+ but if (ou ant (ou #an also "o nloa" so$e of the "ifferent *a$es onto an ipa"/iphone/ipo"! Hardware Compatibility: Works ell ith an( #o$puter! ' o n a Ma#book an" ' have teste" it on a P, as ell! -ll *a$es loa" fast an" ever(thin* opens fine! .hat bein* sai"+ one or t o of the *a$es re/uire 0ava to ork! A ess: .his ebsite is #o$pletel( open to an(one! .here is no lo*in nee"e" to pla( the *a$es or look at the "ifferent resour#es! Website provi"es $an( resour#es an" *a$es for tea#hers/parents ho have #hil"ren ith spe#ial nee"s! Rele!an e to Content: .he ebsite ten"s to lean to ar"s the (oun*er si"e of the ,o$$on ,ore but there are many games and resources for teachers with students of all ages. It also follows many ISTE-NET Standards due to the fact that the learning games are all interactive and can be used in classroom settings. Le!el of "n#a#ement for $tudents: 1alf of the ebsite is "e"i#ate" to provi"e" resour#es for tea#hers an" parents ith #hil"ren ith spe#ial nee"s an" the other half of the ebsite is learnin* *a$es! 2tu"ents #an b( sat a #o$puter ith the pa*e of *a$es up an" be able to pi#k up on ea#h *a$e "ue to its ease of use! "ase of Use and Na!i#ation .he *a$es are ver( eas( for the stu"ents to use an" navi*ate! Ea#h *a$e re/uires ver( little nee" for $ouse #ontrol 3ever(thin* is $ostl( 4ust #li#kin* ob4e#ts5! .he resour#es are also ver( eas( for a parent an" tea#her to navi*ate! Ea#h resour#e is broken "o n b( "isabilit( an" sub)"ivisions in the "isabilit(! 6or e%a$ple: if 2o#ial 7ehavior tab is #li#ke"+ the resour#es an" *a$es are broken "o n into so#ial+ e$otional+ an" un"erstan"in* rules! A#e Appropriateness: .his ebsite is $ainl( "e"i#ate" for #hil"ren ith spe#ial nee"s+ an" "ue to the "ifferent ran*es of "isabilities an" skill levels it is har" to sa( hat a*e oul" be best appropriate for the ebsite! Cost: .he ebsite itself is entirel( free to use! .he onl( ti$e (ou ill #o$e a#ross thin*s (ou $ust bu( is if (ou ish to have a #orrespon"in* app for an iphone+ ipo"+ or ipa"! .he appli#ations see$ to avera*e aroun" 89!::!

$afety: Website is ver( safe to use an" safe to fin"! 'f the ron* ;<L is t(pe" 3!#o$/!or*5+ 7=.1 lea" to the ebsite hi#h $akes this ebsite eas( to use an" has the user less likel( to in" up on another ebsite! -lso be#ause the or" >learn? is in the title of the ebsite+ hen *oo*lin* all that #o$es up is this ebsite+ an" other learnin* ebsites!

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