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Danielle Danie Marie Shreiner

41906 North Emeralda Island Road, Leesburg, Florida 34788 ell 3!"#988#478" Email dmshrein$%ahoo#&om

'ul% "01" to urrent Florida (tate )ni*ersit% +,a-ors. Editing, /riting and ,edia 0E/,1 and 2usiness 3or 4ro3essional (ales 5ugust "010 to ,a% "01" La6e (umter ommunit% ollege, 9!01 )#(# 7igh8a% 441, Leesburg, FL 34788 9ual enrolled beginning so:homore %ear o3 high s&hool and re&ei*ed 30; &redits# <raduated, 'une "01" =a*ares 7igh (&hool, 603 North Ne8 7am:shire, =a*ares, FL 3"778 /eighted <45. 4#36 Ran6ing. "4 o3 310

Extracurricular Activities
Florida (tate )ni*ersit% 4hi ,u (ororit% 4ro3essional (ales lub ,ember o3 5l:ha >a::a 4si 2usiness Fraternit% Intramural ?olle%ball @oung Re:ubli&ans o3 Florida (tate )ni*ersit% 7igh (&hool (enior lass =reasurer National 7onor (o&iet% Indu&tee ,ember o3 high s&hool *arsit% *olle%ball team 3or 3 %ears and &om:eted 3or 7; %ears 8ith *arious &lub asso&iations that tra*eled eAtensi*el% out+o3+state 3or tournaments

Volunteer Activities
E*er% (:ring sin&e "01"

7el:ed organiBe and ad*ertise 3or an e*ent &alled C2onnamuD in order to send :ro3its to hildrenEs ,ira&le Net8or6 (ummer "010 F "011 >i&6 Gn >ids am:, 5:o:6a, FL (ummer ounselor + *olunteered 100; hours ea&h summer (ummer "010 Florida 7os:ital /aterman, =a*ares, Florida ?olunteered 40; hours in *arious de:artments as reHuested#

Work Experience
5ugust "013 to urrent 101 2ar F Restaurant (er*er as 8ell as 8or6ing 8ith :romotional sales 3or the &om:an% ,a% "011 to 5ugust "011 ris:ers Famil% Restaurant ustomer (er*i&e I ashier Reason 3or Lea*ing. 9ue to s&hoolI&ollege &onstraints and eAtra&urri&ular a&ti*ities# Eligible 3or Rehire 5ugust "011 to 'ul% "01" <atorEs 9o&6side Famil% Restaurant 7ostess I Food Runner Reason 3or Lea*ing. 2egan attending F() during se&ond summer semester Eligible 3or Rehire

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