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Jessica Sanchez Dr.

Mary Elizabeth Wilson EDUC 343-02 14 October 2013 Field Log 3: Instruction Communicating with Students I think that Ms. G is great at what she is doing. She is a very experienced and effective teacher and I feel that she communicates with her students very well. She clearly expresses the purpose and goals of the lesson to the students, and they seem to be very engaged in the tasks they complete and what they are learning. She explains the content, directions, and procedures clearly without errors, and gives each student an opportunity to participate in the activity or lesson. Ms. G speaks very clearly to the students with appropriate vocabulary and explains everything that they are going to do, and exactly how they will do it, and it seems like the students understand her well. She also makes it a point to communicate to the best of her ability with the students who speak other languages in the classroom. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques Ms. G has incorporated discussion and questioning in each lesson that I have observed. Although the questions arent that challenging, she asks the students questions that provoke them to think critically and to promote their learning, and she is always open to students questions, which I admire. The entire class seems to participate in discussions, and if they arent participating willingly, she will

encourage students who are shy to participate. I also admire when Ms. G asks the students how they got their answer or why they said it. Engaging Students in Learning Through my observations, I have found that the students in Ms. Gs class are mostly all intellectually active in learning. Although the majority of the students in Ms. Gs class perform below their grade level, they all attempt to grasp the challenging content. She asks the students to explain their answers and the path they took to conclude their answer. She assigns students to work independently, in groups, and in partners to complete their work and gives them the proper materials. Using Assessment in Instruction During each observation visit, Ms. G writes 5 words on the board for the students to create sentences with, and to write them in their journals. This is a form of assessment to see if the students complete their homework on their own, and that they fully understand the concepts or if someone at home helped them or did it for them. Ms. G monitors what the students do in and outside of the classroom to measure their learning. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness I have not observed a situation where the teacher needed to make noticeable adjustments to her lesson. Although this hasnt been observed, I think that Ms. G is experienced enough to adjust instruction in response to students understanding of the content if she needed to.

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