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[Food and Nutrition II]

Soups & Sauces

[9-12] [Class Dates]

Students will learn about the different sou s and sau!es in a le!ture based lesson" #he students will then a l$ what the$ learned in the !lassroo% into the &it!hen as the$ %a&e their own variet$ of sou s"

#ea!hin. 2aterials
Sou s 0ower0oint

Standards'Ob(e!tives: )Identif$ do%ain * level+

n Standard ,- Ob(e!tive 1: Identif$ and re are the two basi! t$ es of sou " Co.nitive /evel 10s$!ho%otor /evel 1" Ob(e!tive 2: Identif$ and re are !rea% based sou " Co.nitive /evel 1- 0s$!ho%otor /evel 1" Ob(e!tive ,: Identif$ and re are sto!& based sou " Co.nitive /evel 1- 0s$!ho%otor /evel 1" Ob(e!tive 1: Identif$ how sou s %a$ be served as different arts of a %eal in!or oratin. .uidelines fro% 2$0late" Co.nitive level 1" Ob(e!tive 3: Identif$ and a l$ ro er stora.e of sou s" Co.nitive /evel 1 * ," Ob(e!tive 4: De%onstrate &nife s&ills and !uttin. te!hni5ues in sou %a&in. te!hni5ues" 0s$!ho%otor /evel 1" Ob(e!tive 6: Identif$ the five 2other sau!es used in standard ho%e and restaurant !oo&in." Co.nitive /evel 1"

Other =esour!es'#e!hn olo.$

Co% uter 0ro(e!tor S!reen

Introdu!tion'Set Indu!tion )6 2inutes+:

Students will be as&ed to .et out their bell that the$ have been wor&in. on this wee&" For toda$ the$ will be .iven the ro% t to des!ribe sou usin. the letters S O 7 0" For e8a% le: S- Savor$" 9e!ause sou !an be have salt$ flavor that isn:t sweet" O- Obsta!les" So%eti%es $ou have to be !reative and over!o%e obsta!les to %a&e $our re!i e turn out (ust" 7- 7to ia" On!e it:s !oo&ed- it:s deli!ious and %a&es $ou ha $; 0- 0re!ise" <ou have to be re!ise in %easurin. out for $our re!i e" PHASE 1: Orientation to the Content:

#ransition ), 2inutes+:
On!e students have !o% leted their bell I will

/esson 9od$ )ti%e+

)Content'#ea!hin. 2ethods+

PHASE 2: Presentation (40 Minutes): I will then lead the students throu.h the Sou s and Sau!es 0ower0oint that I !reated" PHASE 3: Structured Practice (40 Minutes): Students will have a full !lass eriod in the lab to a l$ what the$ learned about sou s and sau!es the da$ before" >e will have of the !lass %a&e a !rea% based sou - and half of the !lass %a&es a sto!& based sou " I will e8 lain the sou re!i es to the !lass" ?a!h .rou will re!eive one re!i e" ?a!h &it!hen will have all of their in.redients set out for the%- the %ore s e!ified in.redients will be la!ed at the front of the lab for the students to !o%e and !olle!t" I will then let the students re are their sou s; PHASE 4: uided Practice (! Minutes):

Students will then fill out an evaluation PHASE !: "ndependent Practice (ti#e): @dditional !lass ti%e or ho%ewor& be.innin. when students a!hieved A3-9BC a!!ura!$ level

#ransition )ti%e+:
@li5ua% sa.ittis- id hendrerit tin!idunt- ar!u %auris %alesuada tellus- non venenatis ne5ue i su% eu nibh"

Su%%ar$'Closure )ti%e+:
Cras vel %assa !ondi%entu% nisi ultri!ies venenatis at id nibh" Fus!e et risus ne5ue s!eleris5ue vestibulu%" In vestibulu% ar!u risus !on.ue !on.ue"

Cras vel %assa !ondi%entu% nisi ultri!ies venenatis at id nibh" Fus!e et risus ne5ue s!eleris5ue vestibulu%" In vestibulu% ar!u risus !on.ue !on.ue"



1 %ediu% otatoes- eeled and di!ed 2 !eler$ stal&- di!ed 1'2 of an onion- finel$ di!ed 1 !" !oo&ed ha%- di!ed 1 !" water 2 #bs " !hi!&en bouillon .ranules 1'2 ts " salt 1'2 ts " e er

A #bs " )1 sti!&+ butter 1'2 !" flour 2 !" %il&


1. Combine the potatoes, celery, onion, ham and water in a stockpot. Bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat until potatoes are tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in the chicken bouillon, salt and pepper. 2. n a 2!"t. saucepan, melt butter over medium!low heat. #hisk in $lour and cook, stirring constantly until thick, about 1 minute. Slowly stir in milk as not to allow lumps to $orm until all o$ the milk has been added. Continue stirring over medium!low heat until thick, about 10 minutes.

%. Stir the milk mi&ture into the stockpot, and cook soup until heated through. Serve immediately.
2a&es 1 D 4 servin.s


"n)redients: 1 !" !hi!&en broth )use so%e fro% the !anned !hi!&en+ 2 !" water >hole !hi!&en in a !an- use E of the !hi!&en 2E !" e.. noodles- !oo&ed and drained

1 #bs and 1 E ts " ve.etable oil 1 lar.e onion- !ut into s%all di!e 1 lar.e !arrot- eeled and sli!ed 1 lar.e stal& !eler$- sli!ed 1'2 ts " salt 1'1 ts " e er

1'1 ts " th$%e

$irections +or ,roth:

1. Bring broth and water to a simmer over medium!high heat in a large stock pot. 2. 'eanwhile, separate chicken meat $rom skin and bones( reserve meat. %. )dd skin and bones to the simmering broth. *. +educe heat to low, partially cover with lid and simmer 20 minutes. 5. Strain broth through a colander into a large bowl( reserve broth and discard skin and bones.

$irections +or 'ood-es:

1. 2. %. *.

Bring water to boil in %!"uart saucepan. )dd noodles and bring to second boil. Cook noodles $or about , minutes. -rain and set aside.

$irections +or .e)eta/-es:

1. .eat the oil in a large non!stick $rying pan. 2. Saut/ the onions, carrots and celery in oil $or 10 minutes. %. +emove pan $rom heat and set aside.
Co#/ine a-- to)ether:


n the large stock pot, combine the simmered broth, cooked noodles, saut/ed vegetables, chicken, salt, pepper, and thyme. 2. Bring to a simmer and serve.
2a&es 1 D 4 servin.s


S(&$E'( %A, SHEE(

*itchen 0:111111




E2er3one: 9efore the lab .et $our own a ron" @fter the lab- if $ou have a dirt$ a ron la!e it in the dirt$ laundr$ bas&et" If $ou have a !lean a ron- la!e it in the a ron bas&et"

CHE4:111111111111111111111111 1" 2" ," 1" =ead the re!i e Fill out lab sheet 2ain !oo& for the da$ >i e down stove to 'oven

COO*:1111111111111111111111111 1" 2" ," 1" @sse%ble e5ui %ent @ssist the !hef with !oo&in. >i e down the !ounters 0ut dirt$ laundr$ in bas&et

ASS"S(A'( COO*:11111111111111 1" 2" ," 1" 0reheat oven Fet su lies for re!i e >ash dishes Clean the sin&

MA'A E5:111111111111111111111 1" 2" ," 1" Fet !lean linen Dr$ the dishes 0ut dishes awa$ Swee the floor

(EACHE5 E.A%&A("O'

/ab sheet filled out !orre!tl$ and turned in after lab Su l$ table D !orre!t %easure%ents- one tri - one erson

)3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )1B+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG )3+ GGGGG %inus GGGGG (!0) 11111

/ab wor& D te!hni5ues used- followed dire!tions Coo eration D wor&in. to.ether * ea!h doin. s e!ifi! duties 0rodu!t evaluation Dishes washed- dried and ut awa$ in !orre!t la!e =an.e- table- sin& and !ounters !leanH swe t floor 7nit !ondu!t- a ro riate behavior- %anners and eti5uette

7nit !leaned u - !he!&ed and read$ to .o before the bell rin.s 0enalt$ oints .iven )see ba!& side+ (O(A% PO"'(S PE5 %A,


PE'A%(6 PO"'(S

710 points each o++ense No a ron Sittin. on the !ounter #owel fli in.

7! to 7!0 points each o++ense 0oor !oo eration /eavin. the !lassroo% >anderin. 2isuse of e5ui %ent 0oor !lean u @n$ other ina ro riate behavior

COMP%A"'( $EPA5(ME'( If the last lab to use $our &it!hen did not do a .ood (ob !leanin.- write the roble% below" #hen notif$ the tea!her of the roble% for ins e!tion" If a roved- oints will be dedu!ted fro% their lab and not $ours" 0lease note that other !lass eriod will be doin. the sa%e on $our &it!hen; So don:t leave a %ess;

roved: 0oints dedu!ted:GGGGG Iit!hen unit J:GGGGG Fro% whi!h !lass eriod:GGGGG

Not a



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