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Jakarta, May 29th 2012 Attention To: Human Resources Department PT. opi a!a" A!i J".

Moh Hatta no. #$ Jakarta

Dear %ir&Ma!am, Ha'in( kno)n a*out a +o* 'acancy a!'ertise! on Me!ia ,n!onesia, 2$th May, 2012, , am intereste! in the position o- Account ./ecuti'e 0A.1. , am a 22 year o"! ma"e, (ra!uate! -rom a reputa*"e uni'ersity, ha'in( ski"" in .n("ish, *oth )ritten an! spoken an! a"so operatin( computer. , am a har! )orker, a*"e to )ork in in!i'i!ua" an! in team. , )ou"! ("a!"y )e"come an opportunity to ha'e an inter'ie) )ith you at your con'enience. , hope my ski""s can *e one o- your company3s assest. , am "ookin( -or)ar! to hearin( -rom you in the near -uture. Thank you -or your consi!eration an! attention.

%incere"y yours,

Aang Hermansyah

.nc"osures : 4 5urricu"um 6itae 4 5opy o- ,D 5ar! 4 Popy o- 7ina" 5erti-icate 4 Photo

Pa"em*an(, May 29th 2012

Attention To: Mr. Aman Mau"ana PT. 8umi %entosa Damai J". 5en!ra)ashi 9o. :2A Pa"em*an( Dear Mr. Mau"ana, , am a (ra!uate stu!ent in 5omputer %cience at ,n!onesia ;ni'ersity, an! , )i"" *e a)ar!e! an M.%. !e(ree in Ju"y 2012. , am current"y "ookin( -or a position re"ate! to Data*ase&<raphics Packa(e Desi(n in the research an! !e'e"opment !epartment o- a ma+or company. 8e-ore comin( to ,n!onesia ;ni'ersity, , !esi(ne!, super'ise!, an! comp"ete! a 5AD system. The -unction co'ers 'ector, character an! cur'e (eneration, )in!o)in(, sha!in(, an! trans-ormations. At ,n!onesia ;ni'ersity, my research )ork in'o"'es 5ompi"ation o- Re"ationa" =ueries into 9et)ork DM>. To enhance my *ack(roun!, , ha'e taken some courses in computer (raphics an! !ata*ase, an! , ha'e e/perience in an! an un!erstan!in( o- the !esi(n o- !ata*ases. ?ith this * *ack(roun!, , certain"y *e"ie'e that , am competent to meet cha""en(in( tasks an! can make a (oo! contri*ution to your company. .nc"ose! is my resume, )hich in!icates in some !etai" my trainin( an! e/perience. , sincere"y hope that my @ua"i-ications are o- interest to you an! that an inter'ie) mi(ht *e arran(e! at your con'enience. Thank you -or your consi!eration. , "ook -or)ar! to hearin( -rom you soon.

%incere"y yours, Rossa Elvira

8an!un(, June 29th 2012

Attention To: Mr. Amin Risman Human Resources Department PT. Persa!a 8umi!a Terpa!u J". Raya %ukama+u 9o. 11 Tan(eran(

Dear %ir, An this (oo! opportunity, , )ou"! "ike to app"y as a Instrumentation and Control System Engineer in your company. My name is Aang Supriatna, 21 years o"!, ma"e, sin("e, ener(etic an! hea"thy. , am a Control System Engineer an! graduated from Universitas Indonesia (UI) on May 2 !2 "ith #$A %&'(& , )ou"! "ike to ha'e career to e/pan! my e/perience. My persona"ity as a har! )orker an! -ast "earner type o- person )ou"! *rin( *ene-it to your company. , )i"" *e 'ery appreciate! i- you cou"! (i'e in opportunity to )ork in your company. Here)ith , enc"ose my curricu"um 'itae, )hich )i"" (i'e !etai"s o- my @ua"i-ication. , hope my @ua"i-ications an! e/perience merit your consi!eration an! "ook -or)ar! to your rep"y.

%incere"y yours,

Aang Supriatna

Tasikma"aya, May 29th 2012 Attention To: 8a!i 9u(raha Resources Mana(er PT. Aman %a"a)asna %entosa J". a"imantan 9o.$B Tasikma"aya Dear Mr. 8a!i 9u(raha , )ish to app"y -or the position o- Accountin( %ta-- that )as a!'ertise! on Tempo, May 12, 200:. , ha'e o'er one year e/perience as an Accountin( )ith PT. 8ossan 7inance an! ha'e e/perience oa )i!e 'ariety o- pattern techni@ues. My computer ski""s are 'ery (oo!, an! , ha'e an e/ce""ent recor! as a re"ia*"e, pro!ucti'e emp"oyee. , am "ookin( -or ne) cha""en(es an! the posistion o- Accountin( %ta-- soun!s the per-ect opportunity. Cour or(anisation has an en'ia*"e recor! inno'ation in in'estor -inancia" cosu"tant, an! an e/ce""ent reputation as an emp"oyer, makin( the position e'en more attracti'e. , enc"ose my 5urricu"um 6itae -or your inspection an! "ook -or)ar! to hearin( -rom you soon. , am a'ai"a*"e -or inter'ie) at your con'enience

%incere"y yours,

Rani Sumirna

Co(yakarta, May 29th 2012 Attention To: Human Resources Department PT. 9usa Me!ia J". 8riptu 9orman 9o. #$ Co(yakarta Dear %ir&Ma!am, , ha'e rea! -rom your a!'ertisement at e!au"atan Rakyat that your company is "ookin( -or emp"oyees to ho"! some position. 8ase! on the a!'ertisement, , am intereste! in app"yin( app"ication -or .n(ineer position accor!in( )ith my *ack(roun! e!ucationa" as .n(ineerin( Physics. My name is ,s)an!i >u*is, , am t)enty three years o"!. , ha'e (ra!uate! -rom .n(ineerin( Physics Department ,%T9 on Apri" 2012. My specia"iDation in .n(ineerin( Physics is ,nstrumentation an! 5ontro" specia"ist. , consi!er myse"- that , ha'e @ua"i-ications as you )ant. , ha'e (oo! moti'ation -or pro(ress an! (ro)in(, ea(er to "earn, an! can )ork )ith a team 0team )ork1 or *y myse"-. 8esi!e that , posses a!e@uate computer ski"" an! ha'e (oo! comman! in .n("ish 0spoken an! )ritten1. ?ith my @ua"i-ications, , con-i!ent that , )i"" *e a*"e to contri*ute e--ecti'e"y to your company. Here)ith , enc"ose my : 1. 5opy o- 8ache"or De(ree 0%411 5erti-icate an! Aca!emic Transcript. 2. 5urricu"um 6itae. 2. 5opy o- Jo* Trainin( 5erti-icate -rom ;noca" ,n!onesia 5ompany. #. Recent photo(raph )ith siDe o- #/B , )ou"! e/press my (ratitu!e -or your attention an! , hope , cou"! -o""o) your recruitment test "ucki"y.



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