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INTERIOR DESIGN STAR EVENT: Using the following scenario and instructions,
complete the following application assessment. This assignment is designed to give you
experience with FCCLA as it relates to Housing and Interior Design Content.
a. Steps to compete Interior Design STAR Event:
i. Read Interior Design Scenario created by professional interior designers who are
members of the American Society of Interior Design, and was provided to high
school students to use as a guide for their STAR Event competition at state and
ii. FCCLA Planning Process Summary Page: Complete a one 8.5 X 11 page
summarizing how each step of the Planning Process was used to develop the
Interior Design Project (Planning Process is outlined in the following pages of the
iii. Project Budget: The project budget should break down the amount of money
allotted for the space by furnishing and design elements (i.e. wall nish, furniture,
lighting, accessories, etc). Each item used in the design should be noted on the
project budget. The budget should be on a single, one-sided sheet of 8.5 X 11
iv. Samples Page(s): Students will create not only a functional space, but also one
that is aesthetically pleasing to the clients. The Samples Page(s) should display
samples of wall and window treatments, oor coverings, fabrics, and other
elements, if applicable-- woodwork, cabinets, countertops, xtures, and
appliances. The page(s) should give the clients very realistic and detailed vision
of what the nished room would look like in terms of material, color, accessory,
and furniture choices.
v. Design Page(s): Students will create a room design for the rooms outlined in the
following scenario. Designs should be aesthetically pleasing and functional.
Designs may be drawn by hand or generated using computer-aided design
software on paper not to exceed 8.5 X 11 paper. The pages should feature the
following elements:
1. The oor plan showing xed architectural features and furniture arrangements
to meet the clients needs (refer to page 222 in your text for common
architectural symbols). The oor plan should use a consistent 1/4=1 foot
measuring scale for the room, xtures, and furnishings. All dimensions should
be noted. Floor plans including dining areas should follow Seating and Trafc
Standards (see pages in module).
2. An appropriately sized wall elevation produced to scale in the chosen color(s)
for one wall of the living/dining room).

Written by professional Interior Designers who are members of the American Society of Interior Design

"#$%&' (%): A grandfaLher ls selllng hls home and conslderlng movlng Lo a local reuremenL
communlLy where many frlends have relocaLed. Aer dlscusslng varlous llvlng opuons wlLh hls
chlldren, he decldes Lo move ln wlLh hls son and famlly. 1he son and daughLer-ln-law have Lhree
chlldren - Lhe youngesL ls ln mlddle school.
1he famlly ls exclLed Lhelr grandfaLher ls comlng Lo llve wlLh Lhem. 1hey wanL Lo ensure he ls
properly welcomed buL Lhey also wanL Lo preserve hls lndependence, prlvacy and llfesLyle. 1he
famlly has a u-shaped ranch home wlLh a courLyard and connecLed garage. Lven Lhough Lhe home
has a basemenL guesL room as well as a maln oor home omce LhaL could be converLed Lo a
bedroom, Lhe grandfaLher and son have declded Lo use some of Lhe money from Lhe sale of hls
home Lo converL Lhe sLandard Lwo car garage lnLo a personal llvlng space for Lhe grandfaLher. 1he
exlsung common soclal spaces and klLchen wlll be shared by all famlly members. 1he u-shaped
house surrounds a courLyard wlLh Lhe garage on Lhe wesL, a dlnlng room wlLh slldlng doors on Lhe
souLh, and Lhe son and daughLer-ln-law's masLer bedroom, wlLh slldlng doors, on Lhe easL slde.

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1he sLudenL deslgner wlll deslgn and furnlsh Lwo ad[acenL spaces for Lhe cllenLs.
a. 1he garage converslon Lo a llvlng space for Lhe grandfaLher
b. 1he courLyard lnLo an ouLdoor llvlng space
1he sLudenL deslgner wlll creaLe Lhe requlred oor plan showlng Lhe proposed changes Lo Lhe
garage wlLhouL changlng Lhe fooLprlnL dlmenslons. 1he sLudenL deslgner wlll approach boLh areas
as lf Lhey were whlLe boxes.
45- 6#0#7- 8)9:-0;%)9 wlll oer a mulu-purpose prlvaLe space for Lhe grandfaLher. lL wlll lnclude a
small omce space deslgnaLed for handllng hls personal mauers, readlng, waLchlng Lelevlslon and
for sleeplng. Pe and hls laLe wlfe were marrled forLy-slx years and had many famlly phoLos,
memorabllla, and keepsakes whlch he wlll need Lo dlsplay or sLore. LxLra sLorage wlll be needed. ln
addluon Lo hls hobbles, he drlves, volunLeers ln Lhe communlLy and perlodlcally geLs LogeLher wlLh
frlends. Lven Lhough Lhe grandfaLher ls healLhy and dolng well, arLhrlus ln hls hands and back ls a
degenerauve condluon. Pe wlll have Lhe use of an exlsung ad[acenL full baLh and uullLy room area
enLerlng Lhe house from Lhe garage. Pe wanLs dlrecL access Lo Lhe ouLdoor llvlng space. Meals wlll
be wlLh Lhe famlly.
1he cllenL wlll provlde all furnlshlngs, a queen slze bed, dresser, slde Lables, desk and chalr,
compuLer, bookshelves, a chalr and ouoman, an end Lable, lamps, a round Lable and chalrs
LhaL seaLs Lwo and a medlum slze Lelevlslon on a sLand.
(<=7-2 /<0+5#;-;3 1he sLudenL deslgner wlll selecL all oor, wall, wlndow and celllng
LreaLmenLs, and nlshes. 1he sLudenL deslgner ls Lo creaLe a welcomlng enLrance and show
exLerlor archlLecLural deLalls of Lhe garage renovauon.

45- ><2=))0 ?%:%97 *,#+- 1he exlsung concreLe courLyard wlll be updaLed Lo an ouLdoor llvlng
space wlLh planungs. lannlng of Lhe space should lnclude seaung and dlnlng for 12-13 people.
1he cllenL wlll provlde: a Lable and chalrs for slx.
(<=7-2 /<0+5#;-;3 1he sLudenL deslgner wlll selecL all oor, wall, wlndow and celllng
LreaLmenLs as approprlaLe for Lhe deslgn soluuon, nlshes, furnlshlngs, llghung, and

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*1he famlly cherlshes Lhe rlch Lradluons of Lhelr culLure. 1hey wanL Lhe ouLdoor llvlng room
Lo reecL Lhelr culLural herlLage and be a place for celebrauons wlLh famlly and frlends
LhroughouL Lhe year.
*lL ls lmporLanL Lo Lhe son LhaL Lhe garage converslon creaLes a welcomlng, comforLable and
safe space for Lhe grandfaLher buL also an auracuve exLerlor LhaL does noL reLaln resldual
deslgn elemenLs of a garage.
*A prlvaLe exLerlor enLrance for Lhe grandfaLher.
*1he use of susLalnable maLerlals
*unlversal deslgn feaLures Lo allow Lhe grandparenL Lo llve lndependenLly and prlvaLely now
and ln Lhe fuLure.
*1he ouLdoor llvlng space wlll be used dally by Lhe famlly.
*1he geographlc locauon of Lhls home wlll be deLermlned by Lhe sLudenL deslgnerB

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a. A space plan and furnlLure plan for only Lhe Lwo ad[acenL spaces: garage converslon and ouLdoor
llvlng space (color opuonal). 1he square fooLage wlll be deLermlned by Lhe sLudenL deslgner Lo
accommodaLe Lhe deslgn soluuon.
b. A 2-u elevauon ln color showlng Lhe exLerlor of Lhe garage where Lhe garage doors were
removed. 1hls should lnclude Lhe full wldLh and helghL of Lhe garage wlLh new archlLecLural deLalls.
c. ueslgn samples whlch represenL Lhe acLual producLs Lhe sLudenL deslgner lnLends Lo use ln Lhe
Lwo spaces.
d. lurnlLure, accessorles and llghung Lo lndlcaLe culLural herlLage.
e. 1he pro[ecL budgeL should lnclude: maLerlal cosL for oor, wall, wlndow and (opuonal) celllng
LreaLmenLs, nlshes, requesLed furnlshlngs, llghung, and accessorles. 1he cllenLs have noL
esLabllshed a budgeL aL Lhls ume buL would llke Lhe sLudenL deslgner Lo make aordable
recommendauons. 1he consLrucuon, PvAC and elecLrlcal work wlll be ouLsourced and noL lncluded
ln Lhe budgeL. 1he pro[ecL budgeL should noL lnclude: labor cosLs, Laxes, lnsLallauon, frelghL, or
fees. 1he pro[ecL budgeL should lndlcaLe Lhe oorlng maLerlal, Lhe LoLal square fooLage and Lhe cosL
of Lhe susLalnable oor LreaLmenL for Lhe garage converslon.
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1he sLudenL deslgner should comply wlLh Lhe nk8A lannlng
Culdellnes (klLchen 8 & 9) for approprlaLe seaung and Lramc clearances for dlnlng ln Lhe ouLdoor
llvlng space. See your advlser for Lhe fall chapLer malllng lnserL feaLurlng Lhe nk8A lannlng
Culdellnes (klLchen 8&9). 1o order Lhe compleLe seL of nk8A klLchen & 8aLh lannlng Culdellnes
call nk8A CusLomer Servlce aL 1 800-1PL-nk8A (800-843-6322).
Fan||y, Career and CcnnUn|ty Leaders cf Aner|ca, nc.

vvv.fcc|a|nc.crg HEPHOOUClLE
FCC|A P|arr|r Prccess
S0nnary Pae
8: Traffic Clearance at Seating
(National Kitchen & Bath Association Standards, 2008)
In a seating area where no traffic passes behind a seated diner, allow 32 of clearance
from the counter/table edge to any wall or other obstruction behind the seating area.
a. If traffic passes behind the seated diner, allow at least 36 to edge past.
b. If traffic passes behind the seated diner, allow at least 44 to walk past.
Code Requirement:
State or local codes may apply.
Access Standard
In a seating area where no traffic passes behind a seated diner allow 36 of clearance
from the counter/table edge to any wall or other obstruction behind the seating area.
If traffic passes behind the seated diner, plan a minimum of 60 to allow passage for a
person in a wheelchair.
9: Seating Clearance
(National Kitchen & Bath Association Standards, 2008)
Kitchen seating areas should incorporate at least the following clearances:
a. 30 high tables/counters: Allow a 24 wide x 18 deep knee space for each
seated diner and at least 18 of clear knee space
b. 36 high counters: Allow a 24 wide x 15 deep knee space for each seated diner
and at least 15 of clear knee space.
c. 42 high counters: Allow a 24 wide x 12 deep knee space for each seated diner
and 12 of clear knee space.
Code Requirement:
State or local codes may apply.
Access Standard
Kitchen seating areas should be 28 34 high x 30 36 wide x 19 deep to better
accommodate people of various sizes or those using a mobility aid.
Recommended minimum size for a knee space at a table or counter is 36 wide x 27
high x 19 deep.

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